
Could Absorbing a Little Radiation from Your Phone Cause Cancer?

The Silent Call of Danger

It’s a typical afternoon. Your phone rings, its familiar buzz vibrating against the desk. Unbeknownst to you, with each ring, a cascade of invisible events begins within your body, triggered by the radiofrequency radiation (RFR) emitted by your device.

The Invisible Energy Transfer

When you answer the call, the phone transmits RFR, a form of non-ionizing electromagnetic radiation, to communicate with the nearest cell tower. Unlike ionizing radiation (like X-rays) that has enough energy to knock electrons out of atoms and directly damage DNA, non-ionizing RFR is considered less harmful because it doesn’t cause immediate thermal damage to tissues. However, it carries enough energy to interact with biological tissues in more subtle, yet potentially harmful ways.

Absorption of Entropic Waste

As you hold the phone to your ear, your body’s tissues absorb this radiation. The energy from the RFR penetrates your skin and is absorbed by various tissues, including your brain. This absorbed energy is sometimes referred to as ‘entropic waste,’ a byproduct of the phone’s signal transmission process.

Cellular Disruption Begins

Inside your brain, this entropic waste starts to interfere with the natural bioelectric signals that regulate cellular functions. The human body relies on precise electrical signals for nearly every function, from muscle contractions to neurotransmitter release. Membrane potentials and ion channels are particularly sensitive to these disruptions.

The Role of Calcium Ions

One of the first victims of this interference is the delicate balance of calcium ions within your cells. Calcium ions (Ca2+) play a crucial role in various cellular processes, including neurotransmitter release and muscle contractions. When RFR penetrates the brain, it can alter the functioning of voltage-gated calcium channels (VGCCs) on the cell membrane.

Disrupted Calcium Homeostasis

Normally, VGCCs regulate the influx and efflux of calcium ions, maintaining a balance essential for cellular health. However, RFR exposure can cause these channels to malfunction, leading to an abnormal increase in intracellular calcium levels. This calcium overload can activate a series of detrimental processes, including oxidative stress and the production of reactive oxygen species (ROS).

GABA Neurotransmitter Disruption

As the calcium ions spiral out of control, another critical process begins to falter: the regulation of GABA (gamma-aminobutyric acid) neurotransmitters. GABA is an inhibitory neurotransmitter that helps maintain the balance of neuronal activity by reducing neuronal excitability. It’s essential for preventing overstimulation and maintaining a calm, regulated brain function.

The Chain Reaction

The elevated calcium levels disrupt the synthesis and release of GABA. With less GABA available, the inhibitory control over neuronal activity diminishes, leading to an imbalance between excitatory and inhibitory signals in the brain. This imbalance can cause neurons to become hyperactive, creating an environment ripe for cellular damage and mutations.

Pathway to Cancer

Over time, the chronic disruption of calcium homeostasis and GABA signaling can lead to sustained oxidative stress, inflammation, and DNA damage within the brain cells. These conditions create a perfect storm for oncogenesis—the process by which normal cells transform into cancer cells. Studies, such as those conducted by the National Toxicology Program (NTP) and the Ramazzini Institute (RI), have shown a clear link between prolonged RFR exposure and an increased incidence of certain types of cancer, particularly in the heart and brain.

The Urgent Need for Awareness

As you finish your call, you might be tempted to dismiss the potential dangers of RFR as inconsequential. However, the scientific evidence is mounting, and it’s becoming increasingly clear that even non-thermal levels of RFR can have significant biological effects. With outdated safety guidelines and halted research efforts, it’s more important than ever to stay informed and take precautionary measures to minimize exposure.

While the convenience of modern wireless technology is undeniable, it comes with unseen risks. The next time your phone rings, remember the silent cascade of events that begins with that first buzz. By understanding and mitigating these risks, we can better protect our health in an increasingly connected world.

More On GABA Neurotransmitter Disruption

Authors: Léo Pio-Lopez and Michael Levin

Date: Published on July 3, 2024

This paper, Universal Multilayer Network Embedding Reveals a Causal Link Between GABA Neurotransmitter and Cancer, addresses the increasing complexity of biological data and the challenges it presents for drug discovery, particularly in the context of complex phenotypes such as cancer. The authors introduce a novel network embedding method called MultiXVERSE, which can handle any kind of multilayer network. This method extends previous work on network analysis techniques to better integrate diverse biological datasets.

