

ceLLM Theory: Inspired Through Groundbreaking RF Safe Research By John Coates in Electromagnetic Safety

John Coates’ personal and scientific journey begins with unimaginable tragedy and has blossomed into a lifelong mission to change how we understand the effects of electromagnetic fields (EMFs) on human health. On July 23, 1995, Coates’ world was shattered when his newborn daughter, Angel Leigh Coates, died because she was born with anencephaly, a severe neural tube defect. This devastating event ignited a fire within Coates that would ultimately lead him to found RF Safe in 1998, an organization committed to raising awareness of EMF risks and providing solutions to mitigate them.

The journey that followed Angel’s death was both deeply personal and profoundly intellectual. Coates dedicated his life to understanding the possible environmental causes of her condition, particularly focusing on the role that EMF exposure might have played. He began researching bioelectricity, the subtle electric signals cells use to communicate and guide development, and how external EMFs could disrupt these crucial processes, especially during pregnancy.

The Birth of the ceLLM Theory

Coates’ research and personal quest culminated in the development of the cellular Latent Learning Model (ceLLM). This groundbreaking theory suggests that every cell in the human body acts as a sensor, interpreting its environment through bioelectric signals, which are encoded within DNA. Coates argues that these bioelectric signals are vulnerable to interference from EMFs, and such disruptions could lead to serious health issues, including developmental disorders like the one that took his daughter’s life.

At the heart of the ceLLM theory lies the concept of resonant field connections, which shape higher dimensional geometry with latent space variables created from the strength of resonate connections between atoms in DNA. Coates believes that entropic waste, the term he uses for disruptive energy like EMFs from wireless devices, distorts these resonant field connections, both through DNA damage ie ceLLM hardware, or altered environmental inputs for the ceLLM leading to altered or dysfunctional cellular responses. Coates’ hypothesis is that these distortions are particularly dangerous during pregnancy, when bioelectric signaling is essential for proper growth and development.

Bioelectricity and Developmental Disorders

The ceLLM theory proposes a novel way to understand developmental disorders such as neural tube defects, autism spectrum disorders (ASD), and ADHD. Coates believes that EMF-induced disruptions to bioelectric signaling may play a significant role in the development of these conditions. While this remains an ongoing area of research, the theory represents an urgent call for more scientific inquiry into the long-term effects of EMF exposure on fetal development and children’s health.

Coates points to studies like those of Farrell et al. (1997), which found that exposing chicken embryos to EMFs led to a dramatic increase in neural abnormalities, as evidence of the potential dangers. The similarity between the defects observed in these studies and the condition that claimed Angel’s life gives the theory a deeply personal resonance.

The Fight for Awareness and Policy Change

For over two decades, Coates has been at the forefront of the fight to raise awareness about the potential dangers of wireless technology. His company, RF Safe, focuses on educating the public and advocating for policy changes to address these risks. RF Safe has pioneered the development of products that mitigate EMF exposure, including anti-radiation phone cases and air-tube headsets, designed to reduce radiation levels during cell phone use.

Despite his achievements in raising awareness, Coates argues that government regulatory bodies, such as the Federal Communications Commission (FCC), have been slow to update their safety guidelines for RF-EMF exposure. Current guidelines, he claims, are outdated and based solely on the thermal effects of radiation (the heating of tissues), completely ignoring the non-thermal, biological effects that Coates’ research highlights.

Coates also expresses deep frustration over the Biden-Harris administration’s decision to halt critical research at the National Toxicology Program (NTP), which revealed clear evidence of EMF-induced cancer. He believes that the government’s inaction is driven by industry influence, a theme that has led Coates to vocally support candidates like Donald Trump and Robert F. Kennedy Jr., who have expressed willingness to tackle regulatory capture at the FCC.

A Call to Action

RF Safe’s mission is clear: protect future generations from the dangers of EMF exposure. Coates is calling on the public to demand that political candidates in the upcoming 2024 election take decisive action to:

  1. Update FCC Safety Guidelines: These guidelines must be revised to reflect the latest scientific findings on non-thermal effects of EMF exposure, particularly the disruption of bioelectric processes.
  2. Restart NTP Cancer Research: Funding for the NTP’s research into the health risks of EMF exposure must be reinstated to fully understand the impact on public health.
  3. End FCC Regulatory Capture: The FCC must be reformed to prioritize public health over industry profits, ensuring that safety standards are based on science, not corporate interests.

