Trump Shooter Alias @epicmicrowave A Clue For The Hidden Threats to America’s Youth From Microwave Exposure

As of July 11, 2024, there have been 35 school shootings reported, a number that seems alarmingly high, parents have about a 1 in 6 million chance that they are raising a school shooter.  when compared to winning the Powerball jackpot at close to 1 in 300 million. This raises a disturbing question: Is it now more likely to raise an unstable child than to win the lottery?  I can assure you I was born in an era that every parent could have said – you’d have a better chance of winning the lottery than my child being a school shooter.   Well, not today it seems!  What could be causing this unsettling trend?

Stephen King’s “Cell” and Real-World Parallels

Stephen King’s novel Cell explores a dystopian scenario in which a mysterious microwave signal broadcast over cell phone networks turns people into mindless, violent zombies. While the radiation from cell phones may not transform individuals into brain-eating zombies, it raises a parallel concern: prolonged exposure to microwave radiation could be subtly altering the behavior and development of today’s youth. The compounded effects of microwave radiation exposure may contribute to making teens less “stable,” affecting their cognitive functions, hormonal balances, and overall mental health.

The EpicMicrowave: Unveiling the Hidden Threats to America’s Youth

The alias @epicmicrowave, linked to Thomas Matthew Crooks, the attempted assassin of former President Donald Trump, has ignited conversations beyond its immediate implications. As we look deeper into this pseudonym, we uncover a potentially sinister connection between the term “microwave” and the “epic” increase in health and societal issues plaguing America’s youth.

From shootings and cancers to mental health disorders and gender identity confusion, the role of microwave radiation, particularly from cell phones and wi-fi, emerges as a potential silent culprit. This feature explores the reasons behind the rise of these issues and whether the alias @epicmicrowave leaves a clue to understanding these growing problems.

Is Microwave Radiation A Pubic Health Threat Of Epic Proportions?

Giving your child a cell phone or other high-EMF devices, including a Wi-Fi router in their room, can disrupt their healthy development and set the stage for potential sociological problems, as well as physical ones. The radiation emitted by cell phones is a significant hormone disruptor, particularly affecting testosterone levels. Lower testosterone can impair male development, leading to a cascade of health issues during the already challenging period of puberty.

The Health Effects of Microwave Radiation

Microwave Radiation and Brain Health: Microwave radiation from cell phones and other wireless devices has been a growing concern for scientists. Research has shown that exposure to this type of non-ionizing radiation can lead to various neurological effects. A study published in the “Journal of Chemical Neuroanatomy” found that microwave radiation can alter brain activity, leading to changes in cognitive function and behavior​ (The Independent)​​ (TMZ)​. This raises the question: could prolonged exposure to microwave radiation be contributing to the increase in violent behaviors and mental health disorders among young people?

Hormonal Imbalances and Developmental Issues: During puberty, the brain and body undergo significant changes regulated by hormones. Exposure to microwave radiation has been shown to disrupt hormonal balances, including testosterone levels. Research in the “Journal of Andrology” found that microwave radiation can decrease testosterone levels in male rats, which could potentially lead to developmental issues during puberty. Hormonal imbalances can result in mood swings, aggression, and other behavioral changes, which might explain some of the rising violent tendencies observed in youth today.

Cancer Risks: The National Toxicology Program (NTP) has found clear evidence of carcinogenic activity in rats exposed to high levels of cell phone radiation. This finding is alarming, especially considering that current FCC guidelines do not account for non-thermal biological effects of microwave radiation. With the Biden administration ending the funding for the NTP’s research, the potential long-term cancer risks for humans, particularly children and teenagers, remain inadequately explored and addressed.

Societal Impacts: Crime, Hate, and Gender Identity

Crime and Violence: The link between microwave radiation and aggressive behavior extends beyond the individual to societal levels. Increased exposure to radiation could be a contributing factor to the rise in crime and violence. Studies have suggested that environmental factors, including exposure to certain types of radiation, can influence behavior and exacerbate underlying mental health issues. The alias @epicmicrowave might hint at a broader societal problem where the very technology that connects us is also driving us apart through increased aggression and violence.

Gender Identity and Mental Health: The rising prevalence of gender identity issues among youth is another complex phenomenon that may be influenced by environmental factors. Hormonal disruptions caused by microwave radiation exposure could play a role in gender dysphoria and other identity issues. Additionally, mental health problems such as anxiety and depression, which are exacerbated by radiation exposure, could further complicate the already challenging process of identity formation during adolescence​​.

