

Why You Shouldn’t Vote for Kamala Harris if the Health of Our Children Matters to You

When it comes to protecting the health and safety of our children, Kamala Harris has failed to act. If you care about the well-being of future generations, it’s important to understand the devastating impact her administration has had on crucial health policies—specifically, the lack of action on wireless radiation safety guidelines and the defunding of the world’s most important cancer research. This isn’t just a policy failure—it’s a life-or-death issue that affects millions of American families.

A vote for Harris is a vote for cancer—and here’s why.

1. Harris Hasn’t Pressured the FCC to Follow Court Orders

In 2021, a U.S. Court of Appeals ruled that the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) failed to adequately protect the public from the non-thermal health risks of radiofrequency radiation (RFR). The court made it clear that the FCC’s outdated guidelines from 1996 are not sufficient to protect the health of children and other vulnerable populations. The court ordered the FCC to re-evaluate and update these guidelines to reflect modern scientific understanding, particularly the evidence linking RFR to cancer and other serious health risks.

Despite this clear legal mandate, Harris has done nothing to pressure the FCC to update these guidelines. Three years later, the guidelines remain unchanged, leaving our children exposed to unsafe levels of radiation from cell phones, Wi-Fi, and other wireless devices.

Why hasn’t Harris taken action? The answer is simple: corporate interests. The wireless industry has a strong influence over policy decisions, and under Harris and Biden’s administration, protecting industry profits has taken precedence over protecting public health.

2. Harris’s Administration Ended Funding for Critical Cancer Research

Perhaps even more alarming is the fact that Harris’s administration abruptly ended funding for the National Toxicology Program (NTP), which was conducting the world’s most important cancer research on cell phone radiation. The NTP study found clear evidence that radiofrequency radiation causes cancer. This research was groundbreaking, confirming the risks that wireless radiation poses to human health, particularly in children.

Yet, after these critical findings, Harris and Biden shut down funding for the NTP. Why? Again, it’s about protecting the wireless industry. This decision to halt research wasn’t made in the interest of public safety—it was made to silence the growing body of evidence that cell phone radiation is dangerous.

By ending this research, Harris’s administration has effectively put millions of Americans at risk, especially children who are more vulnerable to the harmful effects of RFR. If Harris truly cared about public health, why would she stop the world’s leading cancer research on this issue?

3. The Health of Our Children Is at Stake

Children are particularly susceptible to the harmful effects of wireless radiation because their developing brains and bodies are more vulnerable. Studies have shown that radiation penetrates deeper into children’s brains than into adults, and long-term exposure could lead to serious health issues, including cancer.

By failing to update safety guidelines and defunding critical research, Harris has put the health of our children in jeopardy. She’s ignored the science, ignored the courts, and allowed corporate interests to come before the safety of the public.

4. A Vote for Harris Is a Vote for Cancer

Let’s be blunt: a vote for Kamala Harris is a vote for cancer. Her administration’s refusal to act on the dangers of wireless radiation and her decision to end vital cancer research is nothing short of reckless. The science is clear—RFR poses a serious health risk, and the outdated safety standards are leaving us exposed.

If you care about the health of your children, you cannot support a candidate who has actively ignored this issue for political gain. We need leaders who will stand up to corporate interests, hold the FCC accountable, and restore funding for the research that will help protect future generations.

Final Thoughts: Demand Action, Vote for Change

The time for inaction is over. Harris and Biden have failed us, and if we want to protect our children, we need to vote for leaders who will prioritize public health. The only way to ensure that the FDA and FCC act in the interest of the American people—and not corporate profits—is by electing officials who are willing to fight for us.

Your vote can save lives. Don’t let Harris’s inaction on this critical issue go unnoticed. It’s time to demand answers and hold our leaders accountable for the health and safety of our children. Vote for change, not for cancer.

Learn More: Visit RF Safe for more information on the dangers of wireless radiation and how we can protect our children’s future.


