
EMF Effects on Microglia – Affects key proteins involved in neurodegenerative diseases

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Molecular mechanisms of microglia- and astrocyte-driven neurorestoration triggered by application of electromagnetic fields

The study “Molecular Mechanisms of Microglia- and Astrocyte-driven Neurorestoration Triggered by Application of Electromagnetic Fields” by Jasmina Isaković, Dunja Gorup, and Dinko Mitrečić primarily focuses on the beneficial aspects of electromagnetic fields (EMFs) in promoting neurorestoration through the activation of microglia and astrocytes. However, understanding the mechanisms by which EMFs can positively affect neural tissue also provides insights into potential health risks associated with EMF exposure.

Potential Health Risks Highlighted by the Study

  1. Activation of Cellular Mechanisms:
    • HSPs and Stress Response: The study highlights the role of heat shock proteins (HSPs) in neurorestoration. HSPs are part of the cellular stress response, and their upregulation can indicate cellular stress. Chronic activation of stress pathways might lead to cellular damage or dysfunction over time.
    • ATP and Energy Metabolism: The modulation of ATP levels by EMFs can affect cellular energy metabolism. While short-term effects might be beneficial, prolonged or excessive alterations in ATP production could disrupt cellular homeostasis and lead to metabolic disorders.
  2. Calcium Signaling:
    • The study discusses the role of calcium ions (Ca2+) in mediating the effects of EMFs on microglia and astrocytes. Calcium signaling is crucial for various cellular functions, but dysregulated calcium homeostasis can lead to neurotoxicity, apoptosis, and other adverse effects on neural cells.
  3. Hypoxia-Inducible Factor 1α (HIF1α):
    • EMFs influence the expression of HIF1α, which is involved in cellular responses to low oxygen levels (hypoxia). While HIF1α activation can promote neuroprotection, chronic or inappropriate activation might contribute to pathological conditions such as tumorigenesis and abnormal cell growth.

Broader Implications and Concerns

  1. Chronic Exposure:
    • The beneficial effects of EMFs are typically studied under controlled conditions and specific parameters. However, real-world exposure to EMFs is often chronic and varies in intensity and frequency. This raises concerns about the long-term health impacts of continuous exposure to EMFs, including potential neurodegenerative effects or increased risk of neurological disorders.
  2. Non-Thermal Effects:
    • The study suggests that non-thermal mechanisms, such as changes in protein expression and signaling pathways, play a significant role in EMF-induced neurorestoration. These same mechanisms could also underlie adverse health effects, emphasizing the need to consider non-thermal biological effects in safety guidelines.
  3. Population Vulnerability:
    • Certain populations, such as children, pregnant women, and individuals with pre-existing health conditions, might be more vulnerable to EMF exposure. The activation of cellular stress responses and alterations in calcium signaling in these groups could lead to unintended health consequences.


While the study by Isaković, Gorup, and Mitrečić provides valuable insights into the therapeutic potentials of EMFs, it also highlights the complexity of EMF interactions with biological systems. The same mechanisms that can drive neurorestoration might also pose health risks, particularly with chronic exposure and in vulnerable populations. This underscores the importance of a balanced approach to EMF research, regulation, and public health policies, ensuring that the benefits of EMF applications are maximized while minimizing potential risks. Further research is needed to fully understand the long-term health impacts of EMFs and to develop comprehensive safety guidelines that protect the public from potential adverse effects.


EMF Effects on Microglia

Title: Mobile phone electromagnetic radiation affects Amyloid Precursor Protein and α-synuclein metabolism in SH-SY5Y cells

Authors: Aikaterina L. Stefi, Lukas H. Margaritis, Aikaterini S. Skouroliakou, Dido Vassilacopoulou

Published in: Pathophysiology, Volume 26, Issues 3–4, September–December 2019, Pages 203-212

DOI: 10.1016/j.pathophys.2019.02.004


In this study, the effects of low-level GSM-emitted electromagnetic fields (EMF) on Amyloid Precursor Protein (APP) and alpha-synuclein (α-syn) in human neuroblastoma cells were investigated. The results indicated alterations in APP processing and cellular topology following EMF exposure (ℇ = 10.51 V/m, SAR = 0.23 W/kg, exposure time: 3 times, for 10 min, over 2 days). Changes in monomeric α-syn accumulation and multimerization, as well as induction of oxidative stress and cell death, were documented. These findings suggest potential links between EMF exposure and the molecular mechanisms involved in Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s diseases.


Cell Culture:

Exposure Conditions:

Assays Used:


Effect on APP Metabolism:

Oxidative Stress and Cytotoxicity:


Neurodegenerative Diseases:

Implications for EMF Exposure:


The study concludes that GSM-emitted EMF can affect the metabolism of APP and α-syn in neuroblastoma cells, leading to oxidative stress and cell death. These alterations could potentially contribute to the development of neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s. The findings highlight the need for updated guidelines and continued research into the non-thermal effects of EMF exposure, particularly as mobile phone use becomes more widespread.

Future Directions:

In recent years, the proliferation of electromagnetic fields (EMFs) from mobile phones and other wireless devices has sparked growing concern about their potential health effects. A pivotal study published in Pathophysiology (Volume 26, Issues 3–4, September–December 2019) by Aikaterina L. Stefi et al. titled “Mobile phone electromagnetic radiation affects Amyloid Precursor Protein and α-synuclein metabolism in SH-SY5Y cells” explores the impact of EMF exposure on proteins linked to neurodegenerative diseases. This detailed report aims to examine the effects of EMFs on microglial cells, particularly focusing on the mechanisms of oxidative stress, protein metabolism, and potential implications for Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s diseases.


Cell Culture:

Exposure Conditions:

Assays Used:


Effect on APP Metabolism:

Oxidative Stress and Cytotoxicity:


Neurodegenerative Diseases:

Implications for EMF Exposure:


The research conducted by Stefi et al. provides crucial insights into how EMF exposure affects key proteins involved in neurodegenerative diseases. By altering APP and α-syn metabolism, EMFs could potentially contribute to the development and progression of Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s diseases. These findings underscore the need for further investigation into the molecular mechanisms underpinning these changes and highlight the importance of considering EMF exposure in public health discussions.