

2nd Open Letter to RFK Jr. on Industry Regulatory Capture and the FCC

Lots of name drops but no FCC? Let’s not leave out the FCC. It sounds like you are getting soft on us #RFKJr !

“President Trump and I are going to replace the corrupt industry-captured officials with honest public servants.”

This is the 2nd Open Letter to RFK Jr. on Industry Regulatory Capture and the FCC


Dear RFK Jr.,

I’ve long admired your dedication to exposing regulatory capture and fighting for public health. Your recent message on partnering with President Trump to clean up regulatory agencies was a powerful call to action, but it left out a critical issue: the Federal Communications Commission (FCC)—perhaps the most captured regulatory body in the history of public health.

The FCC’s failure to update RF-EMF safety guidelines—which are still based on outdated science from 1996—has allowed the wireless industry to externalize environmental and health costs, making trillions of dollars while suppressing research and ignoring mounting evidence of harm. This is not just a minor regulatory oversight; it is a public health crisis. The proliferation of wireless technology, without adequate safety oversight, has been linked to a variety of health problems, including cancer, neurodegenerative diseases, and birth defects. Yet, the wireless industry, protected by these outdated standards, has conveniently deflected responsibility for these issues onto other environmental factors.

As you champion transparency and reform in agencies like the CDC, NIH, and FDA, it is imperative that we also address the systemic issues at the FCC. Without serious reforms, chronic disease, which you rightly prioritize, will continue to rise, exacerbated by unchecked RF-EMF exposure. The FCC’s negligence must be part of any meaningful public health reform agenda. I urge you to include the FCC in your statements and push for comprehensive reviews of wireless safety standards to protect all Americans, especially our children, from the hidden dangers of unchecked wireless expansion – like 5G.

We stand with you in your fight to Make America Healthy Again, but this fight will not be complete without confronting the wireless industry’s stranglehold on the FCC.


John Coates

Founder, RF Safe

Tel: 727 610 1188

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