

RFK Jr Needs To Fight The Wireless Industry Over Section 704 of TCA, Not Our Children For Carring A Cell Phone

I’m glad to see RFK Jr. highlighting the dangers of cell phone exposure in schools—it’s long overdue. However, parents don’t have to wait for government mandates to limit children from using cell phones at school. Parents can and should educate their children about cell phone use at school and the harmful effects of microwave radiation from cell phones to encourage them not to use phones during school hours. This can be done without government intervention.  Just be good parents……..

Now, France has been commendable in proactively protecting children at school from microwave exposure. However, as Americans, we don’t have to follow anyone; we should lead the way.

RFK Jr. has rightly identified the harms—depression, poor academic performance, suicidal ideation, and substance abuse—that can result from excessive cellphone and social media use. But why is he focusing on removing cellphones from kids’ hands when he should be confronting the real issue—the unconstitutional laws that leave parents powerless?

Section 704 of the Telecommunications Act (TCA) directly violates our First and Tenth Amendment rights by forbidding parents from challenging the placement of cell towers based on health concerns. Many children, including my own kindergartner, sit just 465 feet from a cell tower—only a third of the safe minimum distance recommended by scientific experts (1500 feet).

We can’t protect our children effectively if laws continue to place corporate profits above public health. It’s time for leaders to stop fighting the easy fights that parents can manage themselves and start tackling the root cause: unjust regulations and lack of accountability in the wireless industry.

RFK Jr., it’s time to challenge Section 704 directly. It’s also imperative that you immediately reinstate funding for the National Toxicology Program (NTP), halted by the Biden administration in 2024, despite clear evidence linking wireless radiation to cancer. This action violates Public Law 90-602, which mandates ongoing research into the health effects of radiation-emitting devices.

The FCC must no longer be allowed to regulate RF safety standards without proper medical oversight. Responsibility for RF safety should return to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).

Instead of merely removing cellphones, mandate safer alternatives like LiFi technology in schools and all wireless devices. Just as automotive emissions regulations were enforced for public health, so must wireless emissions be regulated.

I am available to share my extensive experience and knowledge on this subject and discuss solutions that prioritize our children’s health and future.

John Coates 727-610-1188 Patent Holder of Advanced LiFi Technology with Biodefense Mode (US11700058B2)

It’s time we moved beyond the microwave age and embraced the safer, healthier era of light-based technology – the Light Age!

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