

Vote for Health: End Regulatory Capture and Protect America’s Future

As the 2024 U.S. presidential election approaches, it is more critical than ever for voters to understand the stakes surrounding wireless radiation safety and public health. Our children’s safety and our nation’s future are on the line. The choice is stark: we can either vote out those responsible for perpetuating outdated safety standards or risk allowing corporate interests to continue putting profits over the health of our communities.

RF Safe, a leading advocate for wireless radiation safety, has issued a powerful statement calling out Vice President Kamala Harris for her failure to act on vital safety updates and allowing critical research to be shut down. This website post expands on our press release, providing science-based facts that support every claim made and highlighting the critical need for voters to demand action.

This is not just a political decision—it’s a decision that could determine whether a child in America lives or dies.

Understanding RF-EMF Radiation and Its Dangers

What Is RF-EMF Radiation?

Radiofrequency electromagnetic fields (RF-EMFs) are a type of non-ionizing radiation emitted by wireless devices. Unlike ionizing radiation (such as X-rays), RF-EMFs do not carry enough energy to remove electrons from atoms. However, they can interact with biological tissues, potentially leading to significant health effects.

Sources of RF-EMF Radiation Include:

  • Cell Phones and Smartphones: The primary source of RF-EMF exposure for most individuals.
  • Wi-Fi Routers: Constantly emit RF radiation to maintain wireless internet connectivity.
  • Cell Towers: Emit RF radiation to provide wireless coverage, exposing people to emissions even when they aren’t using wireless devices directly.
  • Smart Home Devices: Tablets, laptops, and other smart appliances emit RF radiation, contributing to overall exposure.

The Science Behind RF Radiation and Cancer Risks

The National Toxicology Program (NTP) Study

The National Toxicology Program’s (NTP) RF radiation study is the largest and most significant cancer study ever conducted on animals regarding RF radiation. Conducted over a decade with a budget of $30 million, the NTP study provided crucial evidence demonstrating that RF radiation can cause cancer. Specifically, the study found clear evidence of malignant tumors, including:

  • Gliomas (brain tumors) in male rats.
  • Schwannomas (tumors of the heart) in male rats.

The NTP study was groundbreaking because it confirmed for the first time in an animal model that exposure to RF radiation—at levels similar to those experienced by cell phone users—could lead to cancer. These findings directly contradicted the wireless industry’s longstanding claim that RF radiation is harmless.

Confirmation from the Ramazzini Institute

The findings of the NTP were independently confirmed by the Ramazzini Institute in Italy, which conducted its own study on the effects of RF radiation. This study focused on low-level, far-field exposure—similar to the type of radiation emitted by cell towers.

The Ramazzini study found that even at lower exposure levels, RF radiation led to an increased incidence of the same types of tumors observed in the NTP study: gliomas and schwannomas. This confirmation is significant because it shows that even minimal, everyday exposure to RF radiation can have serious health consequences.

These studies highlight the dangers posed by current wireless radiation standards, which are based solely on preventing thermal (heating) effects and completely ignore the biological effects demonstrated in these experiments.

The Court Ruling and the FCC’s Refusal to Act

In 2021, the U.S. Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit ruled that the FCC had failed to adequately justify maintaining outdated RF radiation exposure guidelines, which were first established in 1996. The court found that the FCC had ignored substantial scientific evidence of non-thermal health effects, including:

  • DNA damage.
  • Oxidative stress.
  • Disruptions to the blood-brain barrier.

The court ordered the FCC to review and update its guidelines to reflect the latest scientific understanding of the risks associated with RF radiation exposure. However, instead of complying with this court mandate, the Biden-Harris administration allowed the FCC to ignore it—leaving millions of Americans exposed to potentially harmful levels of RF radiation without updated safety standards.

Kamala Harris’ Inaction: Ending Critical Research

Cancellation of the World’s Most Important Cancer Research

Instead of taking action to update outdated safety standards, the Biden-Harris administration took an even more harmful step—they ended funding for the National Toxicology Program’s RF radiation research. This effectively shut down the largest and most important cancer research effort into RF radiation exposure just as it was providing clear evidence of harm.

By redirecting funding away from the NTP, the administration has left the public without crucial information needed to protect themselves from the dangers of RF radiation. The NTP study, which confirmed the carcinogenic potential of RF radiation, is irreplaceable in its scope and significance. Ending this program was a disastrous choice that prioritizes corporate interests over public health.

