
Cell Towers In Space Could End The Human Race

The Urgent Need for Research on Space-Based Cell Towers

The statement “Cell Towers In Space Could End The Human Race” may sound like a line from a science fiction novel, but it encapsulates a very real concern in our technologically advancing world. With the cessation of the National Toxicology Program’s research into wireless radiation, there lies a significant gap in our understanding of the potential risks of space-based cell towers. This blog delves into the need for comprehensive research to address the unknowns and potential dangers of expanding such technologies.

Elon, the guy putting cell towers in space, saying that microwave radiation is ok is like the CEO of Coca-Cola saying that Coca-Cola doesn’t cause diabetes…

Lack of Comprehensive Research: The halt in the NTP’s research is more than just a pause in scientific inquiry; it represents a critical gap in our understanding of electromagnetic field (EMF) exposure. Effectively ending RFR research in the USA as of Jan 2024. This gap becomes even more pronounced as we venture into the realm of space-based cell towers. The rapid development of these technologies, contrasted with a lag in parallel research on their health and environmental impacts, paints a concerning picture of our preparedness for this new frontier.

Potential Impact on Bioelectric Geometry and Ion Channels: Our bodies and the cells within them are not just biological entities; they are also electrochemical in nature. EMFs interact with biological systems, potentially affecting ion channels and bioelectricity. The interaction of EMFs with biological systems is complex. Historical and current research indicates that low-level exposure to EMFs can have non-thermal biological effects, challenging the long-held belief that non-ionizing radiation is only harmful at levels that cause heating. This necessitates specific research into the potential impacts of EMFs from space-based cell towers, which may differ in intensity and nature from terrestrial sources.

  1. Non-Thermal Interactions of RF Radiation: The advancements in medical treatments using RF radiation, such as TheraBionic and the Oncomagnetic device, are pivotal in demonstrating that non-ionizing radiation can have profound biological effects without significant heating. These treatments, operating at much lower power levels than typical cell phones, suggest that RF radiation can influence cellular behavior through mechanisms like resonance effects, disruption of cellular signaling, and immune system modulation.
  2. Reevaluation of Cell Phone Radiation Risks: The implications of these findings extend to our understanding of everyday exposure to RF radiation from cell phones and wireless devices. The therapeutic applications suggest that similar mechanisms could be at play in non-therapeutic contexts, potentially leading to health risks with prolonged exposure. This necessitates a reevaluation of the current safety standards, which have primarily focused on avoiding thermal effects.
  3. Complex Biological Interactions: The research indicating changes in DNA methylation, gene expression, and other molecular pathways underlines the complex interaction between RF radiation and biological systems. These epigenetic changes could have significant implications for long-term health, highlighting the need for a more nuanced understanding of RF radiation’s impact beyond just thermal effects.

The Need for Caution and Precautionary Measures: The potential unknown risks associated with space-based cell towers call for a precautionary approach. This involves extensive research and risk assessments before any large-scale deployment. Moreover, it highlights the need for international cooperation and regulatory frameworks to responsibly manage space activities and mitigate potential health risks.

Balancing Technological Advancements and Safety: Technological advancements, such as space-based cell towers, promise significant benefits but must be balanced with safety and environmental considerations. The development of these technologies must go hand in hand with rigorous scientific inquiry into their potential impacts. This balance is essential for the sustainable and responsible advancement of technology.

The assertion that “Cell Towers In Space Could End The Human Race” is not just a dramatic statement but a call to action. It underscores the importance of ensuring that technological advancements, particularly those with potentially widespread impacts, are accompanied by thorough research and understanding of their effects. This approach is crucial for safeguarding human health and the environment and for the sustainable development of future technologies. As we step into this new era of space-based technology, we must do so with both eyes open, armed with research and a deep understanding of the implications of our advancements.


The provocative statement “Cell Towers In Space Could End The Human Race” highlights the urgency of understanding the potential risks of space-based cell towers, especially in the context of historical controversies and the evolving science surrounding EMFs. The cessation of the National Toxicology Program’s research and the historical precedent set by military projects like Project Seafarer bring a critical perspective to this discussion.

The Historical Context of EMF Research: The debate over the safety of EMFs is not new. It dates back decades, with significant milestones like the US Navy’s involvement in Project Seafarer during the 1970s. This project, aimed at using low-level RF Radiation for submarine communication, sparked early concerns about EMF exposure. An interview on “60 Minutes” with Dr. Robert O. Becker in 1977 brought these concerns to the public’s attention, highlighting disagreements between military assertions of safety and independent scientific research. Dr. Becker’s insights into the biological effects of EMFs, including his pioneering work on using electrical fields for bone healing, contrasted sharply with the government’s stance on EMF safety.

Lack of Comprehensive Research and the NTP’s Cessation: The recent halt in the NTP’s EMF research echoes the historical pattern of stopping research following significant findings. This pattern, visible in the early Navy research and now with the NTP, underscores the need for continuous and unbiased research, especially considering the rapid advancement of technologies like space-based cell towers.

