

The Dual Nature of Entropy: Powering Devices and Challenging Living Systems



In the pursuit of technological advancement, humans have profoundly altered the Earth’s electromagnetic (EM) environment. This transformation, largely imperceptible to our senses, has become one of the most significant environmental shifts triggered by human activity, surpassing even the effects of greenhouse gases or pollutants like ozone. As we embrace technologies like ambient backscatter for wireless communication, which operate without internal power sources by utilizing surrounding EM fields, we must also consider the broader implications of these changes on living systems – toxic entropic waste.

The Natural EM Environment and Its Disruption

For billions of years, life on Earth evolved within a stable EM environment. This natural background of electromagnetic fields is not just a passive backdrop; it plays an integral role in biological processes. From the navigation abilities of birds to the circadian rhythms of humans, these natural EM fields are intertwined with the vitality and functionality of myriad organisms.

The Rise of Ambient Technologies

Recent developments in ambient backscatter technology showcase how human ingenuity can harness environmental entropy, the randomness and disorder of systems, for beneficial use. These devices communicate by reflecting and absorbing existing radio waves—a process that doesn’t require battery power. Such innovations could lead to vast networks of self-sustaining devices, from agricultural sensors to health monitors, without the ongoing environmental cost of battery waste and the associated chemical pollution.

The Flip Side: Electromagnetic Smog

However, the same technological prowess that enables ambient backscatter also contributes to what can be termed “electromagnetic smog.” This smog consists of the artificial EM fields generated by countless electronic devices, cellular networks, and other technologies. Unlike natural EM fields, this artificial smog is chaotic and unstructured, increasing the entropy in the environment in ways that living systems are not adapted to handle.

Biological Dissonance

The disruption caused by this increased environmental entropy manifests in various health issues, paralleling the rise of certain medical anomalies over the past few decades, including unusual cancer rates and other health disorders potentially linked to EM exposure. The concern is that while devices can utilize ambient backscatter effectively, the resultant electromagnetic pollution may interfere with the delicate bioelectrical communications within and between living organisms.

A Call for Conscious Technology Use

As we continue to alter the Earth’s electromagnetic landscape, the need for awareness and caution becomes paramount. Technologies like ambient backscatter should be developed and utilized with a consciousness of their broader impacts:

  1. The Urgency of Understanding Wireless Radiation: A Call for Renewed Research and Transparency

    The decision by the National Toxicology Program (NTP) to cease further research into the effects of cell phone radiation marks a pivotal and concerning moment in the ongoing debate over electromagnetic fields (EMF) and their impact on public health. This move, as noted by Dr. Devra Davis, PhD, MPH, reflects a broader trend of governmental reluctance to delve deeper into the potentially harmful effects of wireless technology—an issue that warrants urgent public attention and action.

    A Glaring Gap in Public Health Research

    The NTP’s earlier studies, which cost $30 million and revealed links between radiofrequency radiation (RF) and significant health risks such as cancer and DNA damage, underscore the critical need for continuous and rigorous research. The cessation of these studies, particularly when initial findings point to severe implications for public health, is alarming. It sends a clear message: there is a dire need for advocacy and policy reform to ensure that research on potential health hazards continues unabated and is transparent.

    The Scale of Unchecked Entropic Waste

    Wireless technology, while revolutionizing communication, has also introduced a new form of pollution—entropic waste—that disrupts the natural electromagnetic environment. This disturbance is akin to chemical pollutants in its potential to alter ecosystems and human health subtly but profoundly. The growing body of research indicating the harmful effects of RF radiation—from decreased sperm quality to increased cancer risks—highlights the urgent need to understand and mitigate these impacts.

    The Need for a Proactive Approach

    Dr. Davis’s call for the establishment of a major fund for training, monitoring, and research is a step in the right direction. It is not just about safeguarding human health but also about protecting wildlife and the environment from the pervasive effects of EMF pollution. The example set by France, which actively monitors and regulates EMF emissions, serves as a model worth emulating.

    Funding and Transparency in Research

    The suggestion to impose a minimal fee on device owners, internet providers, and manufacturers to fund independent research is both innovative and practical. Such a fund could facilitate ongoing studies that are free from corporate and political pressures, ensuring that findings are conducted in the public interest.

    Bridging the Knowledge Gap

    It is crucial that the public is informed and engaged in understanding the implications of wireless radiation. Educational initiatives and transparent reporting of research findings are essential components of an effective public health strategy. This would empower individuals to make informed choices and advocate for safer technology practices.

