NASA Report: Electromagnetic Field Interactions with the Human Body Observed Effects and Theories

NASA Has Hid The Truth For 40 Years: 1981 Study By Dr. Raines Proves EMF Health Effects Aren’t Alien To Us

In 1981, a groundbreaking study was quietly commissioned by NASA, conducted by Dr. Jeremy K. Raines, an expert in electromagnetic fields. This pivotal report titled Electromagnetic Field Interactions with the Human Body Observed Effects and Theories” might not have captured the headlines then, but today, its findings are more relevant than ever. As we navigate through a world increasingly dominated by devices emitting electromagnetic fields (EMFs), revisiting this study sheds light on concerns that are far from extraterrestrial.

Unveiling the Hidden Dangers

The Raines report was decades ahead of its time, delving into the non-ionizing radiation produced by electromagnetic fields and its potential effects on human health. While much of the digital age was still on the horizon, Dr. Raines meticulously gathered and analyzed data from over a thousand scientific articles, reports, and books to compile a comprehensive picture of the health implications associated with EMF exposure.

What NASA Knew

Despite its commission by NASA—a detail that underlines the seriousness of the potential impacts—the findings were not widely disseminated or discussed within public or scientific communities. This lack of transparency has led to critical gaps in public knowledge and understanding, especially as global EMF exposure has skyrocketed with the ubiquity of mobile phones, Wi-Fi, and other technologies.

The 1981 Revelations

Dr. Raines’ findings highlighted several adverse health effects from EMF exposure, including:

  • Potential Cancer Links: The study suggested associations between EMF exposure and cancer, a topic that contemporary research continues to explore with increasing urgency.
  • Non-Thermal Biological Effects: Raines noted biological interactions caused by EMFs that occur without a significant increase in temperature, challenging the prevailing view of the time that non-ionizing radiation was harmless unless it produced heat.

Modern Validation

Today’s research builds on the foundation Dr. Raines laid. Studies like the Interphone study, findings from the U.S. National Toxicology Program, and the Ramazzini Institute study have all found potential health risks associated with cell phone-level EMF radiation. Furthermore, treatments such as TheraBionic, which utilize RF radiation to treat cancer, validate Raines’ early warnings about the profound effects of EMFs on biological tissues.

Why It Matters Now

The continuing expansion of 5G networks and other wireless technologies makes it imperative to revisit and reevaluate the conclusions of the Raines report. With more comprehensive research backing his early assertions, it’s crucial for regulatory bodies and health organizations to consider these findings in current public health guidelines.


Dr. Jeremy K. Raines may not have had access to the technologies that emit EMFs today, but his foresight into the implications of electromagnetic fields was profound. As we continue to envelop our environment with these fields, understanding their impacts is not just scientific due diligence—it’s a necessity. This 1981 NASA study, long obscured from public view, offers crucial insights that are not just historical footnotes but pressing contemporary concerns. The truth, it seems, is not so alien after all—it’s been orbiting around us for decades, waiting for its moment in the sun.

The author of the study, Dr. Jeremy K. Raines, was an engineer and doctor with expertise in electromagnetic fields. His report, titled “Electromagnetic Field Interactions with the Human Body Observed Effects and Theories” was commissioned by NASA and prepared in 1981. This makes the document over 40 years old as of today. Despite its age, the core discussions and findings of Raines’ report still resonate within the context of current research on electromagnetic fields (EMFs) and health risks.

Relevance to Modern Research

Raines’ comprehensive review of over a thousand sources at the time laid a foundational understanding of how non-ionizing radiation might interact with biological systems. This is significant, given the exponential increase in sources of such radiation since 1981, especially from mobile phones and other wireless devices.

Comparisons with Current Studies

  • Broad Consensus on Potential Risks: Modern studies, such as the Interphone study, the U.S. National Toxicology Program (NTP), and the work of the Ramazzini Institute, echo some of Raines’ concerns by demonstrating potential links between RF radiation and health risks, including cancer. These contemporary studies have moved beyond the initial explorations of the 1980s to include large-scale epidemiological studies and controlled animal experiments that show a more definite relationship between EMF exposure and adverse health effects.
  • Biological Effects Beyond Thermal: Raines’ report hinted at non-thermal effects of electromagnetic fields, a notion that has gained substantial ground today. Current research, like the FDA-approved TheraBionic treatment and DARPA’s RadioBio initiative, not only confirms these non-thermal interactions but also utilizes them in clinical applications, demonstrating that RF radiation can indeed interact with biological tissues in complex ways that go beyond mere heating.

