FACT CHECKED: Vote For Kamala Harris If You Want A Brain Tumor – Backed By Science

Why Voting for Kamala Harris Might Give You a Brain Tumor

In today’s rapidly advancing age of wireless technology, where 5G towers and cell antennas seem to sprout up daily, the question is no longer if these developments impact our health—but how much damage they are causing. The evidence is overwhelming: we are living in a world flooded by radiofrequency (RF) radiation, and the potential for serious health risks is undeniable. Yet, as we look at the political forces allowing this expansion, Kamala Harris emerges as a key figure in an administration that has allowed corporate interests to take precedence over public safety.

Casting a vote for Harris isn’t just a vote for more of the same corporate capture; it could be a vote for your own future health crisis—a crisis that might include brain tumors, cancer, and neurological disorders.

The Capture of the FCC: A Story of Corporate Overreach

To understand how we arrived at this critical juncture, we need to trace the history of the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) and its alarming susceptibility to industry influence. Under the Obama-Biden administration, the appointment of Tom Wheeler—former head of the Cellular Telecommunications and Internet Association (CTIA), the wireless industry’s chief lobbying group—as chairman of the FCC was a turning point. This was the fox guarding the henhouse, and Wheeler’s tenure set the stage for a regulatory environment that prioritized the wireless industry’s interests over public health concerns.

Despite a growing body of evidence pointing to serious health risks from RF radiation, Wheeler’s FCC did nothing to update the outdated safety guidelines established in 1996. These standards were implemented long before the widespread adoption of smartphones, Wi-Fi, and the proliferation of 5G technology. Today, these guidelines remain in place, even as new research reveals disturbing links between RF exposure and cancer, oxidative stress, and other biological disruptions.

The National Toxicology Program’s (NTP) Landmark Findings

One of the most significant studies to date is the U.S. National Toxicology Program’s (NTP) $30 million, decade-long investigation into the health impacts of RF radiation. This study, which exposed over 3,000 rodents to RF radiation levels mimicking 2G and 3G emissions, delivered startling results: clear evidence of increased cancer rates, particularly malignant schwannomas of the heart and gliomas of the brain in male rats. Additionally, the NTP observed DNA damage in brain cells, providing a potential mechanism for cancer development, and it is important to note that these adverse effects occurred without significant temperature increases—refuting the outdated notion that only thermal effects of RF radiation are harmful.

The NTP study delivered the most robust evidence to date that RF radiation can cause cancer in mammals. It should have spurred immediate action to update safety regulations, but instead, the findings were largely ignored by regulatory agencies, including the FCC.

The Ramazzini Institute (RI) Reinforces the NTP’s Findings

Adding further weight to the NTP’s conclusions, the Ramazzini Institute (RI) in Italy conducted a similar study that exposed rats to RF radiation levels much lower than those used in the NTP study—levels equivalent to the radiation emitted by cell towers. Remarkably, the RI study found the same types of tumors (heart schwannomas and brain gliomas), reinforcing the cancer risk from even low-level environmental RF radiation exposure. This means that the dangers of RF radiation aren’t just limited to heavy cell phone use but also extend to everyday exposure from the wireless infrastructure that surrounds us.

The RI study provided critical evidence that even low-level RF radiation could have carcinogenic effects, yet this research, like the NTP study, has been largely sidelined by those in power.

Genetic Profiling Bridges the Gap to Human Health

In 2024, a groundbreaking study analyzed tumors from the Ramazzini Institute’s research, comparing them to human cancers. The findings were undeniable: the tumors in rats exhibited morphological similarities to low-grade gliomas found in humans. Moreover, shared genetic mutations were identified between the rat tumors and human cancers, providing a direct link between RF radiation exposure and cancer in humans. This landmark study shattered the argument that animal studies are not applicable to humans.

The carcinogenic effects of RF radiation observed in these animals are directly relevant to human health, yet the regulatory bodies that should be protecting the public continue to ignore this mounting evidence.

