

A Father’s Quest: Unveiling Potential Links Between EMF Exposure and Developmental Risks

The tragic loss of my daughter, Angel Leigh Coates, to a neural tube defect (NTD) has propelled me into a deeply personal journey of research, advocacy, and innovation in the realm of electromagnetic field (EMF) safety. This experience has not only changed my life but also sparked a mission to raise awareness about potential risks associated with EMF exposure, particularly during critical periods of development.

A Personal Tragedy and a Lifelong Mission

In 1995, I was overjoyed at the prospect of welcoming my first child. However, happiness turned to despair when Angel was born with anencephaly, a severe NTD where major portions of the brain, skull, and scalp are missing. Tragically, Angel did not survive.

At the time, Tammra had been working in an environment with high levels of EMF exposure due to powerful industrial microwave radios. This circumstance led me to question whether there could be a connection between EMF exposure and the developmental anomaly that claimed my daughter’s life.

Motivated by this profound personal loss, I founded RF Safe in 1998. The organization’s mission is to educate the public about EMF safety and to advocate for stringent safety standards and protective measures.

Exploring the Science: EMF Exposure and Developmental Abnormalities

My quest for answers led me to delve into scientific research exploring the effects of EMF exposure on biological processes. One study that particularly resonated with me was conducted by Farrell et al. in 1997, titled “EMF-Induced Abnormalities in Chicken Embryos”. This study investigated the impact of EMF exposure on developing embryos and found significant results.

Key Findings from Farrell et al., 1997

  • Increased Abnormalities: Chicken embryos exposed to EMFs showed a 2.5-fold increase in neural abnormalities compared to unexposed controls.
  • Types of Defects Observed: The abnormalities included neural tube defects similar to those seen in human conditions like spina bifida and anencephaly.
  • Implications: The study suggested that EMF exposure during critical periods of development could interfere with normal embryonic processes.


Bioelectricity: The Language of Development

Understanding how EMFs could influence development led me to explore the role of bioelectricity in embryogenesis. Bioelectric signals are essential for guiding cell division, differentiation, and tissue formation. Disruptions to these signals can result in developmental abnormalities.

Expert Insights

Dr. Michael Levin, a prominent researcher in developmental biology at Tufts University, has extensively studied bioelectricity’s role in development.

  • Levin’s Perspective: “Bioelectric signals are fundamental to embryonic development. They serve as a communication network that coordinates cellular activities.”
  • Potential Vulnerability: “External electromagnetic fields could, in theory, interfere with these signals, although more research is needed to understand the extent and mechanisms.”

While Dr. Levin’s work does not specifically link EMF exposure to human developmental defects, it highlights the critical nature of bioelectric processes that could be susceptible to external influences.

Advocacy for Updated Safety Standards

Given the uncertainties and potential risks, I believe it is crucial to adopt a precautionary approach.

Current Limitations

  • Outdated Guidelines: Existing safety standards primarily address thermal effects of EMF exposure, not non-thermal biological effects.
  • Lack of Specific Protections: Vulnerable populations, such as pregnant women and developing fetuses, may not be adequately protected under current guidelines.

Calls to Action

  • Update Safety Standards: Advocate for regulatory bodies like the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) to revise guidelines to reflect current scientific understanding.
  • Promote Research: Encourage funding and support for studies investigating non-thermal effects of EMF exposure on development.
  • Increase Public Awareness: Educate individuals about potential risks and practical measures to reduce exposure, especially during pregnancy.

Practical Steps for Reducing EMF Exposure

While the scientific community continues to explore these issues, there are steps that individuals can take to minimize potential risks.


  • Limit Use of Wireless Devices: Especially during pregnancy, reduce the use of cell phones and other wireless technologies when possible.
  • Maintain Distance: Keep devices away from the body; use speakerphone or wired headsets.
  • Disable Wireless Functions: Turn off Wi-Fi and Bluetooth when not in use.
  • Create Safe Spaces: Consider reducing EMF sources in sleeping areas and places where pregnant women spend significant time.

Moving Forward: A Collaborative Effort

Addressing potential EMF risks requires cooperation among scientists, policymakers, industry, and the public.

For Scientists

  • Conduct Rigorous Research: Design studies that can provide clearer answers about EMF exposure’s effects on development.
  • Interdisciplinary Collaboration: Work across fields like biology, physics, and medicine to deepen understanding.

For Policymakers

  • Reevaluate Guidelines: Update safety standards to incorporate the latest research findings.
  • Support Research Funding: Allocate resources to investigate non-thermal biological effects.

For Industry

  • Innovate Safely: Develop technologies with lower EMF emissions and provide users with information on safe usage practices.
  • Transparency: Share data on EMF emissions and support independent research.

For the Public

  • Stay Informed: Keep up-to-date with scientific developments and guidelines.
  • Engage in Dialogue: Participate in conversations with healthcare providers and policymakers about concerns and safety measures.

Honoring Angel’s Legacy Through Advocacy

The loss of my daughter Angel is a pain that never fades, but it has also been the driving force behind my commitment to EMF safety advocacy. While definitive answers remain elusive, the potential risks highlighted by scientific studies warrant cautious consideration.

By working together to promote research, update safety standards, and increase public awareness, we can take meaningful steps to protect future generations. It’s not about instilling fear but about empowering individuals with knowledge to make informed decisions.

For more information on EMF safety and practical tips for reducing exposure, please visit RF Safe.

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