
BANNED Apple’s Nightmare Before Christmas: iWatch Series 9 and Ultra 2

Patent Dispute Halting US Sales of Popular Apple Smartwatches

Ban on Watch Series 9, Watch Ultra 2 starts Dec. 26 if Biden doesn’t intervene.

In what can be described as a seismic shift in the tech world, Apple Inc., the colossus of Silicon Valley, stands at the precipice of a major setback. This week marks the beginning of a sales ban on some of its most coveted products – the Apple Watch Series 9 and Ultra 2. This development springs from a legal tussle over allegations of patent infringement, a dispute that paints a complex picture of innovation, competition, and legal maneuvering.

The Heart of the Matter

The core of this legal storm is a patent related to biomarker technology, integral to the blood oxygen feature of Apple’s smartwatches. The accusation is straightforward yet profound: Apple, a pioneer in integrating health and technology, is alleged to have stepped over legal boundaries in its pursuit of innovation.

Sales Halt: The Immediate Fallout

The immediate consequence is a halt in sales. Starting December 21, Apple will cease online sales of these models, and by December 24, the products will vanish from physical store shelves. This move isn’t just a logistical adjustment; it’s a significant blow to Apple’s market presence and a jolt to its customer base.

Revenue Impact: The Financial Ramifications

Industry analysts are ringing alarm bells, predicting a substantial dent in Apple’s revenue streams. The estimated loss stands at a staggering $200 million, a figure that underscores the significance of this season for Apple’s sales strategy. This isn’t just a setback; it’s a financial quake during what should have been a time of booming sales.

Legal Background: The Genesis of the Dispute

At the heart of this upheaval is the International Trade Commission’s (ITC) ruling. The decision favored Masimo, a biotech firm that claimed its patented technology was used unauthorizedly by Apple. This ruling isn’t just a verdict; it’s a statement on the sanctity of intellectual property in the cutthroat world of tech.

Masimo’s Claim: Accusations of Corporate Overreach

Masimo’s accusation is not just of patent infringement. They claim a betrayal of trust, alleging that Apple, under the guise of partnership talks, appropriated their sensor technology. This accusation paints a picture of corporate espionage and raises questions about ethical boundaries in tech innovation.

Additional Insights:

Consumer Impact: Navigating the Aftermath

Presidential Review: A Glimmer of Hope?

The Biden administration holds a card that could change the game – the power to veto the ITC ban. The decision is pending, with a deadline set for December 25. This potential intervention is a thread of hope for Apple, showcasing the intersection of politics and commerce.

Looking Forward: The Road Ahead for Apple


As the saga unfolds, the tech world watches with bated breath. This case is more than a legal battle; it’s a narrative about innovation, competition, and the fine line between inspiration and infringement. For Apple, this Christmas season is marred by uncertainty and challenge. But if history has shown us anything, it’s that Apple has a knack for navigating through storms. The coming days will reveal whether this setback is a temporary hurdle or a defining moment in Apple’s storied history.

Learn more about this ban!