

Why RF Safe Stopped Making Laptop Radiation Shields and the SafeSleeve/DefenderShield Laptop Radiation Controversy

I founded RF Safe in 1998 after my daughter tragically passed away from a neural tube disorder, a condition that develops within the first three weeks of pregnancy. This is a critical period when biological electricity regulates tissue differentiation. Two years later, a study revealed that the same radiation frequencies increased neural tube disorders by 300% in chicken embryos. This prompted my mission to use my engineering skills to help others avoid such tragedies.

One of my first innovations was a belly band shielded with amorphous metals and silver-lined fabric. I also developed a laptop radiation shield in the 1990s when most laptops connected to the internet via Ethernet cables. However, as Wi-Fi became ubiquitous around 2000, I realized that using laptop shields would bring microwave transmitters closer to the torso and reproductive organs, potentially endangering developing babies. Consequently, I removed these laptop shields from our product line that year.

Fast-forward to around 2013, and a company called SafeSleeve emerged over a decade after I stopped selling Laptop shields. Through a crowdfunding campaign, they started selling laptop radiation shields at a time when almost all laptops connected wirelessly – a very bad idea. These shields focus more microwave radiation into the abdomen when offering protection for your legs only while posing a significant risk to children, reproductive health, and developing fetuses. SafeSleeve’s products, marketed as protective, are, in fact, dangerous distractions from the real threats of electromagnetic radiation and put babies at greater risk!

Don’t you get it, people? It was a bad idea, funded by consumers with no scientific backing for protecting you from microwave radiation -putting babies in danger!

The Dangers of Crowd-Funded Safety Products: The SafeSleeve Example

When safety products are crowd-funded through aggressive marketing campaigns, they lack the accountable scientific validation and expertise necessary to ensure genuine protection. SafeSleeve is a prime example of this issue.

SafeSleeve launched a laptop radiation shield through a crowdfunding campaign, attracting numerous backers who were unaware of the potential dangers and why the world’s leading authority in RFR mitigation, RF Safe, removed these products from their product line a decade earlier. SafeSleeve’s marketing made it appear as though these shields provided legitimate protection, but the reality is that these consumers are being put at much greater risk!

SafeSleeve’s laptop shields do not genuinely enhance safety. Instead, they pose significant risks by providing a false sense of security, focusing microwave radiation closer to the torso and reproductive organs, endangering developing fetuses and overall reproductive health.

The individuals behind SafeSleeve’s campaign had no out-of-pocket expenses, allowing them to create a facade of legitimacy without any real scientific basis, and the general public, through crowdfunding, has helped create and perpetuate this scam.

The genius of such a scam lies in its ability to manipulate consumers into funding and believing in a product that, rather than protecting, actually puts them in greater danger. Shielding your legs while bringing a microwave transmitter closer to your body is a flawed concept that highlights the importance of rigorous research and expertise in developing genuine safety products.

This situation underscores the critical need for consumers to be vigilant and informed about the true efficacy and potential risks of safety products, especially those born from marketing-driven crowdfunding campaigns.

Hidden Dangers: The Real Impact of Laptop Radiation Shields

Laptop radiation shields like those marketed by SafeSleeve claim to protect users from harmful electromagnetic radiation. However, our newly launched registry aims to uncover the true stories of those who have fallen victim to this scam and paid the ultimate price. We aim to shed light on the potential dangers of these products and share the real-life impacts they may have on users in child-bearing years.

Flawed Concept: The idea behind laptop radiation shields is to protect the legs from radiation while using a laptop on your lap. However, this approach is fundamentally flawed. Shielding the femur bone, one of the thickest bones in the body, while bringing microwave transmitters closer to the torso and reproductive organs, exposes vital areas to higher radiation levels.

Lack of Scientific Validation: Many of these products lack scientific validation and are driven more by marketing than genuine safety concerns. They provide a false sense of security, leading users to believe they are protected when, in fact, they are at greater risk.

Marketing-Driven Nature: Products like those from SafeSleeve are often marketed aggressively through crowdfunding campaigns. These campaigns attract backers who are unaware of the potential dangers, leading to the widespread belief that these shields are effective, despite the lack of substantial scientific evidence.

The Problem with Laptop Shields: Laptop shields, like the one shown in the image above, claim to protect users from harmful radiation. The truth, however, is that these shields primarily protect the femur bone while potentially increasing radiation exposure to vital organs and, most alarmingly, unborn babies.