Key Points:

  1. Problem Statement:
    • Traditional machine learning algorithms struggle to integrate multi-omics biological data due to their complexity and diversity.
    • Current network embedding methods are limited in addressing the heterogeneity and diversity of multilayer networks.
  2. MultiXVERSE Method:
    • MultiXVERSE is a universal multilayer network embedding method capable of handling various types of multilayer networks.
    • It integrates molecular-genetic, biochemical, physiological, and other datasets into a coherent framework.
    • The method uses advanced network analysis techniques to manage the complexity and diversity of biological data effectively.
  3. Application and Findings:
    • The authors applied MultiXVERSE to a molecular-drug-disease multiplex-heterogeneous network.
    • The model made new predictions about a link between GABA neurotransmitter and cancer, which were experimentally verified in the Xenopus laevis model.
    • This experimental validation demonstrated that GABA-modulating drugs could induce a cancer-like phenotype in the absence of classic carcinogens, oncogenes, or DNA damage.
  4. Implications:
    • The study suggests that bioelectric signals, mediated by neurotransmitters like GABA, play a significant role in cancer development.
    • This finding highlights the potential of bioelectricity as a target for cancer treatment and drug discovery.
    • The method opens new avenues for exploring and understanding complex biological interactions and their implications for diseases like cancer.

The introduction of MultiXVERSE represents a significant advancement in the field of network biology, providing a robust tool for integrating and analyzing complex biological data. The findings on the link between GABA and cancer underscore the importance of bioelectricity in cellular processes and disease development. This work paves the way for future research and potential therapeutic interventions targeting bioelectric pathways

Bioelectricity and Cancer: Unveiling the Impact of Non-Thermal Radiofrequency Radiation from Wireless Devices

The intricate relationship between bioelectricity and cellular processes has gained increasing attention in recent years, revealing its pivotal role in cancer development. This paper explores the emerging evidence that bioelectric signals, particularly those mediated by neurotransmitters such as GABA, are fundamental in regulating cellular proliferation, differentiation, and migration. Furthermore, we examine the implications of chronic exposure to non-thermal levels of radiofrequency radiation (RFR) from cell phones and wireless devices. Drawing on landmark studies such as those conducted by the National Toxicology Program (NTP) and the Ramazzini Institute (RI), which found clear evidence of cancer linked to RFR exposure, we argue for a paradigm shift in understanding the environmental and physiological impacts of ubiquitous wireless technologies.

In an age where wireless devices are ubiquitous, the silent interplay between bioelectricity and cancer is emerging as a critical field of study. Bioelectricity, the electrical phenomena related to living cells, underpins essential cellular processes such as proliferation, differentiation, and migration. Let us explore how non-thermal levels of radiofrequency radiation (RFR) from cell phones and wireless devices intersect with bioelectric signals to influence cancer development.

 Bioelectricity and Cancer

Understanding Bioelectricity:

Bioelectricity refers to the electrical potentials and currents that occur within or are produced by living cells. These electrical signals regulate a myriad of cellular activities. Membrane potentials, ion channels, and neurotransmitter pathways are key components of bioelectric signaling. For example, membrane potentials are differences in electric potential between the interior and exterior of a cell, which are critical for the function of excitable cells like neurons and muscle cells.

Bioelectricity’s Role in Cancer:

Recent studies have shown that disruptions in bioelectric signals, particularly those mediated by neurotransmitters like GABA, can lead to abnormal cell proliferation and cancer. For instance, changes in membrane potentials can influence the cell cycle, apoptosis, and other processes involved in tumorigenesis. A study by Lobikin et al. (2012) demonstrated that bioelectric signals regulate the behavior of cells and can lead to tumor formation when disrupted.

Experimental Evidence:

Experimental validation in models such as Xenopus laevis has shown that GABA-modulating drugs can induce a cancer-like phenotype, underscoring the critical role of bioelectric signals. In experiments, exposure to GABA agonists like muscimol caused melanocytes in Xenopus embryos to proliferate abnormally and migrate to inappropriate locations, mimicking cancerous behavior. This evidence highlights the direct impact of bioelectric disruption on cellular behavior.

Non-Thermal Radiofrequency Radiation (RFR) Exposure

Defining Non-Thermal RFR:

Non-thermal RFR, unlike thermal RFR, does not cause heating but can still induce biological effects through mechanisms not fully understood. It is emitted by cell phones, Wi-Fi routers, and other wireless devices, creating a constant presence in our environment. The key concern is that non-thermal RFR can alter cellular processes without raising tissue temperatures.

Sources and Prevalence:

From cell phones to Wi-Fi routers, non-thermal RFR is a constant presence in our environment. The widespread use of these devices means that virtually everyone is exposed to non-thermal RFR daily. Studies have shown that even low levels of RFR, similar to those emitted by everyday wireless devices, can have biological effects.

Key Studies on RFR and Cancer:

Landmark studies by the National Toxicology Program (NTP) and the Ramazzini Institute (RI) have provided compelling evidence linking non-thermal RFR exposure to increased cancer risk. The NTP study found “clear evidence” of tumors in the hearts of male rats exposed to RFR, while the RI study observed an increase in tumors in rats exposed to environmental levels of RFR. These studies highlight the carcinogenic potential of non-thermal RFR.