A Consensus Ignored: Why Public Health Is Being Sacrificed

These studies are not isolated incidents. They are part of a growing body of research demonstrating that RF radiation is not just harmless noise in our environment. Researchers like Dr. Lennart Hardell have consistently found associations between long-term cell phone use and brain tumors, particularly gliomas and acoustic neuromas. Hardell’s work, combined with studies like the NTP and RI, has been instrumental in showing that the non-thermal biological effects of RF radiation are real and dangerous.

In 2012, the BioInitiative Report—a comprehensive review by an international group of scientists—summarized over 1,800 studies showing serious health risks from RF radiation, including cancer, neurological disorders, and reproductive issues. The report called for immediate action to update safety standards, but its findings were met with silence from regulators.

RFK Jr.’s Victory and the Ongoing Corporate Influence

In 2021, Robert F. Kennedy Jr. and the Environmental Health Trust successfully sued the FCC for failing to update their safety guidelines in light of new scientific evidence. The court ruled that the FCC had neglected its duty to consider non-thermal health effects, which include cancer, oxidative stress, and neurological disorders. Yet, despite the ruling, the Biden-Harris administration has done nothing to pressure the FCC to update its guidelines, effectively allowing the wireless industry to operate without meaningful oversight.

RF Radiation’s Bioelectric Threat

At the core of the growing scientific consensus is the understanding that RF radiation doesn’t just heat up tissues. It disrupts the bioelectric signals that regulate cellular health. Non-thermal biological effects of RF radiation include:

Human Studies Echo Animal Research: A Dangerous Reality

It’s not just animal studies that are sounding the alarm. Human studies have provided epidemiological evidence that long-term RF radiation exposure can lead to cancer. The Interphone Study—the largest case-control study on cell phone use and brain tumors, involving 13 countries—found that heavy cell phone users had a significantly increased risk of glioma, particularly on the side of the head where the phone was held.

Dr. Lennart Hardell’s work has been equally groundbreaking. His research consistently shows that long-term use of cell phones and cordless phones is linked to an increased risk of gliomas and acoustic neuromas. Despite the overwhelming evidence, regulatory bodies continue to cling to outdated safety guidelines established in the 1990s—guidelines that only consider the thermal effects of RF radiation, ignoring the mounting evidence of non-thermal biological impacts.

RF Safe’s Mission: Protecting Future Generations

Founded by John Coates in memory of his daughter, Angel Leigh Coates, RF Safe is a platform dedicated to educating the public about the dangers of RF radiation and advocating for updated safety standards that reflect the current scientific consensus. RF Safe emphasizes that the risks of RF radiation extend beyond cancer to include neurological disorders, reproductive issues, and cognitive impairments in children, whose developing brains are especially vulnerable.

A Call to Action: Protecting Public Health

The science is clear: RF radiation poses serious health risks, and the current regulatory framework is woefully inadequate. Here’s what must happen:

  1. Update FCC Safety Guidelines: The FCC must revise its outdated standards to reflect modern science, incorporating both thermal and non-thermal effects of RF radiation.
  2. Restart NTP Research: The National Toxicology Program’s research on RF radiation must be reinstated and expanded to provide the scientific basis for new safety regulations.
  3. End FCC Regulatory Capture: The FCC must be freed from corporate influence, ensuring that public health is the priority in all regulatory decisions.

Conclusion: A Vote for Kamala Harris Is a Vote for Neglect

Kamala Harris’s political career is intertwined with an administration that has neglected public health in favor of corporate profits. By allowing outdated RF radiation safety standards to persist, her administration has left millions of Americans at risk. Cancer rates are rising. Neurological disorders are becoming more common. And the science shows that RF radiation is likely contributing to these trends.

Your vote is not just about political preference. It’s about ensuring the health and safety of your family and future generations. Voting for a candidate who supports the status quo on RF radiation could have dire consequences for public health. It’s time to hold our leaders accountable and demand that public health takes precedence over corporate interests.
