

BREAKING: RFK Jr. to Drop Out and Endorse Trump — What This Means for FCC Safety Guidelines and NTP Cancer Research

In a move that could dramatically reshape the 2024 presidential race, sources within Robert F. Kennedy Jr.’s campaign have confirmed that the independent candidate will drop out of the race on Friday and endorse Donald Trump at an event in Los Angeles. This exclusive report from Alex Jones has sent shockwaves through the political landscape, but the implications go far beyond just electoral politics.

Kennedy, a longtime advocate for stricter regulations on wireless radiation, has fought tirelessly to protect children from the dangers of electromagnetic fields (EMF). His potential alignment with Trump opens the door to significant policy changes, including the long-overdue update of FCC safety guidelines and the restoration of National Toxicology Program (NTP) cancer research that was halted under the Biden-Harris administration.

The Strategic Shift: RFK Jr. and Trump’s Potential Partnership

RFK Jr.’s Influence on Trump’s Policy

Robert F. Kennedy Jr. is known for his strong stance against outdated FCC regulations that fail to protect public health, particularly when it comes to children’s exposure to wireless radiation. His legal battles, including a significant victory where he proved that current FCC guidelines do not adequately protect children, have positioned him as a leading voice in the fight for safer technology standards.

If RFK Jr. were to join Trump’s administration, it could signal a major shift in how the government approaches EMF safety and wireless radiation. Trump, who has shown an openness to incorporating Kennedy into his administration, could use Kennedy’s expertise to spearhead a long-needed overhaul of FCC safety guidelines.

Trump and RFK Jr.: A Partnership Rooted in Purpose

Trump’s outreach to RFK Jr. is a testament to his commitment to unify the nation and tackle pressing health issues head-on. The partnership between these two figures could be transformative, addressing some of the most critical public health concerns of our time. Trump has publicly acknowledged the issues raised by Kennedy, particularly the need to protect children from the potential dangers of wireless radiation.

In a phone conversation, Trump expressed his agreement with Kennedy’s concerns, saying, “I agree with you, man. Something’s wrong with that whole system.” This alignment in their views suggests that a Trump-Kennedy partnership could lead to significant advancements in public health policy, especially in the areas of electromagnetic radiation safety and bioelectric medicine.

The Legal Battle That Changed Everything

RFK Jr.’s Landmark Victory Against the FCC

RFK Jr.’s involvement in the lawsuit against the FCC was a watershed moment for public health advocacy. The lawsuit, which argued that the FCC’s guidelines were outdated and did not protect children, resulted in a court ruling that supported Kennedy’s claims. This legal victory highlighted the inadequacies of the current regulations and set the stage for potential policy changes.

Kennedy’s legal team presented compelling evidence that children are more vulnerable to EMF radiation due to their developing bodies and thinner skulls, which absorb more radiation than adults. The court’s ruling was a critical step towards recognizing the need for updated safety standards that reflect the latest scientific research.

The Impact of Regulatory Capture

The court’s decision also exposed the phenomenon of regulatory capture, where regulatory agencies, such as the FCC, are influenced or controlled by the industries they are supposed to regulate. RFK Jr. has been a vocal critic of this issue, arguing that the FCC’s failure to update its safety guidelines is a direct result of its ties to the telecommunications industry. This victory against the FCC is a significant step towards holding regulatory agencies accountable and ensuring that public health is prioritized over corporate profits.

Implications for FCC Safety Guidelines

Outdated FCC Guidelines: A Public Health Crisis

The FCC’s current safety guidelines for wireless radiation are based on research from the 1990s, a time when the use of mobile phones and other wireless devices was not as widespread as it is today. These guidelines fail to account for the significant increase in wireless radiation exposure that has occurred over the past two decades, particularly among children.

RFK Jr. has been a vocal critic of these outdated guidelines, arguing that they do not take into account the non-thermal effects of radiation, which have been linked to various health issues, including cancer. His endorsement of Trump could lead to a renewed push to update these guidelines, bringing them in line with modern scientific understanding.

The Potential for Reform Under a Trump Administration

If RFK Jr. were to play a role in a Trump administration, it could lead to a comprehensive review of the FCC’s safety guidelines. This would be a monumental shift in public policy, potentially resulting in stricter regulations that prioritize public health over corporate interests.

Such reforms could include lowering the allowable limits of wireless radiation exposure, particularly for children, and implementing stricter guidelines for the placement of cell towers and other wireless infrastructure near schools and residential areas. These changes would not only protect public health but also set a global standard for wireless safety.

The Halted NTP Cancer Research: A National Tragedy

The Importance of the NTP Cancer Research

The National Toxicology Program’s (NTP) research into the health effects of wireless radiation was one of the most significant studies of its kind. The study, which found “clear evidence” that exposure to radiofrequency radiation could cause cancer in rats, was a groundbreaking piece of research that had the potential to reshape our understanding of the risks associated with wireless technology.

However, under the Biden-Harris administration, funding for this critical research was halted, leaving many questions unanswered and putting public health at risk. RFK Jr. has been a staunch advocate for the continuation of this research, arguing that the public has a right to know the full extent of the dangers posed by wireless radiation.

The Potential for Resuming NTP Research Under Trump

With RFK Jr. in a potential Trump administration, there is a strong possibility that the NTP cancer research could be resumed. This would be a major victory for public health advocates and a critical step towards understanding the long-term effects of wireless radiation exposure.