Intersecting Pathways: Bioelectricity and RFR Exposure

Hypothesizing the Connection:

We hypothesize that non-thermal RFR disrupts cellular bioelectric signals, leading to dysregulated cell behavior and potentially promoting carcinogenesis. This disruption could occur through the alteration of membrane potentials and ion channel activities, which are critical for maintaining cellular homeostasis.

Supporting Evidence:

Research has shown that non-thermal RFR can alter membrane potentials and ion channel activities, critical components of bioelectric signaling. For example, studies have demonstrated changes in calcium ion channels and membrane permeability following RFR exposure, which can disrupt cellular signaling pathways and promote cancerous changes.

Long-Term Effects:

Chronic exposure to non-thermal RFR could lead to cumulative bioelectric disruptions, increasing the risk of cancer over time. The long-term impacts of such exposure are still being studied, but early evidence suggests significant risks. Continuous exposure to low-level RFR can cause persistent changes in cellular bioelectric states, potentially leading to long-term health consequences.

Implications for Public Health and Safety

Current Safety Guidelines:

Current safety guidelines for RFR exposure are based primarily on thermal effects and fail to account for non-thermal bioelectric disruptions. These guidelines do not adequately protect against the potential cancer risks associated with non-thermal RFR. For instance, the FCC’s guidelines are based on preventing tissue heating, not considering the non-thermal bioelectric effects.

Recommendations for Updated Guidelines:

We recommend that safety standards be revised to include limits on non-thermal RFR exposure, reflecting the latest scientific findings. Updated guidelines should consider the bioelectric impacts of RFR and aim to minimize chronic exposure. Policymakers need to incorporate bioelectric and non-thermal effects into regulatory frameworks to ensure comprehensive protection.

Call for Further Research:

Further research is essential to fully understand the bioelectric-RFR interaction and to develop effective protective measures. Continued investigation into the non-thermal effects of RFR on bioelectricity will help inform safer technology use and regulatory standards. Multidisciplinary studies involving bioelectricity, oncology, and radiobiology are crucial to advancing our understanding.

It is critical to understand the role of bioelectricity in cancer development and the potential risks posed by non-thermal RFR exposure from wireless devices. Given the pervasive use of wireless technology, it is imperative that safety guidelines are updated to protect public health. Future research should focus on exploring bioelectric-RFR interactions further and developing technologies to mitigate these risks.

Comprehensive Explanation of the Connection Between Bioelectricity, GABA, RFR, and Cancer

Background and Key Studies

1. National Toxicology Program (NTP) and Ramazzini Institute (RI) Studies

2. Recent Study on GABA and Cancer

3. Effects of RFR on GABA

Detailed Explanation of the Connections

Bioelectricity and GABA in Cancer Development

Impact of RFR on Bioelectricity and GABA

Regulatory and Public Health Concerns

Implications and Call to Action


The interconnected findings from the NTP, RI, and recent studies on GABA underscore the significant health risks posed by RFR exposure. These studies highlight the urgent need for updated safety guidelines and continued research to protect public health. By addressing these issues, we can better understand and mitigate the risks associated with modern wireless technologies.



Tweet Reply to GABA study author: 

In 1995, I lost a baby to a neural tube defect. Occupationally, I was exposed to orders of magnitude higher EMFs than most. This is precisely the sort of predictive modeling that will one day prove EMF health risks are not a red herring. The absorption of entropic waste in the form of wireless radiation and EMFs in general also has an effect on GABA. Your work will one day validate the assumptions pondered by great names in this field, like Robert Becker and Saxton Burr, who understood the influence of external EMF on internal EM cellular processes. This could be as subtle as a mild headache or, in my case, a deceased child because the neural tube didn’t form properly at three weeks.

During the third week of pregnancy, called gastrulation, specialized cells on the dorsal side of the embryo begin to change shape and form the neural tube. When the neural tube does not close completely, a neural tube defect (NTD) develops.

As you are aware, bioelectricity controls this process. The promise I made to a dying child as she fit in my hand was to pursue what could have caused this to her for the rest of my life—not willing to accept bad luck as doctors wanted me to do—leads me to view the theories of Robert Becker and Saxton Burr as not being a red herring. Your work will prove this even if you don’t want to travel this path as a career choice. In the past, such a position has led prominent researchers into financial ruin.

The scientific evidence is mounting. Studies such as those conducted by the National Toxicology Program (NTP) and the Ramazzini Institute (RI) have shown a clear link between prolonged RFR exposure and an increased incidence of certain types of cancer, particularly in the heart and brain. It’s becoming increasingly clear that even non-thermal levels of RFR can have significant biological effects. With outdated safety guidelines and halted research efforts, the conditions are ripe for a windfall of funding given the current environment.

Some are calling for a fee to be added to phone bills to fill the void. Only one thing is certain: Nature hates a void! It will be filled, and filled to the brim, when it is discovered how grave of a mistake it was to let the funding well run dry on the biological interactions of external sources of EMF “entropic waste.”