    The cessation of NTP’s research into cell phone radiation represents a critical juncture. As we navigate an increasingly wireless world, the need for independent, well-funded research has never been more apparent. It is not just a matter of scientific inquiry but a profound responsibility towards public health and environmental stewardship. The potential risks associated with RF radiation, as highlighted by earlier studies and experts like Dr. Davis, demand a robust and proactive response—not silence.

    As society grapples with these challenges, it becomes imperative to resume research, enhance transparency, and implement rigorous regulatory measures to mitigate the impacts of this modern entropic waste. The health of our planet and future generations depends on our willingness to address these pressing issues head-on.

Balancing Innovation with Ecological Harmony

Dr. Robert O. Becker and the Legacy of EMF Research: Reflections and Modern Implications

The late Dr. Robert O. Becker, a pioneer in the field of bioelectromagnetics, was ahead of his time in warning about the potential dangers of electromagnetic fields (EMF). His insights, particularly from the 1970s, resonate strongly today as we navigate an increasingly electronic and wireless world. Becker’s contributions highlighted concerns that are more urgent now than ever, especially with the exponential growth of technology that emits EMF.

The Historical Context of Becker’s Work

During a 1977 interview on CBS’s “60 Minutes,” Dr. Becker discussed the toxic entropic waste emitted by technologies, including military radar and communications systems. This was a time when the U.S. Navy, through projects like Seafarer, insisted that low-level RF radiation exposure was safe—a stance aimed at pacifying public concerns about the health impacts of electromagnetic radiation.

EMF and Health: The Debate Continues

Becker’s research and public statements opened a critical dialogue about the biological effects of EMFs, a conversation that has evolved but remains contentious. His work hinted at the dual nature of EMFs, suggesting that while they have therapeutic applications, such as in bone healing, they also pose risks at uncontrolled levels.

Today, the body of evidence concerning the impact of EMFs on health has grown. Major studies, such as those conducted by the U.S. National Toxicology Program and the Ramazzini Institute, continue to explore the links between EMF exposure and health risks, including cancer. These studies reinforce the need for a nuanced understanding of EMF interactions with biological systems—beyond the thermal effects traditionally acknowledged.

Modern Technology and Entropic Waste

As we integrate more wireless technology into our daily lives, the entropic waste—the disorder introduced into natural systems by human activity—becomes a significant concern. Becker’s early warnings about the disruption caused by electromagnetic smog have proven prescient. This “smog” now permeates our living and working environments, with unknown long-term consequences for biological health and ecological stability.

Reflections on Military and Communication Technologies

The military’s role in the early research and deployment of EMF technologies, often shrouded in secrecy and controversy, illustrates the complex balance between national security needs and public health. Projects like Seafarer, which used extremely low-frequency signals to communicate with submarines, underscore the strategic importance of such technologies. However, as Becker pointed out, the potential health implications were downplayed or ignored.

Looking Forward: A Call for Transparency and Continued Research

Dr. Becker’s legacy teaches us the importance of skepticism and the need for robust, transparent research into the effects of new technologies on health. It calls for:

  1. Continued Research: There’s a pressing need for ongoing, independent research into the EMF’s biological effects to better understand and mitigate potential risks.
  2. Regulatory Updates: Regulations regarding EMF emissions must be continually updated to reflect the latest scientific findings and technological developments.
  3. Public Education: Increasing public awareness about the potential effects of EMF exposure is crucial. This includes education on how to minimize unnecessary exposure and use technology more safely.
  4. Balancing Innovation with Precaution: As we develop and deploy new technologies, particularly in defense and communication, we must balance innovation with precautionary measures to protect public health.


Dr. Robert O. Becker’s work is a cornerstone in the ongoing debate about the safety and impact of electromagnetic fields. As we delve deeper into the age of wireless technology, his pioneering research serves as both a warning and a guide, urging us to proceed with caution and a deep commitment to health and environmental integrity. In honoring his contributions, we must continue to scrutinize and regulate the technologies that shape our modern world, ensuring they serve the public good without compromising our health or ecological balance.

The story of ambient backscatter technology reflects a broader narrative about the dual nature of human innovation. While we harness the principles of entropy to power our devices sustainably, we must also ensure that these same principles do not undermine the intricate web of life that has thrived under a stable electromagnetic order for millennia. The challenge ahead is to balance our technological aspirations with the imperative to preserve the Earth’s natural electromagnetic environment—a task that will require ingenuity, moderation, and foresight.

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