  • False Sense of Security: Shielding the femur bone might make users feel safe, but it doesn’t address the real issue. The vital organs in the torso, particularly the reproductive organs and, in the case of pregnant women, the developing fetus, are still at significant risk.
  • Increased Risk to Unborn Children: My own experience with EMR exposure during pregnancy tragically resulted in the loss of my daughter due to neural tube defects (NTDs). A laptop shield that allows a laptop to be used close to the belly can contribute to such devastating outcomes.
  • Distance is Key: The most effective way to reduce radiation exposure is through distance. Encouraging the use of shields that suggest safety while allowing close proximity to the body is counterproductive.

The Science Behind the Danger: Research has shown that EMR exposure can have various harmful effects, particularly on developing embryos. The misleading assurance provided by laptop shields can lead to prolonged exposure at close range, which is far more dangerous than brief, distant exposure.

The History of EMF Safety Products: RF Safe, founded in the 1990s, was one of the pioneers in developing shielded cases for laptops and cell phones. By 2001, it became evident that as laptops started connecting predominantly through WiFi, these shields could no longer be considered safe.

Do Laptop Radiation Shields Really Work?

A common question we get is whether or not it’s necessary to have a radiation-protective shield for your laptop, and why RF Safe hasn’t offered one in over 20 years.

Buy a Better Laptop, and Keep It Off Your Lap: RF Safe used to offer laptop shields over two decades ago, when wireless WiFi technology for laptops wasn’t the primary form of internet connection. Nowadays, consumers have a much wider variety of lower radiation choices. Certain laptops emit much less radiation than other, older models.

  • Magnetic Fields from Spinning Motors: Any laptop with a disc drive will emit high levels of electromagnetic radiation due to spinning motors. Solid-state drives (SSD) with no moving parts are safer alternatives.
  • Wireless Technology: Ensure to turn off the wireless connection before placing the computer close to your body. Use a laptop with SSD and keep it in airplane mode for the safest usage.

Are Laptop Radiation Shields Killing Babies? A False Sense of Security for Expectant Mothers

In the digital age, laptops are indispensable, yet their convenience comes with health considerations, especially for pregnant women.

The Illusion of Protection from Laptop Shields: Laptop radiation shields, often touted as a defense against EMFs, actually provide a false sense of security. They protect only the legs, not the vital organs of the torso where an unborn baby develops.

The Risks of “Laptops” on Your Lap: The term “laptop” is misleading. With the transmitter close to the body, the EMFs are too. RF Safe advocates for keeping laptops off your lap and on a table, maintaining a safe distance to assume zero radiation protection.

Expectant mothers must be cautious about the products they rely on for EMF protection. The safest approach is to avoid direct laptop exposure altogether. By choosing the right technology and adopting safe usage practices, expectant mothers can significantly reduce the risk of EMF-related complications.

Are Laptop Radiation Shields Killing Babies? A False Sense of Security for Expectant Mothers

Laptop Radiation Shields: A False Sense of Security for Expectant Mothers In the digital age, laptops are indispensable, yet their convenience comes with health considerations, especially for pregnant women. A recent systematic review and meta-analysis highlighted a potential risk: pregnant women exposed to high levels of electromagnetic fields (EMFs) may have a 70% greater risk […]

Do Laptop Radiation Shields Really Work?

Hello! This is another is a series of videos in which I will be answering questions submitted to RF Safe by Email. A fairly common question we get is whether or not it’s necessary to have a radiation-protective shield for your laptop, and why RF Safe hasn’t offered one in over 20 years even though […]

The Illusion of Safety: Why Laptop Shields Can Be More Harmful Than Helpful

In our quest to protect ourselves and our loved ones from the dangers of electromagnetic radiation (EMR), we often turn to products that promise safety. One such product is the laptop shield, designed to reduce EMR exposure while using a laptop on your lap. However, the reality is that these shields may provide a false […]

The Hidden Risks of Nintendo Switch EMF Radiation: What You Need to Know to Protect Your Family

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Important!! The same companies that make laptop radiation shields make other very dangerous products too.  Detachable Anti-radiation Phone Cases! BAD IDEA!

Consumer Alert: Real Anti-Radiation EMF Blocking Phone Cases Aren’t Detachable

Detachable Safe Sleeve Anti-Radiation EMF Blocking Cases Exposed!    Overall, when it comes to choosing an anti-radiation phone case, it is essential to prioritize safety and avoid detachable cases that block the phone’s antenna. By conducting thorough research, gathering evidence, and understanding the potential risks, users can make informed decisions about which cases to choose […]

Don’t Be Fooled by False Claims: The Real Risks of Detachable Anti-Radiation Cases Introduction: The use of cell phones has become an indispensable part of our daily lives. However, with the increasing use of cell phones, concerns about their potential health risks have also increased. One of the biggest concerns is exposure to radiofrequency (RF) […]

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