Addressing the Political Health Crisis Linked to Radiofrequency Radiation and Regulatory Inaction

Addressing the Health Crisis Linked to Radiofrequency Radiation and Regulatory Inaction

RF Safe – a coalition of public health advocates and concerned citizens is drawing attention to a critical health crisis they attribute to prolonged regulatory inaction on the potential dangers of radiofrequency radiation (RFR) exposure. They allege that the current administration, under President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris, has failed to update safety guidelines and has halted funding for vital cancer research, thereby putting public health at risk.


Over the past three decades, extensive peer-reviewed research has indicated significant adverse effects from exposure to RFR and electromagnetic fields (EMFs). Key findings include:

In 2011, the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) classified RFR as “possibly carcinogenic to humans.” Recent studies have strengthened the evidence linking RFR exposure to cancer, prompting calls for a reevaluation of safety guidelines.

Regulatory and Legal Developments

Despite the court’s directive, critics allege that the FCC has not updated its safety guidelines in the three years since the ruling. They assert that the current administration has not taken sufficient action to compel the FCC to comply with the court’s order.

Public Health Concerns

Advocates express deep concern over the potential health risks, especially for vulnerable populations like children:

Call to Voters

The coalition urges voters to consider these issues in the upcoming election. They argue that the current administration’s inaction represents a significant public health oversight and call for new leadership that will prioritize:

  1. Updating Safety Guidelines Immediately
    • Incorporating Non-Thermal Effects: Revise FCC guidelines to reflect current scientific understanding, accounting for biological effects that occur without tissue heating.
    • Protecting Vulnerable Populations: Implement stricter regulations to safeguard children, pregnant women, and those with electromagnetic sensitivities.
  2. Restoring Funding for Independent Research
    • Reinstating NTP Funding: Continue crucial research to understand long-term health impacts of RFR exposure.
    • Encouraging Transparency: Support research free from industry influence to ensure unbiased results.
  3. Eliminating Industry Influence in Regulatory Agencies
    • Enforcing Conflict-of-Interest Policies: Prevent the revolving door between industry and regulatory bodies.
    • Increasing Public Participation: Allow greater input from independent scientists and public health experts.

Quotes from Advocates

“Public health should never take a backseat to corporate interests,” said John Coates, spokesperson for RF Safe. “The failure to update safety guidelines and the halting of critical cancer research not only ignore scientific evidence but also put millions of lives at risk.”


The coalition emphasizes the urgency of addressing this health crisis and calls on voters to consider the implications of regulatory inaction on public health. They assert that immediate policy changes are necessary to protect current and future generations from the potential dangers of RFR exposure.