
Examining the Connection Between Mobile Phone Use and Chronic Kidney Diseases


Mobile phone use has become an integral part of modern life, with an increasing number of people relying on these devices for communication, information, and entertainment. While the convenience and benefits of mobile phones are undeniable, concerns have been raised about the potential health risks associated with their use. A recent study published in the International Journal of Public Health investigated the association between mobile phone use, genetic susceptibility, and new-onset chronic kidney diseases (CKD).

Methods and Results

The study included 408,743 participants from the UK Biobank without prior CKD. The primary outcome measured was the incidence of new-onset CKD. Over a median follow-up period of 12.1 years, 10,797 (2.6%) participants developed CKD. The researchers found that mobile phone users had a significantly higher risk of new-onset CKD compared to non-users (HR = 1.07; 95% CI: 1.02-1.13). Additionally, among mobile phone users, those with a weekly usage time of mobile phone making or receiving calls of 30 minutes or more had a significantly higher risk of new-onset CKD compared to those with less usage time (HR = 1.12; 95% CI: 1.07-1.18). Participants with both high genetic risks of CKD and longer weekly usage time of mobile phones had the highest risk of CKD. No significant associations were found between the length of mobile phone use or hands-free device/speakerphone use and new-onset CKD among mobile phone users.


The findings of this study suggest that mobile phone use, particularly with longer weekly usage time of making or receiving calls, is significantly associated with a higher risk of new-onset CKD. This is particularly concerning for individuals with a high genetic risk of developing CKD, as the combined effect of these factors increases the likelihood of developing the disease. However, it is essential to note that the study’s observational nature does not establish a causal relationship between mobile phone use and CKD, and further research is needed to confirm these findings and explore the underlying mechanisms.


The study by Zhang et al. raises important questions about the potential health risks associated with mobile phone use, particularly in relation to chronic kidney diseases. While the findings warrant further investigation, they highlight the need for increased awareness and caution regarding the potential health effects of prolonged mobile phone use. Future research should focus on confirming these findings and exploring the possible mechanisms underlying the association between mobile phone use and CKD, as well as developing strategies to minimize potential health risks associated with mobile phone use.

Mobile Phone Use, Genetic Susceptibility and New-Onset Chronic Kidney Diseases

Reducing Radiation Absorption with Quantacase Shielding: AI Commentary on Mobile Phone Use and Chronic Kidney Diseases


The study by Zhang et al. raises concerns about the potential health risks associated with mobile phone use, particularly the increased risk of new-onset chronic kidney diseases (CKD) among individuals with longer weekly usage time of making or receiving calls. While the exact mechanisms behind this association remain unclear, one potential factor is the radiation emitted by mobile phones, which may have detrimental effects on human health. In this commentary, we will discuss how using a Quantacase with shielding between the device and the body may help reduce radiation absorption and potentially mitigate the risk of CKD and other health issues related to mobile phone use.

Quantacase and Radiation Shielding

Quantacase is a mobile phone case designed to reduce the amount of radiation absorbed by the user’s body. The case features a built-in shielding material that blocks a significant portion of the radiofrequency (RF) radiation emitted by mobile phones, thus limiting the exposure to potentially harmful radiation. By placing this shielding between the device and the body, the Quantacase aims to minimize the amount of radiation that penetrates the body’s tissues and organs, which may, in turn, reduce the risk of health issues such as CKD.

The Importance of Reducing Radiation Absorption

While the exact relationship between mobile phone radiation and the development of CKD remains uncertain, it is well-established that excessive exposure to radiation can have various adverse health effects. The International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) classifies RF radiation as a possible carcinogen (Class 2B), indicating that there may be a potential risk of cancer from prolonged exposure to mobile phone radiation. Reducing radiation absorption by using a shielding device such as Quantacase could potentially minimize these risks and contribute to overall health and well-being.

Moreover, the study by Zhang et al. highlights the increased risk of CKD among individuals with longer weekly usage time of making or receiving calls on their mobile phones. Given the growing reliance on mobile phones for communication and the potential health risks associated with their use, it is crucial to take steps to mitigate these risks. Using a Quantacase with shielding can be an effective way to minimize radiation exposure and potentially reduce the likelihood of developing CKD and other health issues related to mobile phone radiation.


In light of the study by Zhang et al. and the growing concerns about the health risks associated with mobile phone use, it is essential to consider strategies to minimize radiation absorption. A Quantacase with shielding between the device and the body can provide an effective solution to reduce radiation exposure and potentially mitigate the risk of CKD and other health issues. However, further research is needed to establish a definitive causal link between mobile phone radiation and CKD and to determine the effectiveness of shielding devices such as Quantacase in preventing the development of these health conditions. In the meantime, adopting precautionary measures to reduce radiation exposure can contribute to a healthier lifestyle for mobile phone users.