  • Why hasn’t Kamala Harris pressured the FCC to update cell phone radiation guidelines?
    Kamala Harris has failed to push the FCC to follow a 2021 court ruling to update outdated safety guidelines for radiofrequency radiation, leaving children and families exposed to potential risks.
  • Did Kamala Harris’s administration end cancer research on cell phone radiation?
    Yes, Harris’s administration ended funding for the National Toxicology Program’s critical research into the cancer risks associated with cell phone radiation, despite clear evidence linking RFR to cancer.
  • Is Kamala Harris ignoring the dangers of wireless radiation?
    Despite scientific evidence and a court order to update safety guidelines, Harris has not taken action to address the health risks posed by wireless radiation, putting corporate interests ahead of public safety.
  • How does Kamala Harris’s inaction affect children’s health?
    Kamala Harris has not pressured the FCC to update safety standards that protect children from wireless radiation, which can penetrate deeper into their developing brains, increasing their cancer risk.
  • What is the link between Kamala Harris and the end of NTP cancer research?
    Under Harris and Biden’s administration, the National Toxicology Program’s groundbreaking cancer research on wireless radiation was defunded, halting critical advancements in understanding RFR’s health effects.
  • Why are current cell phone safety standards outdated?
    The FCC’s cell phone safety standards, established in 1996, focus only on thermal effects, ignoring modern research on non-thermal biological effects like cancer risks, which Harris has failed to address.
  • What is the significance of the 2021 court ruling on wireless radiation?
    In 2021, a court ordered the FCC to update its safety guidelines on wireless radiation. Kamala Harris’s administration has failed to enforce this ruling, leaving outdated standards in place.
  • How has the wireless industry influenced Kamala Harris’s policies?
    Harris has been criticized for not acting on court rulings or scientific evidence regarding the dangers of wireless radiation, leading to claims that corporate interests have influenced her inaction.
  • Why should voters be concerned about Kamala Harris’s handling of wireless radiation?
    Kamala Harris’s failure to act on wireless radiation safety and her administration’s defunding of critical cancer research make her a poor choice for voters concerned about public health.
  • How can voting against Kamala Harris protect public health?
    Voting for a candidate who prioritizes updating wireless radiation guidelines and reinstating cancer research funding will ensure the health and safety of future generations. Kamala Harris has failed to do this.


  • Harris has failed us. She hasn’t pressured the FCC to follow court orders to update outdated wireless safety guidelines! Our children deserve better. #VoteForChange #HealthOverProfit
  • A vote for Kamala Harris is a vote for cancer. Her administration ended critical cancer research on cell phone radiation. Time to put public health first! #RFSafe #WirelessRisks
  • The courts ordered the FCC to update cell phone safety guidelines in 2021. Harris did nothing. Our kids are at risk! Hold her accountable. #ProtectOurKids #CancerResearch
  • Kamala Harris ended funding for the NTP’s critical cell phone radiation cancer research. We need leaders who protect our health, not corporate interests. #PublicHealth #VoteWisely
  • Harris & Biden ignored the science on radiofrequency radiation dangers. Our families deserve leaders who act on the facts, not the wireless industry’s profits. #VoteForOurHealth
  • 3 years after a court ruling, the FCC still hasn’t updated wireless safety standards. Harris has turned a blind eye. It’s time for action! #RFSafe #HealthFirst
  • Kamala Harris’s admin shut down the world’s most important cancer research on cell phone radiation. Vote for leaders who will protect our children’s health! #HealthOverProfits
  • Outdated safety standards, corporate influence, and defunded cancer research. Harris has failed to protect American families from wireless radiation risks. #AccountabilityNow
  • Children absorb more wireless radiation than adults. Harris hasn’t pushed the FCC to update guidelines. Time to demand better for our kids! #WirelessRisks #HealthOverProfits
  • Kamala Harris ignored the courts, ignored the science, and ended cancer research that could have saved lives. Don’t vote for a candidate who puts profits over public health! #VoteForChange
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