The Consequences for Public Health

The ramifications of ending NTP research are far-reaching:

  • No New Data: Without ongoing research, the public loses access to up-to-date data on the risks of RF radiation exposure, which means safety guidelines remain based on outdated information.
  • Regulatory Stagnation: Without independent scientific data to push regulatory agencies like the FCC to act, we risk continuing under outdated and inadequate safety standards that leave our children vulnerable.

Kamala Harris’ actions are not just an oversight—they represent a direct threat to public health, leaving countless Americans at increased risk of developing cancer and other health problems.

Trump and RFK Jr.: A Commitment to Reform

Donald Trump’s Stance

While Donald Trump has faced criticism for appointing industry-friendly figures like Ajit Pai to head the FCC during his first term, he has since acknowledged these mistakes and pledged to correct them. In his current campaign, Trump has allied with Robert F. Kennedy Jr. to address the issue of regulatory capture and ensure that RF radiation safety standards are updated.

Trump has committed to:

  • Updating FCC Guidelines to reflect the latest scientific evidence, including both thermal and non-thermal effects.
  • Restoring NTP Funding to continue critical research into RF radiation and its health effects.

Robert F. Kennedy Jr.’s Advocacy

Robert F. Kennedy Jr. has been a tireless advocate for RF radiation safety for years. He successfully sued the FCC in 2021 for failing to update its outdated safety standards. Kennedy’s commitment to public health and environmental protection makes him a strong ally in the fight to end regulatory capture and demand accountability from agencies like the FCC.

The Science Is Clear: The Risks of RF Radiation Are Real

DNA Damage and Oxidative Stress

The REFLEX Project, a European research initiative, found that RF radiation can cause DNA strand breaks and oxidative stress in exposed cells. These findings are critical because DNA damage is a well-established precursor to cancer.

Immune System Dysregulation

Studies have also shown that chronic exposure to RF radiation can lead to immune system dysregulation, resulting in chronic inflammation and immune suppression. This may increase susceptibility to various diseases and hinder the body’s ability to fight off cancer cells.

Effects on Children

Children are particularly vulnerable to the effects of RF radiation due to their developing bodies and thinner skulls, which allow for deeper radiation penetration. The American Academy of Pediatrics has called for updated safety standards that take into account the unique vulnerabilities of children, yet no action has been taken.

The Consequences of Regulatory Capture

The failure to update RF radiation guidelines is a direct result of regulatory capture. For decades, the FCC has been dominated by industry insiders who prioritize the interests of telecommunications companies over public safety. The appointment of Tom Wheeler—a former head of the wireless industry—as FCC Chairman during the Obama-Biden era exemplifies this problem. Under his leadership, the FCC maintained the status quo, allowing the industry to expand without proper oversight or consideration of health risks.

Kamala Harris, as part of the Biden-Harris administration, has done nothing to change this dynamic. Instead, her administration has doubled down on policies that protect corporate profits rather than the health of the American people.

A Call to Action: Vote for Health in 2024

As we approach the 2024 election, the choice is clear. We can either continue down a path that puts profits over people, or we can demand accountability and vote for leaders who prioritize public health.

RF Safe urges Americans to:

  • Vote for Leaders Who Care About Public Health: Support candidates who are committed to updating safety standards and restoring funding for independent research.
  • Raise Awareness: Share the facts about RF radiation and its risks with your community. The more people understand the dangers, the greater the pressure on policymakers to act.
  • Demand Accountability: Call on regulatory agencies like the FCC to end their cozy relationships with the wireless industry and prioritize the health of the American people.

This is not just a political decision—it is a decision that could determine whether a child in America lives or dies. By voting out those responsible for this neglect, we can ensure a future where public health comes first.

Your vote matters. Let’s make America the strongest and healthiest country on Earth.


  1. National Toxicology Program (NTP) Study on RF Radiation
  2. Ramazzini Institute Study on RF Radiation and Cancer
  3. REFLEX Project Findings on RF Radiation and DNA Damage
  4. U.S. Court of Appeals 2021 Ruling on FCC Guidelines
  5. American Academy of Pediatrics Call for Updated Safety Standards

For further information, please contact John Coates at 727-610-1188

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