

Catherine Crews Why Voting for Kamala Harris in 2024 is a Vote for More Cancer

USA Today runs the story, “Terminally ill cancer patient casts final vote for Kamala Harris” without mentioning how policies under Kamala Harris are directly responsible for causing cancers and chronic diseases!

The report says this is Catherine Crews’ legacy, her parting gift to her children, her grandchildren, and her country.  The truth is, a vote for Kamala Harris is a vote for her children, her grandchildren, and her country to face a growing number of cancers attributed to entropic waste from wireless radiation.  That is the gift Catherine Crews is leaving her children.  A world where corporate capture puts profits before the health and well-being of the American people.

Cancer patients like Catherine Crews are being misled. The policies that have shaped our current RF radiation safety standards are directly linked to the increase in head and neck tumors. These policies were set in motion during the Obama-Biden era and continue to be perpetuated by the current administration under Kamala Harris. Voting for Harris isn’t just another political choice—it’s a decision that could have serious health consequences for future generations.

The Link Between Cancer and RF Radiation
RF radiation, which includes emissions from cell phones and wireless technologies, has been classified as a possible carcinogen by the World Health Organization. Yet, despite growing evidence linking RF radiation to cancer, the U.S. has failed to update its safety guidelines in decades. The National Toxicology Program (NTP) conducted a landmark study that found clear evidence of cancer in animals exposed to RF radiation, but the Biden-Harris administration allowed this research to halt without acting on its findings.

How Did We Get Here? The Wheeler Era
The seeds of this crisis were planted during the Obama-Biden administration, which appointed Tom Wheeler, former head of the wireless industry’s lobbying group, to chair the Federal Communications Commission (FCC). Wheeler’s ties to the industry meant that the agency he led was more interested in protecting corporate profits than public health. Despite studies showing the risks of RF radiation, Wheeler and his allies refused to update outdated safety guidelines from 1996, guidelines that remain in effect today under Harris’ watch.

The Real Victims: People Like Catherine Crews
Catherine Crews, diagnosed with a rare and aggressive cancer, is the face of the silent crisis that wireless radiation is causing. Head and neck cancers, like the one she suffers from, are on the rise. She, like so many others, is casting her vote for Harris, unaware that the policies Harris supports are linked to the very disease she is fighting. It’s time for cancer victims to know the truth: their vote could contribute to more people facing the same tragic diagnosis.

Mainstream Media Deception: Hiding the Truth
Mainstream media is actively deceiving the public by glorifying Harris while ignoring her administration’s role in halting the critical cancer research that could save lives. Media outlets continuously push a narrative of integrity and decency, but where is the integrity in allowing outdated, dangerous RF radiation guidelines to stand? The NTP study, which found clear evidence linking RF radiation to cancer, has been buried under layers of bureaucracy, and research has been defunded.

The Democratic Legacy: Ignoring Cancer Risk, Protecting Corporate Interests
Under Harris and Biden, the FCC was ordered by a federal court to reevaluate its safety standards for RF radiation. Yet, even after this court ruling, the Harris administration has done nothing to protect the public. Worse, they have allowed the National Toxicology Program—the very research arm that found evidence of cancer from RF radiation—to run out of funding. This is a direct betrayal of the American public, leaving children and future generations at risk of head and neck tumors, as well as other cancers.

A Vote for Harris is a Vote for Cancer
If Harris wins, expect no change. The wireless industry will continue to operate with outdated safety guidelines that endanger the public. Head and neck cancers will continue to rise, and more lives will be lost, just like those of Catherine Crews and thousands of others.

Conclusion: Protect Public Health, Protect Future Generations
Catherine Crews is casting her final vote, unaware of the policies that have contributed to the rise in cancer. It’s not too late for others to understand the dangers. Vote for your health, vote for your family, and vote for a future where cancer is fought—not ignored.

Call to Action
It’s time to demand that our leaders prioritize public health over corporate profits. Electing leaders who fail to act on the science of RF radiation is a vote for more cancer, more suffering, and more lives lost. We urge all cancer victims and their families to stand up and vote for change.

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