

5G Effects: The Next-Gen Threat

5G isn’t just another upgrade—it’s a leap into higher frequencies (millimeter waves) that can penetrate skin, alter cellular membranes, and potentially trigger deeper biological effects. These studies go beyond the PR hype, highlighting exactly why health officials should be double-checking these new exposures.

1. Millimeter (MM) Wave and Microwave Frequency Radiation: Deeply Penetrating Effects

Reference: Pall, M. (2021). Reviews on Environmental Health. Straight Shot:

  • Pall dissects the biology and physics of millimeter-wave radiation, concluding it can deeply penetrate tissues.
  • This isn’t your standard smartphone wave—5G can disrupt internal processes more aggressively.

2. Temperature Rise in Multilayer Tissues from Narrow-Beam Millimeter-Wave RF

Reference: [Gajda, G.B., et al. (2019). Health Physics 117(3):254-266.] Straight Shot:

  • A model showing how 5G’s focused beams can heat deeper layers of the skin.
  • Minimal heat? Maybe. But repeated exposure accumulates over time.

3. Untargeted Metabolomics: Human Keratinocytes at 60 GHz

Reference: Pogam, P., et al. (2019). Scientific Reports 9(9343). Straight Shot:

  • Millimeter-wave exposure changed cell membrane permeability in human skin cells.
  • More porous membranes = bigger risk of toxins entering or vital molecules leaking.

4. Ocular Response to Millimeter Wave Under Varying Humidity

Reference: Kojima, M., et al. (2019). Journal of Infrared Milli Terahz Waves 40:574–584. Straight Shot:

  • Eyes are super-sensitive. Study notes corneal damage risk from 5G-level frequencies.
  • Blinking can’t fix repeated thermal shock to the eye.

5. Leech Nociceptors Activated by Millimeter Wave via TRPV1-Like Receptor

Reference: Romanenko, S., et al. (2019). Biophysical Journal 116(12):2331-2345. Straight Shot:

  • TRPV1 is the ‘pain receptor’ linked to heat/spicy foods. 60 GHz signals triggered it in leeches.
  • If it does that in leeches, guess what might happen in human nerves?

6. Deriving Safety Limits for 5G Exposure Based on Thermal Dose

Reference: Neufeld, E., et al. (2018). Health Physics Society 115(6):705-711. Straight Shot:

  • Shakes up the notion that current safety limits suffice for time-varying 5G signals.
  • We might be basing “safety” on outmoded guidelines ignoring novel beam specifics.

7. Towards 5G: Are There Health Implications?

Reference: Ciaula, A.D. (2018). International Journal of Hygiene and Environmental Health 367-375. Straight Shot:

  • Summarizes existing concerns: neurological, reproductive, and cellular damage from high-frequency waves.
  • Calls for an immediate moratorium on mass rollout until we have real data.

8. 5G Wireless Expansion: Public Health & Environmental Implications

Reference: Russell, C.L. (2018). Environmental Research 165:484-495. Straight Shot:

  • Highlights the potential for severe ecological and human health impacts.
  • Bird, bee, insect—none are immune to stronger beams.

9. The Human Skin As A Sub-THz Receiver—Danger or Not?

Reference: Betzalel, N., et al. (2018). Environmental Research 163:208-216. Straight Shot:

  • Argues skin’s sweat ducts act like helical antennas, absorbing 5G’s sub-THz frequencies.
  • That’s a direct path to internal resonance and potential tissue stress.

10. Modeling Sun-THz Radiation Absorbance by Human Skin

Reference: Betzalel, N., et al. (2017). IEEE Transactions on Terahertz Science and Technology 7(5):521-528. Straight Shot:

  • Sun’s THz vs. 5G signals—human skin soaks them similarly.
  • Shine a 5G beam on you long enough, it’s a new kind of “sunburn.”

11. Human Exposure to RF Fields in 5G Downlink

Reference: Nasim, I., et al. (2017). Georgia Southern University. Straight Shot:

  • Overviews how 5G downlink beams penetrate at different angles.
  • Suggests we might be underestimating “worst-case” exposures.

12. The Human Body & Millimeter-Wave Wireless: Interactions & Implications

Reference: Wu, T., et al. (2015). IEEE International Conference on Communications. Straight Shot:

  • Summarizes potential for heat, pain, and possible morphological changes.
  • They call for more rigorous risk assessments—still MIA from mainstream rollouts.

13. Biological Effects at 40-60 GHz: State of Knowledge

Reference: Drean, Y., et al. (2013). Comptes Rendus Physique 14(5):402-411. Straight Shot:

  • 2013 review flags multiple harmful changes—before 5G was even “official.”
  • The big question: why no large-scale epidemiological study first?

14. Millimeter Waves & Cell Membranes: A Brief Review

Reference: Ramundo-Orlando, A. (2010). Journal of Infrared, Millimeter, and Terahertz Waves 31(12):1400-1411. Straight Shot:

  • Disturbing evidence that millimeter waves can alter membrane channels and protein folding.
  • “Brief review” but weighty conclusion: be cautious with these frequencies.

15. Human Skin as Arrays of Helical Antennas for Millimeter & Submillimeter Waves

Reference: Feldman, Y., et al. (2008). The American Physical Society 100(12):128102. Straight Shot:

  • Skin sweat ducts basically function like tiny conductive channels, resonating with 5G.
  • That’s not just wild theory—this is proven physics.

Final Word

5G: marketed as faster streaming and instant connections, but at what invisible cost? The leap to millimeter-wave frequencies penetrates deeper, alters cell membranes, can superheat small tissue areas, and maybe triggers pain receptors. We’re rolling it out worldwide without big-time comprehensive safety checks. If that doesn’t concern you, maybe it should. Let’s stop ignoring the science before “faster downloads” overshadow basic health precautions.

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