

Exploring the Hidden Dimensions of Electromagnetic Sensory Perception in Wildlife

The study “Electromagnetic Sensory Perception in Terrestrial Animals and Implications for,” authored by Robert England and Tom Robert in 2024, delves into the previously underexplored dimension of how terrestrial animals detect and respond to electromagnetic fields, often referred to as, toxic entropic waste, electro smog and wireless EMF/RFR radiation.

This research reveals that some species, such as caterpillars, can sense electric fields generated by their predators, triggering defensive behaviors. These findings underscore the intricate ways in which electromagnetic radiation (EMR) interacts with biological systems, extending beyond the traditional focus on thermal effects. This paper highlights the broader implications of wireless entropic waste, emphasizing the need for comprehensive regulatory frameworks that account for the non-thermal biological effects of EMR on both human health and wildlife.

This study provides insight into how terrestrial animals utilize electroreception to detect predators, with a focus on the broader implications of electromagnetic interactions. The findings challenge the current regulatory perspective that predominantly addresses the thermal effects of EMR, advocating for a revised framework that considers the complex biological interactions associated with wireless entropic waste.


Electromagnetic radiation (EMR) has long been a topic of concern regarding human health, particularly with the proliferation of cell phones and other wireless devices. However, the potential impacts of EMR extend far beyond human health, affecting wildlife in ways that are often overlooked. Research, such as the study by England and Robert (2024), reveals that terrestrial animals can detect electrostatic fields emitted by their predators, showcasing the nuanced ways in which EMR interacts with biological systems. This understanding is critical as it challenges the current regulatory framework that focuses solely on thermal effects of EMR, neglecting the broader biological interactions.

Electroreception in Wildlife: A Case Study

The study by England and Robert (2024) demonstrates that some terrestrial animals, such as caterpillars, can detect the electric fields generated by their predators, such as wasps. This electroreception allows prey to initiate defensive behaviors, highlighting an advanced sensory adaptation that has evolved due to ecological pressures.

Significance of Findings

The implications of these findings are profound, as they suggest that the interaction between EMR and biological organisms is more complex than previously understood. This complexity is often disregarded in current EMR regulatory standards, which predominantly focus on thermal effects.

Research Evidence Beyond Thermal Effects

Several major studies and research projects have provided substantial evidence indicating potential health risks associated with cell phone-level EMR, extending beyond thermal effects. These studies highlight various biological interactions and effects, such as:

  1. The Interphone Study: This large-scale case-control study investigated the potential link between mobile phone use and brain tumors. Results suggested an increased risk of glioma and acoustic neuroma associated with heavy mobile phone use.
  2. Hardell Group Studies: Conducted in Sweden, these studies consistently found an increased risk of brain tumors among long-term mobile phone users, emphasizing non-thermal biological effects.
  3. CERENAT Study: A French case-control study that also reported an increased risk of glioma associated with heavy mobile phone use.
  4. U.S. National Toxicology Program (NTP): This comprehensive $30 million animal study found clear evidence of cancer, heart damage, and DNA damage associated with exposure to cell phone radiation.
  5. Ramazzini Institute Study: This Italian study corroborated the NTP findings, showing a significant increase in heart schwannomas and brain gliomas in rats exposed to radiofrequency radiation.
  6. REFLEX Project: A European Union-funded research project that found significant genotoxic effects of EMR on human cells.
  7. BioInitiative Report: An extensive review of over 1,800 studies, concluding that EMR exposure at levels far below current safety standards can have biological effects, including DNA damage and cancer.
  8. Research by Dr. Henry Lai: His work demonstrated DNA strand breaks in rat brain cells exposed to radiofrequency radiation, suggesting a non-thermal mechanism of damage.

Advancements in RF Radiation Research

Recent advancements in RF radiation research have shown that biological interactions with EMR are not limited to thermal effects. For instance, the FDA-approved TheraBionic treatment uses RF radiation at power levels up to 1000 times lower than those emitted by cell phones to treat inoperable liver cancer. This treatment leverages non-thermal interactions at the cellular or molecular level, such as resonance effects and disruption of cellular signaling, challenging the traditional view of non-ionizing radiation as biologically inert.

The Need for Updated Regulatory Perspectives

The current regulatory standards, primarily based on thermal effects, are grossly inadequate in protecting both humans and wildlife from the broader biological impacts of EMR. The mounting body of evidence necessitates a reevaluation of these standards to incorporate non-thermal effects and the latest scientific findings. Regulatory bodies must acknowledge the significant research indicating potential health risks and adapt their guidelines accordingly.

Recent Legislation: A Step Backwards

Recent legislation, such as HR 6492, co-sponsored by Rep. Chuck Edwards, proposes the installation of cell towers in our nation’s pristine parks and wilderness areas under the guise of “improving recreational opportunities.” At what cost? This bill must be stopped! We have decades of consistent research providing evidence of health risks, and now we have proof that the entropic waste from wireless technology is much more profound than ever imagined. We need to move from debate to mitigation and increase research funding by many orders of magnitude.

