

What Killed Beau Biden and Why the Biden-Harris Administration Is Ignoring It

The Science Behind Brain Tumors and Wireless Radiation: 

In 2015, Beau Biden, the son of President Joe Biden, tragically died from glioblastoma, a form of brain cancer. Since then, there has been growing scientific evidence linking radiofrequency (RF) radiation—the kind emitted by cell phones and wireless devices—to the very type of cancer that killed him. And yet, despite these findings, the Biden-Harris administration has done little to address the potential public health crisis this represents, allowing key research to be defunded and safety guidelines to remain outdated.

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Understanding the Link Between RF Radiation and Brain Tumors

RF radiation is a type of non-ionizing radiation, which means it doesn’t have enough energy to remove tightly bound electrons from atoms. For years, it was believed that RF radiation could only cause harm through thermal effects—in other words, by heating tissues. This outdated assumption is the foundation of the Federal Communications Commission’s (FCC) safety guidelines, which have not been updated since 1996.

However, decades of research have shown that RF radiation can cause non-thermal biological effects—serious changes to cellular functions that have nothing to do with heating. The most concerning of these effects are DNA damage, oxidative stress, and disruption of cellular signaling, all of which can lead to cancer.

The NTP’s Landmark Study

In 2018, the U.S. National Toxicology Program (NTP), a federal agency, released the results of a $30 million, decade-long study investigating the health effects of RF radiation. The findings were shocking: there was “clear evidence” that prolonged exposure to RF radiation at levels similar to those emitted by cell phones could cause gliomas—malignant brain tumors—in rats.

The study specifically found that male rats exposed to RF radiation had a significantly higher risk of developing gliomas and malignant schwannomas of the heart. These findings were further supported by evidence of DNA damage in the brain cells of the exposed rats, providing a potential mechanism for how RF radiation can lead to cancer.

It’s important to note that the type of brain tumor found in these rats—gliomas—is the same type of cancer that killed Beau Biden.

The Ramazzini Institute (RI) Study

Around the same time, the Ramazzini Institute in Italy conducted a parallel study, investigating the effects of RF radiation at levels much lower than those tested by the NTP, equivalent to the emissions from cell towers. The results were similarly alarming: rats exposed to low-level RF radiation also developed gliomas and schwannomas.

Together, the NTP and RI studies provide overwhelming evidence that RF radiation can cause brain cancer, even at levels far below the FCC’s current safety limits.

Human Studies Confirm the Risk

While animal studies have been vital in demonstrating the link between RF radiation and cancer, human epidemiological studies have painted an equally grim picture. The Interphone Study, the largest case-control study on cell phone use and brain tumors, found that heavy cell phone users had a significantly increased risk of developing gliomas, particularly on the side of the head where they held their phone.

Similarly, the work of Dr. Lennart Hardell, a Swedish oncologist and researcher, has consistently shown a link between long-term cell phone use and brain tumors. His studies found that individuals who used cell phones or cordless phones for more than 10 years had a higher risk of developing gliomas and acoustic neuromas.

Why Is This Important Now?

In 2021, a U.S. Court of Appeals ruled that the FCC had failed to adequately address significant health concerns related to RF radiation. The court ordered the FCC to update its safety guidelines based on current science, which shows that non-thermal biological effects—such as DNA damage and oxidative stress—pose serious risks to human health.

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However, under the Biden-Harris administration, nothing has been done to enforce this ruling. Worse yet, the National Toxicology Program’s cancer research on RF radiation was defunded shortly after it began revealing these dangers. According to reports, funding that should have been used to continue this vital research was instead diverted to military projects.

The Consequences of Inaction

The failure to update safety standards and continue research means that millions of Americans remain exposed to potentially dangerous levels of RF radiation, whether from cell phones, Wi-Fi, or the rapidly expanding 5G networks. The consequences of this inaction could be catastrophic, particularly for children and heavy users of wireless devices, who are most vulnerable to these risks.

President Biden himself has faced this tragedy firsthand, with his own son dying from the very cancer linked to RF radiation exposure. Despite this personal loss and the overwhelming scientific evidence, the administration has chosen to prioritize corporate profits over public health, leaving millions at risk.

What Needs to Change?

  • Update FCC Guidelines: The FCC must revise its outdated 1996 safety guidelines to reflect the latest science on non-thermal biological effects, including cancer risks.
  • Restart NTP Research: The Biden-Harris administration must reinstate and expand funding for the National Toxicology Program’s research on RF radiation and cancer, for which they ended funding.
  • Protect Public Health: The U.S. government needs to take immediate action to protect the public, particularly children, by raising awareness about the risks of prolonged exposure to wireless radiation.


The evidence is clear: RF radiation is linked to brain cancer, including the type of cancer that claimed Beau Biden’s life. Studies from the NTP, Ramazzini Institute, and human epidemiological research all point to the urgent need to update safety guidelines and continue researching the health effects of wireless radiation. The Biden-Harris administration’s failure to act on this information is a serious public health issue that cannot be ignored any longer.

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