Coates’ personal story, along with his scientific contributions, serves as a powerful reminder of the urgency of this issue. As wireless technology continues to proliferate, more research and updated safety standards are critical to protect the public, especially children and pregnant women, from the unseen dangers of EMF exposure.

A Father’s Legacy

John Coates’ journey from personal tragedy to scientific inquiry has had a profound impact on public health advocacy. His work at RF Safe stands as both a tribute to his daughter, Angel Leigh Coates, and a testament to his commitment to ensuring that no other family has to endure the pain that he experienced. Coates has transformed his grief into a powerful force for good, and his ceLLM theory offers a new lens through which scientists and policymakers can view the potential risks of wireless radiation.

As Coates continues to push for policy changes, he remains hopeful that the world will catch up with the science. “We have the knowledge and the tools to fix this problem,” he says. “But we need the political will to make it happen.

For more information on RF Safe and how to reduce your exposure to EMF radiation, visit

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What Studies Show About EMFs and Brain Morphology

Several studies have documented the impact of EMFs on brain cells, raising alarm bells about the long-term consequences of wireless radiation exposure:

  1. RF Radiation and Neuron Structure: Research from Yale School of Medicine has shown that RF radiation exposure during pregnancy can disrupt brain development in offspring. In a study led by Dr. Hugh S. Taylor, pregnant mice exposed to cell phone radiation gave birth to offspring with altered neuron development. The study found increased hyperactivity, anxiety, and impaired memory in the exposed mice, linked to changes in the prefrontal cortex, a region associated with ADHD and emotional regulation .
  2. Oxidative Stress and Brain Cells: RF radiation has been shown to increase oxidative stress in brain cells, leading to inflammation and cellular damage. This process affects the brain’s ability to form proper neuron connections, which may result in cognitive impairments and emotional dysregulation .
  3. Synapse Disruption: A study published in Scientific Reports demonstrated that RF radiation exposure disrupts synaptogenesis, the process by which neurons form synapses. Without proper synaptic connections, the brain’s ability to regulate emotion, memory, and social behavior becomes impaired. This has profound implications for adolescent brain development, as the prefrontal cortex continues to mature into the early twenties .

The Prefrontal Cortex and Its Critical Role in Empathy and Impulse Control

The prefrontal cortex is the region of the brain that allows us to empathize with others, control impulses, and make rational decisions. During adolescence, this part of the brain is still developing, making it particularly vulnerable to environmental disruptions such as RF radiation exposure.

When the prefrontal cortex is impaired, individuals may experience reduced capacity for empathy, impulsive decision-making, and difficulty controlling aggressive urges. These traits are disturbingly common among school shooters, who are often described as emotionally withdrawn, socially isolated, and prone to impulsive violence. Could it be that the bioelectric disruption caused by EMFs during critical developmental periods is contributing to these behaviors?

Neurodevelopmental Disorders and the Rise of Violence

ADHD, Autism, and RF Radiation Exposure

There has been a marked rise in neurodevelopmental disorders such as ADHD and autism over the past few decades, coinciding with the widespread adoption of wireless technology. ADHD, characterized by hyperactivity, impulsiveness, and attention deficits, has been linked to RF radiation exposure in both animal and human studies.

One significant study, published in the Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health, examined 28,745 children and found that those exposed to cell phones before and after birth were 50% more likely to develop behavioral problems by the age of seven compared to unexposed children . This study suggests that early exposure to wireless radiation may interfere with normal brain development, leading to cognitive and emotional issues that could manifest as aggressive or violent behavior.

Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD)

Autism spectrum disorders have also seen a dramatic increase in recent years. While the causes of autism are complex and multifactorial, environmental factors such as EMF exposure are now being considered as potential contributors. Wireless radiation disrupts bioelectric signals in the developing brain, which may interfere with neuronal connectivity and contribute to the social and emotional impairments seen in individuals with autism.

