
Believe What You Read? The Dangerous Practice of War-Gaming Science in the Wireless Industry

In today’s world, wireless technology has become ubiquitous, and we rely on it more and more every day. However, concerns have been raised about the potential health risks associated with wireless devices, particularly cell phones and the upcoming 5G technology. Unfortunately, the wireless industry has a history of downplaying these concerns and using a dangerous practice known as war-gaming science to distort and manipulate research findings to fit their interests. In this article, we will explore the practice of war-gaming science in the wireless industry and the potential health risks associated with wireless radiation.

The wireless industry has downplayed these concerns and obstructed a full and fair understanding of the science, aided by government agencies prioritizing commercial interests over human health.

The practice of war-gaming science is particularly dangerous when it comes to public health and safety, as it allows companies to present misleading information that can lead to serious health hazards. The wireless industry has been observed using war-gaming science to distort and downplay research into the effects of wireless technology and cell phone radiation on human health.

Are We Conducting an Uncontrolled Experiment on Ourselves with 5G Technology?

The rollout of 5G technology has sparked concerns about the potential health risks associated with this new technology. Four senior academic scientists, including the former director of the U.S. National Toxicology Program (NTP), are calling for the application of the precautionary principle to public exposures to RF radiation.

In a strongly worded appeal published in the peer-reviewed journal Environmental Research, Paul Ben Ishai, Linda Birnbaum, Devra Davis, and Hugh Taylor point to a “plethora of both experimental and epidemiological evidence establishing a causal relationship between EMF and cancer and other adverse health effects.”

What is War-Gaming Science, and How Does It Affect Public Health?

War-gaming science is a practice in which industries use their resources to manipulate scientific research and its interpretation to downplay the risks associated with their products or services. This practice is particularly dangerous when it comes to public health and safety, as it allows companies to present misleading information that can lead to serious health hazards.

The wireless industry has used war-gaming science to infiltrate and influence the World Health Organization’s deliberations on the risks of cell phone radiation. The industry provided the WHO with a $4.7 million contribution, which enabled it to place industry-funded experts on the working group that debated the classification of cell phone radiation as a carcinogen.

What Are the Potential Health Risks Associated with 5G Technology?

The potential health risks associated with 5G technology are a significant concern for many. Numerous studies have linked wireless radiation to cancer and genetic damage, particularly concerning children, who are more vulnerable to the risks. The wireless industry has borrowed tactics from the tobacco and fossil-fuel industries to downplay the risks of its products.

The rollout of 5G technology will result in a significant increase in radiation exposure, which is a cause for concern. Scientists and ethicists are urging regulators to apply the precautionary principle and delay the deployment of 5G technology until further research clarifies its impacts.

What Can We Do to Protect Ourselves from Wireless Radiation?

While the potential health risks associated with wireless radiation are a concern, there are steps we can take to protect ourselves. Using air-tube headsets when speakerphone is not an option, keeping your phone in an RF Safe radiation-protective case, and limiting exposure to cell phone radiation can all help to mitigate the risks.


In conclusion, the wireless industry’s practice of war-gaming science to downplay the risks of cell phone radiation is a dangerous practice that can have serious consequences for public health. Scientists and ethicists are urging regulators to apply the precautionary principle and delay the deployment of 5G technology until further research clarifies its impacts.

In the meantime, it is important to take steps to protect ourselves from wireless radiation. By using protective cases, limiting exposure, and being aware of the potential risks, we can take control of our own health and safety. It is crucial to prioritize human health over commercial interests and ensure that scientific research is conducted in a transparent and unbiased manner.

Four senior academic scientists, including the former director of the U.S. National Toxicology Program, have called for the application of the precautionary principle to public exposures to RF radiation. This is a crucial step towards protecting public health, as it emphasizes the need for caution and careful consideration of potential risks.

While the potential health risks associated with wireless radiation cannot be ignored, it is important to remember that we can take steps to protect ourselves. By being informed and taking precautions, we can minimize our exposure to wireless radiation and ensure that we stay healthy and safe.


  1. What is the precautionary principle, and why is it important for public health? The precautionary principle is a decision-making principle that emphasizes caution in the face of uncertainty. It is particularly important for public health, as it prioritizes the protection of human health over commercial interests and encourages regulators to err on the side of caution when evaluating potential risks.
  2. Can air-tube headsets protect against the potential health risks of wireless radiation? Air-tube headsets can help to mitigate the risks of wireless radiation by reducing the amount of radiation that is absorbed by the body. However, it is important to note that they are not a foolproof solution, and other precautions should also be taken to minimize exposure to wireless radiation.
  3. Are children more vulnerable to the potential health risks of wireless radiation? Yes, children are more vulnerable to the potential health risks of wireless radiation due to their smaller body size and developing brains. Parents should take extra precautions to limit their children’s exposure to wireless radiation, such as minimizing screen time and using protective cases.
  4. Is there a link between wireless radiation and cancer? Numerous studies have linked wireless radiation to cancer and genetic damage. While the exact nature of this link is still being studied, it is clear that there is cause for concern when it comes to the potential health risks of wireless radiation.