A Call to Action

We must call upon the RF Safe community to take action and stop this bill! Here’s how:

  1. Contact Your Representatives: Reach out to your local and state representatives and express your strong opposition to HR 6492. Make it clear that you will not support any politician who puts public health and the environment at risk.
  2. Spread the Word: Use social media, community meetings, and other platforms to inform others about the dangers of HR 6492. Share the research, share the facts, and mobilize your community.
  3. Support Organizations Fighting for Safe Technology: Organizations like RF Safe and the Environmental Health Trust are on the front lines of this battle. Support them through donations, volunteer work, and by spreading their message.
  4. Educate Yourself and Others: Stay informed about the latest research on EMR and its effects. Knowledge is power, and the more we know, the better we can fight for our rights and safety.
  5. Attend Town Halls and Public Meetings: Make your voice heard in public forums. Demand that your concerns about EMR and the installation of cell towers in natural areas are addressed.

The recent study by England and Robert (2024) provides imperial proof that entropic waste from wireless technology is much more profound than ever imagined. The interaction between EMR and biological organisms is complex and far-reaching, affecting not only human health but also the delicate balance of our ecosystems.

Protecting Our Environment and Health from Toxic Entropic Waste

We must protect our environment and health from toxic entropic waste. Join RF Safe in their mission to create a safer technological environment. Stay informed, make responsible choices, and advocate for stronger regulations to ensure our health and well-being in the digital age.

The time for action is now. Together, we can make a difference. Let’s protect our parks, our health, and our planet from the dangers of unchecked EMR. Join the fight against HR 6492 and be a part of the movement for safe technology and a healthier future.

The hidden dimensions of EMR’s impact on biological systems, as revealed by studies like those of England and Robert, underscore the urgent need for updated and comprehensive regulatory standards. Ignoring the non-thermal effects of EMR not only jeopardizes human health but also the well-being of wildlife. It is imperative that consumers, policymakers, and researchers remain vigilant and informed, advocating for regulatory changes that reflect the full scope of scientific evidence.

Call to Action

Consumers are encouraged to stay informed, use protective measures, and advocate for updated safety regulations to ensure their health and well-being in the digital age. Researchers and policymakers must prioritize comprehensive studies and adapt regulations to encompass the broader biological effects of EMR, protecting both human and ecological health.


A Call to Action: Stand Against HR 6492 and Protect Our Pristine Areas from Dangerous EMF Pollution

In a shocking and deeply concerning move, recent legislation such as HR 6492, co-sponsored by Rep. Chuck Edwards, proposes the installation of cell towers in our nation’s pristine parks and wilderness areas. This bill is being pushed under the guise of “improving recreational opportunities,” but at what cost? Are we out of our minds?

Decades of Consistent Research Provide Health Risks

We have decades of consistent research proving the health risks associated with radiofrequency radiation (RFR). It is no longer a matter of debate; the evidence is clear and overwhelming. Studies have shown the adverse effects of RFR on humans and wildlife, from cancer to DNA damage, to reproductive harm. The U.S. National Toxicology Program (NTP) found “clear evidence” of cancer in their $30 million animal studies. This is not fringe science or speculation – this is concrete, peer-reviewed evidence.

The Debate is Over

The debate is over, and it is time to move on to mitigation and increased research funding by many orders of magnitude. We cannot afford to ignore the mounting evidence any longer. Yet, HR 6492 seeks to do just that by pushing for more cell towers in our most cherished natural spaces. This is a blatant disregard for public health and the environment.

We Must Stop This Bill!

We must stop this bill! This is a call to the RF Safe community and all concerned citizens to take action. We cannot sit idly by while our health and the health of our planet are put at risk for the sake of convenience and corporate profit. Here’s how you can get involved:

  1. Contact Your Representatives: Reach out to your local and state representatives and express your strong opposition to HR 6492. Make it clear that you will not support any politician who puts public health and the environment at risk.
  2. Spread the Word: Use social media, community meetings, and other platforms to inform others about the dangers of HR 6492. Share the research, share the facts, and mobilize your community.
  3. Support Organizations Fighting for Safe Technology: Organizations like RF Safe and the Environmental Health Trust are on the front lines of this battle. Support them through donations, volunteer work, and by spreading their message.
  4. Educate Yourself and Others: Stay informed about the latest research on RFR and its effects. Knowledge is power, and the more we know, the better we can fight for our rights and safety.
  5. Attend Town Halls and Public Meetings: Make your voice heard in public forums. Demand that your concerns about RFR and the installation of cell towers in natural areas are addressed.

Join the Fight for a Safer Future

This is our moment to stand up and demand better from our government and our representatives. The installation of cell towers in parks and wilderness areas is a direct attack on our health, our environment, and our future. Let’s come together as a community and put an end to this dangerous legislation.

The time for action is now. Together, we can make a difference. Let’s protect our parks, our health, and our planet from the dangers of unchecked RFR. Join the fight against HR 6492 and be a part of the movement for safe technology and a healthier future.

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