Hate and Division: The rise in hate crimes and societal division could also be indirectly linked to the pervasive presence of microwave radiation. Psychological stress, hormonal imbalances, and cognitive impairments caused by radiation exposure can lead to increased irritability, intolerance, and aggressive behaviors. These changes can foster environments where hate and division thrive, contributing to a more fractured and hostile society​.

The Need for Updated Guidelines and Research

Outdated FCC Guidelines: The FCC’s current safety guidelines for cell phone radiation, established in the 1990s, focus primarily on thermal effects and do not consider the significant non-thermal biological effects. As technology evolves and our usage patterns change, these guidelines must be updated to reflect current scientific understanding. The growing body of evidence suggesting non-thermal effects on health, particularly among children and teenagers, underscores the urgency of revisiting these standards​.

Research Funding and Public Awareness: The discontinuation of funding for critical research into the health effects of microwave radiation is a significant setback. Public awareness campaigns and educational initiatives are essential to inform people about the potential risks and promote safer usage practices. Schools, parents, and communities need to be proactive in minimizing exposure to microwave radiation, particularly for young people​​.

Personal and Societal Actions

Minimizing Exposure: Individuals can take steps to reduce their exposure to microwave radiation. Using speakerphones or air-tube headsets and keeping devices away from the body are simple yet effective measures. Parents should encourage these practices among children to safeguard their health.

Policy and Regulation: Policymakers must prioritize public health over technological advancement. Implementing stricter regulations, funding independent research, and ensuring transparency in reporting health risks are crucial steps. Advocacy groups and concerned citizens should push for these changes to protect future generations.

The Case for Change

The combination of RFR from cell phones and the physiological demands of puberty can create a perfect storm for health issues. Lower testosterone levels hinder a boy’s ability to develop into a healthy male, increasing the risks associated with hormonal imbalances. This scenario is not just a theoretical risk; it is a reality supported by growing scientific evidence.

Scientific Evidence of RFR Impact on Hormones

Numerous studies have highlighted the nonthermal effects of cell phone radiation on hormone production, particularly testosterone. These findings suggest that prolonged exposure to RFR from wireless devices can significantly reduce testosterone levels, a hormone critical for male puberty and overall health.

  • Bahaodini et al. (2015): Continuous exposure to low-frequency EMF significantly reduced testosterone levels and sperm motility in male rats.
  • Maluin et al. (2021): A systematic review indicated that 85% of animal studies reported significant decreases in testosterone levels due to RF-EMR exposure.
  • Meo et al. (2010): Significant reduction in serum testosterone levels in Wistar albino rats exposed to mobile phone radiation for 60 minutes daily over three months.

Combined Effects of RFR and Blue Light

Additional research has shown that blue light exposure, particularly at night, can accelerate the onset of puberty by reducing melatonin levels and inducing hormonal changes. The combined effects of RFR and blue light exposure could exacerbate hormonal imbalances in children, leading to premature puberty and potentially unsuspected outcomes.

Very BAD Fatherly Advice By Elon Musk!

“If I had a helmet of cell phones strapped around my head, and around my nuts, I wouldn’t be worried” — @elonmusk

Very Good Fatherly Advice By Andrew Huberman!

Andrew Huberman Sheds Light On The Impact of Cell Phones & EMFs On Reduce Sperm Health & Testosterone …

Practical Advice for Fathers

As fathers, it’s crucial to be present and offer guidance to help our sons grow into healthy men. Here are some practical steps to consider:

  1. Turn off Wi-Fi while the cell phone is in your pocket: Reducing exposure to EMFs can potentially mitigate their impact on hormone levels.
  2. Educate about the effects of cell phone radiation: Awareness is the first step toward prevention. Explain the science and encourage healthier habits.
  3. Encourage balanced use of technology: Limit the duration and intensity of exposure to wireless devices.
  4. Promote overall health and confidence: Support activities and habits that build confidence and well-being, including physical exercise, healthy eating, and open communication.

Educate Parents: Raise awareness about the risks of cell phone radiation and provide proper safety advice for managing exposure.

In a world where parents unknowingly expose their children to harmful radiation by giving them cell phones, we must fight to protect their health and development. The evidence is clear: cell phone radiation disrupts hormones, increasing the risk of unintended consequences. It is time to address this issue head-on, ensuring that our children grow up in an environment that supports their healthy development. By taking these steps, we can safeguard their future and prevent the unintended health consequences of modern wireless technology.


