
Does CTIA Outsource Cell Phone Radiation Health Risk Propaganda to COAI Cellular Operators Association of India?

Lets look at the cronies the wireless industry wants consumers to believe are making creditable statements.

The wireless industry is getting sloppy!  Clearly based on very illogical reasoning and weak argumentation  – their latest attempts to deceive the public have failed miserably since the CTIA has had to out-source it’s propaganda machine to affiliates in India

Here is a GREAT example: A key speaker for an event organized by the COAI, a leading mobile communications association,  Dr. Bhavin Jankharia makes the claim that exposure to X-ray radiation is as safe as the microwaves emitted from your cell phone.  It would be almost funny if  lives weren’t at stake.

Here is a quote that even a 6th grader can spot as ridiculously inaccurate in its assumption. Clearly a false argument

“We have been using X-ray radiations for more than 115 years, and we still haven’t been able to establish the relationship of cancer and radiation to any great extent. And the mobile tower radiation is inherently a type of radiation that we believe does not produce any kind of significant harm to humans”, said Dr. Bhavin Jankharia, the Mumbai based Radiologist and President of Indian Radiology & Imaging Association, in the expert speak series “Mobile networks and Public Health” brought out by COAI

No link to x-rays and direct DNA damage? REALLY??

WOW, when making claims like this, it makes it very easy for the public to see that these stunts which are put out by the wireless industry are a complete farce.

Mobile networks and Public Health

‘The new campaign sponsored by the  wireless industry,  “Mobile networks and Public Health”  is simply propaganda to war-game the truth that consumers must take steps to avoid ProVEN health effects of microwave radiation exposure.

COAI, the leading Mobile Communications Association representing six of the largest mobile service operators and the majority of telecom equipment manufactures and network service providers in India, has paid for opinions in a live made for TV stand up infomercial  from various cronies to dispel the various so-called ‘myths” about health effects from exposure to cell phone radiation and asserting the truth behind the technology which enables 6 billion people in the world to communicate with each other.

Mr. Rajan S Mathews Director General, COAI, said:”experts from the relevant disciplines such as Physics and Medicine on a common platform to dispel the fear psychosis created by some people who are oblivious of the science and safety regime behind the technology. The video and communication series ‘Mobile networks and Public Health’ will put forth the scientific and safety regime adopted by the Government and industry.”

Lets dig deeper into who these paid wireless cronies are “asserting the truth behind the technology”  and find out what science is backing up their claims, if any.

Wireless industry can not find real doctors to back up their claims that cell phones are safe!

Desperate for real doctors to support claims by the wireless industry that exposure to cell phone radiation is safe.  The wireless industry has descended to a new level by creating a band of hired guns (businessman)  to counter an on-slot of newly available peer reviewed research on the topic of cell phone radiation being a health hazard.


How about the most devastating news ever and repeated around the world in results from 76 different studies!

BREAKING NEWS 4/20/14 Scientists find cell phone radiation exposure creates cellular imbalances known to cause cancer in 92% of peer reviewed studies on ROS (Reactive Oxygen Species). This research suggest precautionary measures to reduce excessive RF exposure even at athermic levels. (below levels that heating of tissues occurs)

This recent research has combined the results of 80 different peer reviewed studies! In the peer reviewed editorial “Low intensity radio-frequency radiation: a new oxidant for living cells” in the scientific journal “Oxidants and Antioxidants in Medical Science” on March 29th 2014 a group Scientists reported that of 80 studies, they had assessed, 92,5 % (= 76 studies) confirmed that mechanisms of inflicting cellular damage happened at below thermal levels. http://www.ejmanager.com/mnstemps/65/65-1394615302.pdf?t=1398177912

And just a few weeks ago, on May 26, 2014 The Neurological Research Journal, an international, peer-reviewed journal for reporting both basic and clinical research in the fields of neurosurgery, neurology, neuroengineering and neurosciences published research proving cell phone radiation does cause brain damage.

The  study led by Maheep Bhatnagar and colleagues suggests long-term use of a cell phone can induce lipid peroxidation, lower antioxidant status, and cause neurodegeneration and impair memory and learning capability.

It’s a fact most actual doctors practicing their profession in the field, with real patients, have genuine concerns over cell phone radiation exposure, while the wireless industry hires businessmen with medical and science backgrounds solely on the grounds for them to make a profit from their paid for opinions.

Who are the actors in these industry sponsored infomercials to war-game the truth, lets see…

Dr. Bhavin Jankharia

This paid for crony couldn’t keep a job as a real doctor in the USA or India , he tried at several hospitals in the US over a year and returned to India where he couldn’t get hired as a doctor either.

In Jankharia’s own words “When I returned to India, I was supposed to rejoin Bombay Hospital, however, things didn’t work in my favor and so I was jobless for sometime. Circumstances then compelled me to take on my dad’s business- Dr Jankharia’s X-ray clinic now well-known as Jankharia’s Imaging Centre which was established in Girgaum and Central Mumbai in 1969,” so he went to work for his father’s already successful business and touts his medical opinions as creditable even though he couldn’t keep a job as a doctor.  http://healthcare.financialexpress.com/specials/in-imaging/1576-dr-bhavin-jhankaria-mover-and-shaker

Dr. Siddhartha Mukherjee

This guy, Mukherjee is really hurting the business empire he has built as a book author by siding with the wireless industry.  Bad move on his publicist part to garner book sales for Mukherjee’s new book along with self promoting a new film by Ken Burns on The Emperor of All Maladies coming out in 2015 — all while spending the wireless industry’s PR dollars.  It’s sounds tempting, and the doctor took the bait.  However, the damage was done the minute Mukherjee began making claims that could not hold up against proven scientific knowledge that has proven cell phone radiation does pose a health risk,  including direct relation to cancer, as it’s been proven how ROS can cause DNA damage and cancer.

Mukherjee is getting a lot of backlash from doctors and scientist from around the world. http://www.dnaindia.com/mumbai/report-experts-slam-dr-siddhartha-mukherjee-s-comments-on-no-link-between-cell-phones-and-cancer-1981379

Here is a post related a different event paid for by the wireless industry where Mukherjee claimed “cell phones don’t cause cancer” and that the class 2b carcinogenicity level should be removed by the World Health Organization.

This is one of my favorite post Slumdog Cancer Doctor Siddhartha Mukherjee, followed by this post which also addresses this wireless crony Cell Phones Don’t Cause Cancer, Says Pulitzer Prize Winning Cancer Doctor – Health Experts Issue Rebuttals in Protest  where RF Safe is joined by a growing number of respected doctors and scientists in speaking out to correct recent comments made by Dr.Siddhartha Mukherjee claiming cell phones do not cause cancer.