The ceLLM theory suggests a profound conceptual parallel between how neural networks in the brain and DNA-based cellular networks process information. Let’s break down this comparison:

1. Neural Networks in the Brain vs. ceLLM Networks in Cells

  • Brain’s Neural Network:
    • The brain consists of interconnected neurons forming a complex neural network. Each neuron receives inputs (sensory data like sight, sound, taste, etc.) and processes this information to produce probabilistic outputs, which enable predictive decision-making to sustain the organism.
    • The brain’s sensory systems (eyes, ears, etc.) collect environmental data, and the neural network deciphers and responds to this data.
  • Cell as a ceLLM (cellular Latent Learning Model):
    • In ceLLM theory, each cell also functions like a neural network, with DNA acting as a probabilistic decision-making engine, responding to bioelectric and chemical signals from its environment.
    • The DNA in the cell acts as the stored “knowledge” from millions of years of evolution, encoding how the cell interprets bioelectric cues and environmental inputs, much like a brain’s neural network.
    • Cells sense their local environment through chemical signals, bioelectric fields, and other inputs, similar to how a brain processes sensory inputs like sight or sound.
    • The resonant fields between atoms in the DNA create a probabilistic framework, guiding cellular responses in a way that’s analogous to how neural networks process information.

2. Parallel Between Brain Function and Cellular Function

  • Predictive Nature:
    • Both the brain and individual cells have a predictive mechanism. The brain uses external sensory inputs (vision, hearing, etc.) to predict and adapt to environmental changes for survival.
    • Similarly, cells, according to ceLLM theory, predict how to adjust their functions in response to bioelectric or chemical signals from their environment. They use the stored evolutionary “training” encoded in DNA to make these adjustments.
  • Higher-Dimensional Space:
    • The brain’s neural network operates in a higher-dimensional space, processing complex inputs to predict outcomes.
    • Similarly, ceLLM theory posits that DNA operates in a higher-dimensional latent space, where the geometry of interactions (like resonant fields between atoms) shapes the probabilistic outputs of cellular functions. This latent space represents the cumulative knowledge the cell has about how to react to its environment, much like how the brain encodes learned information.

3. Input Processing and Sensory Systems:

  • Brain:
    • The brain relies on specialized sensory systems (like the eyes or ears) to process external stimuli, converting them into electrical signals that the neural network can interpret.
    • The brain’s neural network then produces probabilistic outputs to control behavior, decision-making, and interaction with the external world.
  • Cell:
    • Similarly, the cell is equipped with various “sensory” systems, such as membrane proteins, ion channels, and receptors, which interact with its external environment. These systems detect bioelectric, chemical, and mechanical signals.
    • The DNA within the cell acts as the central processor, interpreting these inputs through its network of resonant field connections to produce the appropriate response. This is similar to how neurons in the brain process inputs and generate outputs.

4. Communication and Interpretation of the Environment:

  • Both the brain and individual cells have evolved systems for interpreting and responding to their environments in ways that sustain the larger organism (in the case of the brain) or cellular survival (in the case of individual cells).
    • Brain: The brain’s neural network creates predictive models about how to interact with the external world, using sensory inputs and past experiences to guide actions.
    • Cell: ceLLM suggests that cells have a built-in neural network encoded in their DNA, processing inputs from the bioelectric field to predict and guide cellular behavior. This enables cells to “decide” how to function within the larger multicellular environment.

5. Self-Sustaining Systems and Probabilistic Models:

  • Both the brain and individual cells are self-sustaining systems, relying on probabilistic decision-making processes to maintain homeostasis.
    • In the brain, neurons fire based on probabilistic models of input data, helping an organism predict and adapt to its environment.
    • In a cell, ceLLM posits that the DNA-based network operates in a similar probabilistic manner, guiding cellular responses based on inputs from the environment, such as chemical gradients or bioelectric fields.

6. Implications for ceLLM and Organismal Function:

  • The ceLLM theory provides a framework to understand that cells, much like brains, are not passive entities following static genetic instructions but are active processors of information.
  • This suggests that at every level of biological organization—from single cells to complex organisms—there is a neural-network-like system operating, where the core principles of processing environmental inputs to generate probabilistic outputs apply.


  • The Cell as a Neural Network: In ceLLM theory, the cell operates much like the brain in terms of processing environmental inputs through a latent learning model encoded in DNA. Both the brain and the cell house complex networks (neurons and DNA-based resonant fields, respectively) that predictively respond to their environments.
  • Interconnectedness of Life’s Systems: This model hints that at all levels, biological systems, from individual cells to entire brains, share similar principles of predictive processing, sensory integration, and probabilistic decision-making—all vital for sustaining life in its environment.

This ceLLM framework brings a unified perspective on how life processes information, emphasizing the commonality between cellular behavior and higher-order neural functions across different scales of biological complexity.

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