The alias @epicmicrowave may be more than just a username; it could be a clue to understanding a broader societal issue. The potential health risks of microwave radiation from cell phones, especially on the developing brains and bodies of teenagers, are significant. As we grapple with rising violence, mental health disorders, and societal divisions, it is imperative to consider the unseen influences of our technological environment. By addressing these concerns with robust scientific research and updated safety guidelines, we can work towards a healthier, more harmonious future for America’s youth.

Footage of Trump shooter challenged in puberty as a result of an epic amount of microwave exposure? Science says – maybe! 


Warning: graphic language! 




Exposure to RF-EMF may lead to different adverse health effects ranging from impaired fetal development and Reactive Oxygen Species (ROS) production to decreased number and size of neurospheres as well as the percentage of cells differentiated into neurons in irradiated neural stem cells (NSCs). In many countries, there are warnings regarding the usage of mobile phones by children due to the possible harmful effects of radiofrequency electromagnetic radiation, which is classified as Class 2B. Children are believed to be more vulnerable to radiation in certain parts of the electromagnetic spectrum and absorb more radiofrequency radiation than adults. The long-term effects of children’s exposure to RF-EMF from mobile phones and wireless technologies are not fully understood, so it is important to avoid overexposure to protect their cognitive function. To this end, it is recommended to set time limits for cell phone use by children, and authorities in each country should establish radiation standards that prioritize the health and well-being of children.

In a study conducted on children aged 9-11 years, spot electric field measurements within 100 kHz – 6 GHz were performed in the vicinity of children’s houses. Assessing neurocognitive and behavioral functions showed that most cognitive and behavioral parameters were not affected by RF exposure. However, children who lived in areas with higher RF exposure levels had lower scores for verbal expression or comprehension and higher scores for internalizing and total problems and obsessive-compulsive and post-traumatic stress disorders. These researchers concluded that a proportion of their findings showed that low-level environmental RF-EMF exposure adversely affects children’s cognitive and behavioral development.

Warille et al. in 2015 reviewed the literature on the health effects of the exposure of children to low levels of electromagnetic fields (EMF) generated by electrical power sources and mobile phones. They reported that some evidence shows that human exposure can cause cognitive and behavioral impairments. Warille et al. concluded that due to the rapid spread of wireless devices, it is now very important to increase public awareness of potential health effects and to safeguard the healthy brain development of children.

Chinese researchers in 2015 performed a study to assess the potential gender-dependent effects of exposure to microwave radiation on cognitive dysfunction. They investigated whether in utero exposure to microwave radiation (9.417 GHz) during pregnancy in mice alters animal behavior. The findings of this study showed that male offspring revealed decreased learning and memory. However, female mice were not affected. Therefore, they claimed that the adverse effects of microwave radiation are gender-dependent.

Another study that was aimed at assessing the effects of RF-EMF emitted by mobile phones on the event-related brain oscillatory electroencephalogram (EEG) responses in children performing an auditory memory task showed that RF-EMF emitted by mobile phones could affect children’s brain oscillatory responses during cognitive processing. Regarding the effects of RF-EMF on children’s cognitive performance, Feychting stated that in spite of the existence of different symptoms and effects on cognitive function in adults, these studies cannot confirm that the observed symptoms are caused by the RF-EMF.

A study conducted in Korea by Byun examined the non-cognitive effects of mobile phone use on 2,422 children from 27 elementary schools in 10 different cities. The children were tested and followed up after two years, and their parents were given a questionnaire that included questions about mobile phone use, socio-demographic factors, and ADHD symptoms. The study found a significant link between mobile phone use for voice calls and an increased risk of ADHD symptoms. The researchers concluded that simultaneous exposure to lead and RF from mobile phone use was associated with this increased risk. Another study was conducted in Denmark on pregnant women enrolled in the Danish National Birth Cohort. The women were interviewed during gestation and when their children were 6 months, 18 months, and 7 years old to investigate a possible relationship between cell phone use and hearing loss. Although weak associations were observed, the analyses, including data from 52,680 children, did not show that cell phone exposure adversely affected hearing.

Rapid advances in information and communication technologies (ICT) have made schools employ the latest educational technologies and progressively use these technologies in their curriculum. Whether wireless technologies can be a part of the schools’ ICT is now a challenging worldwide issue. Although current exposure standards for RF-EMFs were basically set three decades ago to prevent possible thermal effects, currently used mobile phones, which do not typically induce significant thermal effects, may be linked to adverse health effects such as impairment of the nervous system, sleep problems, hearing and reproductive health problems, and increased cancer risk. There is now a debate over this point that manufacturers test their wireless devices at a distance much greater than the distance between these devices and children’s bodies, creating exposure levels far in excess of the tested levels.

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