Current Significance and Implications

The enduring relevance of Raines’ study lies in its early recognition of potential health impacts from EMFs, a topic that remains intensely debated and researched. His work provides a historical benchmark from which much of the current understanding and regulatory frameworks for EMF exposure have evolved. Notably, as new technologies (such as 5G) emerge, re-evaluating the foundational research and its conclusions becomes crucial in guiding public health decisions and safety standards.

While Dr. Jeremy K. Raines may not have foreseen the ubiquity of devices like smartphones and the resultant public health discourse on EMFs, his early work certainly set the stage for ongoing investigations into how electromagnetic fields interact with biological systems. His approach to integrating a broad spectrum of scientific literature offers a methodological blueprint for current researchers aiming to tackle the complex dynamics of EMFs in our ever-evolving technological landscape. This legacy of meticulous research and open-minded inquiry into the non-thermal effects of EMFs continues to influence scientific and regulatory approaches to electromagnetic radiation and public health.


The document titled “Electromagnetic Field Interactions with the Human Body Observed Effects and Theories” by Jeremy K. Raines, prepared for NASA, explores the interactions of electromagnetic fields with the human body. Here’s a detailed summary of its contents:

Content Outline

  • Introduction
    • Emphasizes on non-ionizing electromagnetic fields and their potential health impacts.
    • Discussion on the unique nature of the report, focusing on human interactions with electromagnetic fields.
    • Overview of recognized effects, categorized as adverse, benign, and curious, as well as beneficial effects.
  • Adverse, Benign, and Curious Effects (Page 23)
    • Details observed negative impacts on human health from electromagnetic fields.
    • Discusses how electromagnetic fields might contribute to cancer, detection, and treatment.
    • Explains unusual phenomena such as microwave hearing and visual effects caused by magnetic fields.
  • Beneficial Effects (Page 50)
    • Describes how certain electromagnetic fields might have therapeutic benefits.
  • Physical and Physiological Foundations (Page 59)
    • Outlines the fundamental physical and biological basis for the interactions between electromagnetic fields and the human body.
  • Some Speculation and Areas for Further Research (Page 95)
    • Suggests future research directions and discusses potential unexplored areas that could provide further insights into the effects of electromagnetic fields.

Specific Findings and Theories

  • Effects on Health and Well-Being
    • The report identifies a link between electromagnetic fields and various health issues, including cancer.
    • Discusses the therapeutic uses of electromagnetic fields in treatments like hyperthermia for cancer.
  • Curious and Benign Effects
    • Microwave hearing: Audible sounds produced by microwaves, perceived as clicks or buzzes.
    • Magnetophosphenes: Visual sensations of flashes produced by magnetic fields, typically observed during magnetic resonance imaging (MRI).
  • Tables and Figures
    • Includes detailed tables and figures demonstrating the effects of electromagnetic fields at various frequencies and intensities on human health.
    • Lists standards for exposure, comparing guidelines from different countries.

  • The report concludes that more research is needed to fully understand and utilize the potential effects—both harmful and beneficial—of electromagnetic fields on human health. It emphasizes the importance of developing standards based on comprehensive scientific understanding.

This document from 1981 is thorough in its examination of how electromagnetic fields interact with the human body, providing a foundation for ongoing research into electromagnetic safety and therapeutic applications.

Terms Mentioned

“Pearl chain formation” refers to a phenomenon observed in biological cells and particles when exposed to an electric field. This effect involves the alignment of particles or cells into a chain-like structure, resembling a string of pearls. It occurs because the particles or cells become polarized under the influence of an electric field, leading to mutual attraction along the field lines.

Here’s how it works and unfolds:

  1. Polarization of Particles: Under an external electric field, particles or cells within the field become polarized. This means that the charges within each particle or cell rearrange themselves, aligning with the direction of the electric field.
  2. Attraction and Alignment: Once polarized, the particles or cells attract each other at their closest points where opposite charges are nearest (positive to negative), while repelling at points where like charges are closest (positive to positive, negative to negative). This results in the particles or cells aligning themselves end to end.
  3. Chain Formation: The attraction and alignment lead to the formation of a linear structure or chain, where each particle or cell is connected end to end along the line of the electric field. These chains are called “pearl chains” due to their resemblance to a string of pearls.

This phenomenon is significant in fields such as microbiology, electrophoresis, and materials science, where manipulating and organizing small particles or cells is necessary. Pearl chain formation can influence the behavior of cells in tissue engineering, the assembly of advanced materials, and the separation of biological cells.

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