
Governments Set To Microwave Life On Earth To Defeat Global Warming

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The video makes an interesting comparison between the microwaves beamed down from Space-Based Solar Power (SBSP) systems and the electromagnetic radiation emitted by Wi-Fi routers, especially in the context of public health concerns related to electromagnetic radiation.

Microwave Transmission from SBSP:

  1. Nature of Radiation: The SBSP systems propose to use microwave radiation to transmit energy from space to Earth. This radiation is similar in frequency to that used by Wi-Fi routers and microwave ovens.
  2. Power Levels: The intensity at the center of the beam is proposed to be around a few hundred watts per square meter.
  3. Beam Safety: The beam’s power density is designed to be safe and below established international standards for electromagnetic exposure – which haven’t been updated in over 25 years in the USA. However, the actual safety can depend on various factors, including beam intensity, frequency, and duration of exposure.

Health Concerns with Electromagnetic Radiation:

  1. Existing Studies: Research on cell phone-level electromagnetic radiation (typically in the radiofrequency range) has shown some potential health risks. Studies have explored various effects, from thermal damage to non-thermal biological interactions.
  2. Non-Thermal Interactions: Advancements in research indicate that RF radiation can have biological effects beyond just heating. For example, the TheraBionic treatment uses RF radiation at power levels lower than cell phones to treat cancer, suggesting more complex interactions at a cellular level.
  3. Resonance Effects and Cellular Signaling: Electromagnetic fields may interact with biological tissues in ways that are not fully understood, potentially affecting cellular signaling pathways and immune responses.

Addressing the Concerns with SBSP:

  1. Regulatory Standards: Any operational SBSP system would need to comply with international safety standards for electromagnetic radiation. These standards are designed to limit exposure to levels deemed safe based on current scientific understanding.
  2. Ongoing Research: Continued research into the biological effects of RF radiation is essential. This will help refine safety standards and ensure that emerging technologies like SBSP do not pose undue health risks.
  3. Public Engagement: Given the concerns and ongoing research, it’s crucial for SBSP projects to engage with the public transparently, addressing safety concerns and incorporating the latest scientific findings into their designs.
  4. Precautionary Measures: SBSP systems may incorporate precautionary measures, such as ensuring that the beam does not inadvertently target populated areas and that the beam’s intensity is controlled.


While SBSP offers a promising solution to renewable energy needs, the concerns around microwave radiation require careful consideration. Ongoing research into the biological effects of RF radiation, adherence to safety standards, and transparent public engagement are vital for the responsible development of SBSP technology. The goal should be to balance the benefits of this innovative technology with the imperative to protect public health.