

Biden’s Betrayal: Halting Cancer Research for Foreign Aid While Ignoring Clear Evidence of Risk

FACT: The National Toxicology Program (NTP) had to announce a few months ago that they were stopping further cancer research into wireless radiation because President Biden redirected the funds allocated for this vital research to aid Ukraine. This shocking decision comes despite the NTP’s findings that linked cell phone radiation to glioblastoma, the same type of brain cancer that took the life of Biden’s own son, Beau Biden.

The Grim Reality of Glioblastoma and Wireless Radiation

Glioblastoma multiforme (GBM) is an aggressive and deadly form of brain cancer. Notably, several high-profile individuals, including Senator John McCain, Senator Edward M. Kennedy, and Joseph “Beau” Biden III, have succumbed to this cancer, raising concerns about its potential links to wireless radiation.

The NTP’s comprehensive studies have provided clear evidence that long-term exposure to RF radiation can lead to cancer, specifically GBM. Despite these findings, the Biden administration has discontinued further studies by diverting funds, critically undermining our understanding and ability to mitigate these risks.

The Devastating Impact of Funding Cuts

In 2018, the NTP conducted a decade-long, $30 million animal study that found a significant increase in cancer risk associated with RF radiation. The results were alarming and prompted calls for more research to confirm these findings and explore preventative measures. However, this essential research has been abruptly halted due to funding being redirected to Ukraine.

This decision is not just a blow to scientific progress but a personal betrayal. Beau Biden’s death from glioblastoma could potentially have been linked to cell phone radiation, a fact that makes the discontinuation of this research even more incomprehensible.

A Personal and Public Health Crisis

President Biden’s choice to cut funding for cancer research in favor of foreign aid is a dangerous precedent that prioritizes international interests over the health and safety of American citizens. With thousands of studies indicating health risks from RF radiation, the need for continued research is more pressing than ever.

The Real Consequences of Ignoring Science

Biden’s leadership is proving to be a cancer that will cause more people to die from cancer. By ending the NTP’s research, he has chosen to ignore clear evidence of cancer risks from cell phone radiation, risks that could potentially be mitigated with further study. This decision places countless individuals, including children who are increasingly using cell phones, at risk of developing brain tumors like glioblastoma.

Do your children use cell phones? Will they end up like Biden’s son, dead from a brain tumor? This is not just a rhetorical question but a pressing public health concern. Parents need to be aware of the potential dangers of RF radiation and advocate for renewed research and updated safety guidelines.

A Call to Action

The halt in NTP research must be addressed immediately. Restoring funding is crucial for continuing this vital work and ensuring that our scientific understanding keeps pace with technological advancements. Public health policies and safety standards must be re-evaluated to adequately protect against the potential risks of RF radiation exposure.

We urge all citizens to contact their representatives and demand action. The health and safety of the American people should always be a top priority. Together, we can ensure a healthier future for all by holding our leaders accountable and insisting on the importance of scientific research in safeguarding public health.

Biden’s betrayal must not go unnoticed. Let’s unite and demand the restoration of NTP funding and updated FCC safety guidelines. Our lives and the lives of our children depend on it.

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