
How Supporting Microwave News Helps Protect Your Health and Safety

In The Age Of AI – Real Voices Matter! 

In the fast-paced world of technology, it’s easy to overlook the potential dangers of the gadgets we use on a daily basis. One of the most significant concerns in recent years has been the health risks associated with radiofrequency (RF) radiation, emitted by mobile phones, Wi-Fi routers, and other wireless devices. The public discourse on this topic has been distorted by industry-affiliated scientists and biased studies, but one website has been at the forefront of disseminating accurate information about RF radiation and its potential dangers: Microwave News.

Microwave News is an independent news source that has been covering the issue of electromagnetic radiation and health since 1981. Founded by Louis Slesin, PhD, the website has become a trusted source of information for scientists, journalists, and the general public. Over the years, Microwave News has exposed the links between the wireless industry and researchers who downplay the risks of RF radiation. The website has also reported on studies that show the potential health risks associated with wireless devices and has highlighted the need for more research on the subject.

Louis Slesin, PhD, has been a tireless advocate for independent and unbiased research on the potential health risks of cell phone radiation and other forms of electromagnetic fields. As the founder and editor of Microwave News, Slesin has provided a valuable resource for the public and researchers alike, shedding light on industry-funded studies and other efforts to downplay the risks of RF radiation.

In the course of his work, Slesin has uncovered numerous communications and documents that reveal the tactics used by the wireless industry to influence research and public perception on this issue. Without his dedication and perseverance, many of these efforts to suppress information and manipulate public opinion may have gone unnoticed.

Many articles of information on this website and many others would not have been possible without the decades of work by Louis Slesin and the Microwave News team. We must thank them for their unwavering commitment to shining a light on the potential health risks of cell phone radiation and other forms of electromagnetic fields. Their work has been instrumental in pushing for independent and unbiased research, and in raising awareness about the importance of the precautionary principle when it comes to public exposures to RF radiation.

RF Safe, also specializing in providing information and solutions for minimizing RF radiation exposure, is proud to be a supporter of Microwave News. RF Safe shares the website’s commitment to providing accurate information on the potential health risks associated with wireless devices. The involvement in the design and engineering of products, such as phone cases and shields, for the sole purpose of reducing RF radiation exposure while still allowing people to use their devices safely and effectively.

By supporting Microwave News, you are helping to ensure that the public has access to accurate and unbiased information on the potential health risks of RF radiation. Microwave News is a critical resource for anyone who wants to stay informed on this issue, and RF Safe encourages everyone to support the website.

The potential health risks associated with RF radiation are becoming accepted as a reality which they are, and it’s essential that the public has access to accurate and unbiased information on this topic. Microwave News has been a leader in covering this issue for over 40 years, and RF Safe is proud to be a supporter of this important resource. By supporting Microwave News, we can help ensure that accurate information is disseminated and that the public is informed about the potential health risks associated with wireless devices.


The Importance of Supporting Independent Journalism in the Era of Misinformation

From the Frontlines of EMF Safety: A Look at Microwave News

How Supporting Microwave News Helps Protect Your Health and Safety

Don’t Let Corporate Interests Dictate Your Information: Why Microwave News Matters

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Independent journalism is more important than ever! Support Microwave News for accurate EMF safety information! #RFsafety #microwavenews #independentjournalism

Proud to support @microwavenews in their tireless efforts to bring accurate EMF safety information to the public! #RFsafe #independentjournalism #microwavenews

Want to stay informed about the latest EMF safety research and news? Follow @microwavenews! #EMFsafety #RFsafety #microwavenews

Don’t let corporate interests control your information! Support independent journalism and follow @microwavenews! #RFsafe #microwavenews #independentjournalism

Your health and safety matter! Follow @microwavenews for accurate and unbiased EMF safety information! #RFsafety #microwavenews #healthandsafety