

Elon Musk, Trump and Wireless Health Effects Research

Very BAD Fatherly Advice By Elon Musk!

“If I had a helmet of cell phones strapped around my head, and around my nuts, I wouldn’t be worried” — @elonmusk

A nice lady reached out to me, questioning why I believe Trump would support RF Safe’s mission given that Elon Musk, one of his biggest supporters, is putting cell towers in space and downplaying the risk of RFR.

My response is based on Musk’s ability to adapt to new scientific evidence. As Trump put it, Musk is a rocket guy, and he certainly won’t be planning any trips to Mars based on the geocentric model. This indicates that outdated scientific opinions, such as those displayed by Musk on cell phone radiation, will always change to follow fact-based evidence.  Common sense will prevail in light of scientific evidence.

Literature review potential non-thermal molecular effects of external radiofrequency electromagnetic fields on cancer PDF

“Existent literature points toward a yet untapped therapeutic potential of RF-EMF treatment which might aid in damaging cancer cells through bioelectrical and electromechanical molecular mechanisms while minimizing adverse effects on healthy tissue cells.”

RFR/EMF and Bioelectric research could also profoundly impact Elon’s other endeavors. One such endeavor is to present novel ways to ensure maximum bandwidth between the neuralink and the brain, utilizing frequencies and modulations that stimulate pathway acceptance and binding.  With a total understanding of the role of bioelectric processes, what can RFR do other than cause cancer? What will this teach us about materials science potentially achieving a symbiosis between machine and man with complementing charge potentials designed into the material’s matrix?

When we can model how entropic waste from modern technology affects biological life, we will gain an unfathomable amount of knowledge. This will be a positive development for Musk’s owned companies and will open a windfall of new opportunities that improve the quality of life for everyone.

Musk’s willingness to accept the heliocentric model over the outdated geocentric model shows he is open to scientific evidence, and doing so has proven useful in his success. This adaptability gives me hope that he will embrace the preponderance of evidence and scientific discoveries related to RFR and its health risks.

The only thing I would like to see from Musk is a willingness to accept the majority of scientific research and to support ongoing research into RFR’s health effects to create a new frontier in medicine, health, and well-being. Musk is smart enough to know when science doesn’t favor his current opinion.

And Musk shouldn’t be surprised that in researching the effects of entropic waste that took the life of my firstborn, we may uncover insight into the loss of his firstborn as well.

For billions of years, life on Earth evolved within a stable EM environment. This natural background of electromagnetic fields is not just a passive backdrop; it plays an integral role in biological processes.

The disruption to natural background radiation, which we’ve lived with for ages, was problematic long before Elon. As we continue to alter the Earth’s electromagnetic landscape, the need for awareness and caution becomes paramount. All we need is for Musk to stop denying the scientific truth and agree to help fund ongoing research that will improve the quality of life for everyone.

America MUST be engaged in bioelectric research into these effects and their therapeutic potential.

The disruption caused by this increased environmental entropy manifests in various health issues, paralleling the rise of certain medical anomalies over the past few decades, including unusual cancer rates and other health disorders potentially linked to EM exposure.

I pray that Musk will be a good guy when fully informed and that he will understand the positive impact that industries emerging from RFR health effects research can have.

While ushering in space travel reminiscent of Star Trek, it would be a good time to usher in an era of Star Trek medical devices based on the bioelectric software principles of life.   RNA/DNA is the hardware; to any intelligent mind, it is clear that bioelectricity is the programming that communicates the goals for all biological processes.

If Elon Musk looked at the data, he would have to agree there is a “risk to reward” relationship. If he only committed to genuine research efforts, I would remove every single word from the RF Safe website that remotely puts Musk in a negative light on this issue. All we can ask for is to keep the science going. When that stops, as it has done under Biden, the real long-term risks for everyone can appear out of nowhere, as we suspect is happening already!

John Coates

727 610 1188




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