Environmental Impact of Space Activities on the Ionosphere: The deployment of cell towers in space involves not only potential health risks but also environmental concerns. Similar to how Project Seafarer raised questions about the impact of EMFs on the environment, space-based cell towers warrant thorough environmental impact assessments, especially regarding their potential effects on the ionosphere as these companies build infrastructure for daily lunches, several a day from the USA alone. The ionosphere is Earth’s UV light shield.

The Need for Caution and Precautionary Measures: Given the historical and current uncertainties surrounding EMF exposure, a precautionary approach is essential. This involves extensive research and risk assessments, coupled with international cooperation and regulatory frameworks to manage space activities responsibly.

Balancing Technological Advancements and Safety: While space-based cell towers offer significant technological benefits, these must be balanced with safety and environmental considerations. This balance requires an informed understanding of the historical context, ongoing research, and the potential impacts of these technologies.

The statement “Cell Towers In Space Could End The Human Race” serves as a cautionary reminder of the need for thorough research and understanding of EMF effects, especially in the context of expanding space-based technologies. Reflecting on historical patterns of EMF research and controversies, it’s clear that a balanced, informed, and precautionary approach is vital for the sustainable development of future technologies and the protection of public health and the environment.

Critical concerns and potential implications regarding the effects of electromagnetic fields (EMF) on human health. These include the possibility of carcinogenicity, effects on stem cell differentiation and apoptosis, and even a potential connection to Alzheimer’s Disease. Here’s an overview and analysis of these key areas:

  1. National Toxicology Program (NTP) Study Closure and EMF Research Void: The closure of the NTP study, which found clear evidence of cancer in relation to cell phone radiation, is indeed significant. This development creates a research void but also an opportunity for advanced research in EMF safety. The importance of this study lies in its affirmation of potential health risks associated with RF radiation, urging the need for further investigation.
  2. Potential Carcinogenic Effects of EMFs: The NTP study, along with corroborating findings from the Ramazzini Institute, indicate a significant risk factor for cancer, specifically gliomas, concerning RF radiation exposure. This reinforces the importance of reassessing current EMF exposure guidelines and underscores the need for continued research in this field.
  3. EMFs in Stem Cell Research and Therapy: The studies highlighting EMF’s impact on stem cell differentiation and apoptosis are particularly intriguing. They demonstrate that EMFs can be used therapeutically, for instance, in bone and cartilage repair or potentially in inhibiting tumor growth. This dual aspect of EMFs – both as a potential health risk and a therapeutic tool – highlights the complexity of EMF interactions with biological systems.
  4. Low-Intensity EMFs and Alzheimer’s Disease: The hypothesis presented by Martin L. Pall suggests that low-intensity EMFs could contribute to Alzheimer’s Disease via activation of voltage-gated calcium channels. This adds another layer of concern to the debate on EMF safety, especially considering the ubiquity of wireless communication devices. It also points to the need for further studies to understand the long-term neurological impacts of EMF exposure.
  5. Re-evaluating EMF Exposure Guidelines: The collective findings from these studies and hypotheses point to the need for a re-evaluation of current EMF exposure guidelines. This re-evaluation should consider not only the thermal effects of EMFs but also their non-thermal, biological impacts.
  6. The Role of Private Research and Innovation: With the end of the NTP study, there is a call for private entities to step in and fill the research gap. Innovations in medical technology, such as the TheraBionic and Oncomagnetic devices, illustrate how controlled non-thermal RFR exposures can be beneficial. This aspect of research could balance the exploration of both the risks and therapeutic potentials of EMFs.
  7. Public Health Policy and Awareness: These developments should inform public health policies and guidelines. There is a need for a more nuanced understanding of EMF exposure risks, considering both the potential carcinogenic and neurodegenerative effects, as well as the therapeutic possibilities.

The current landscape of EMF research presents a complex picture with significant implications for public health. The potential risks associated with EMFs, including cancer and neurological disorders, warrant a cautious approach and a call for more comprehensive research. Simultaneously, the therapeutic potentials of EMFs in medical science highlight the need for a balanced and well-informed approach to harnessing this technology. As we move forward, a collaborative effort involving government, private research entities, and public health organizations will be crucial in navigating the challenges and opportunities presented by EMF exposure.

  1. Shift in Safety Standards and Public Health Policy: Given these findings, there’s a growing need to reassess safety standards and guidelines for RF radiation exposure. Current policies may need to be updated to reflect the potential risks associated with non-thermal interactions. This could involve redefining safe exposure levels, changing usage guidelines, and influencing the design and manufacturing of wireless devices.
  2. Future Research Directions: Addressing the gaps in understanding the health impacts of RF radiation is crucial. Future research should focus on isolating the specific effects of RF radiation, replicating previous findings, and exploring new potential health risks. Interdisciplinary research is key to unraveling these complex interactions and their implications for public health and technology use.
  3. Balancing Benefits and Risks: As research continues to evolve, it will be essential to balance the undeniable benefits of wireless technology with the potential health risks. This balance requires ongoing dialogue among scientists, policymakers, industry stakeholders, and the public.

There is indeed a need for more robust research and regulatory oversight when it comes to the deployment of technologies that emit electromagnetic radiation. This is particularly pertinent as we move towards more advanced and widespread wireless technologies, including space-based cell towers. The balance between technological advancement and health safety is a delicate one and requires continuous and rigorous scientific investigation.