Resuming this research could lead to new regulations and guidelines that are based on the latest scientific evidence, rather than outdated assumptions. It could also provide the impetus for further studies into the health effects of EMF radiation, leading to a greater understanding of how to protect the public from these dangers.

The Broader Implications for Public Health and Safety

A New Era of Wireless Safety Standards

The potential partnership between RFK Jr. and Trump could usher in a new era of wireless safety standards that prioritize public health over corporate profits. This would be a significant departure from the current regulatory framework, which has been criticized for being overly influenced by the telecommunications industry.

Stricter safety guidelines could include mandatory labeling of wireless devices to inform consumers of their radiation levels, as well as public awareness campaigns to educate the public about the risks of wireless radiation. These measures would empower consumers to make informed decisions about their technology use and help protect vulnerable populations, particularly children.

Global Leadership in EMF Safety

If the United States were to update its wireless safety guidelines under a Trump administration with RFK Jr.’s influence, it could set a global standard for EMF safety. Other countries often look to the U.S. as a leader in technology and public health, and such reforms could inspire similar changes worldwide.

This could lead to a ripple effect, with other countries adopting stricter regulations and guidelines to protect their citizens from the dangers of wireless radiation. The United States could become a global leader in EMF safety, setting an example for other nations to follow.

The Political Impact: What This Means for the 2024 Election

The Trump-Kennedy Alliance: A Game-Changer

The endorsement of Trump by RFK Jr. would be a game-changer in the 2024 election. Kennedy, who has a strong following among independent voters and those disillusioned with both major parties, could bring a significant number of votes to Trump’s camp. This could be the boost Trump needs to secure a victory over Harris, who is currently leading in the polls by a narrow margin.

Kennedy’s endorsement could also help Trump appeal to a broader base of voters, including those who are concerned about public health and the environment. This could be a critical factor in swing states where the race is expected to be close.

The Future of the Democratic Party

The potential alliance between Trump and RFK Jr. also has significant implications for the future of the Democratic Party. Kennedy’s criticisms of the Democratic National Committee and his departure from the party could signal a broader shift within the electorate, with more voters moving away from traditional party affiliations and towards independent or third-party candidates.

This could lead to a realignment of the political landscape, with new parties emerging that better reflect the concerns and priorities of the American people. The Democratic Party may need to reevaluate its positions and strategies in order to remain relevant in this changing political environment.

A Call to Action: The Urgent Need for Continued Research and Updated Safety Guidelines

The Cancellation of NTP Research Under Biden

The Biden administration’s decision to halt funding for the NTP’s ongoing research on RF radiation was met with widespread criticism from scientists, health advocates, and concerned citizens. This move has been seen as a disservice to public health, particularly at a time when the need for understanding the effects of wireless radiation is more urgent than ever.

Public demand for more research into the effects of RF radiation has been growing, with advocacy groups and scientists urging the government to prioritize this issue. The sudden termination of the NTP research program has left many feeling betrayed and worried about the long-term health implications of unchecked RF radiation exposure.

The Health Risks of Electromagnetic Radiation

There is a substantial body of research indicating potential health risks associated with electromagnetic radiation at cell phone levels. Major studies, including the Interphone study, the Hardell group studies, the CERENAT study, and the U.S. National Toxicology Program (NTP), have all pointed towards increased health risks from such radiation.

These findings suggest a need for caution and further investigation, rather than dismissing potential risks. The evidence points towards an increased risk of cancer, particularly brain cancers like Glioblastoma, the same type of cancer that claimed the life of President Biden’s son. Despite this, the Biden administration has not prioritized further research into this area, leaving a critical gap in our understanding of these risks.

The Promise of Bioelectric Medicine

Advancements in RF radiation research show biological interactions beyond thermal effects. The FDA-approved TheraBionic treatment is a prime example of how bioelectric medicine could revolutionize healthcare. This treatment employs RF radiation at power levels up to 1000 times lower than those emitted by cell phones to effectively treat inoperable liver cancer through non-thermal interactions at the cellular or molecular level.

These interactions include resonance effects, disruption of cellular signaling, and potential modulation of the immune system, challenging the traditional view that non-ionizing cell phone radiation is biologically inert except for its heating properties. The potential of bioelectric medicine to revolutionize healthcare is enormous, offering new avenues for treating various diseases by understanding and leveraging the complexities of bioelectricity and its role in governing biological processes.

A Turning Point in American Politics and Public Health

The potential withdrawal of RFK Jr. from the 2024 presidential race and his endorsement of Donald Trump could be a turning point in American politics. This move could not only reshape the outcome of the election but also lead to significant changes in public policy, particularly in the areas of wireless radiation safety and public health.

RFK Jr.’s influence could bring about long-overdue reforms to FCC safety guidelines, ensuring that they are based on the latest scientific evidence and that they protect the most vulnerable members of society. Additionally, the resumption of NTP cancer research could provide critical insights into the health effects of wireless radiation, leading to further regulatory changes and increased public awareness.

As we look ahead to the 2024 election, it is clear that the stakes have never been higher. The potential alliance between Trump and RFK Jr. could change the course of American history, setting the stage for a new era of public health and safety. By addressing these issues head-on, we can ensure a healthier and safer future for all Americans.



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