How the Biden-Harris Administration Has Failed to Protect Public Health from Wireless Radiation Risks

As we approach the 2024 election, it is critical for voters to understand the importance of leadership that prioritizes public health over corporate profits, especially when it comes to wireless radiation. The ongoing refusal by the Biden-Harris administration to enforce a 2021 court order for the FCC to update wireless radiation safety standards is not just bureaucratic inertia—it is an outright threat to our children’s health.

Regulatory Capture and the Refusal to Act

In 2021, the U.S. Court of Appeals ruled that the FCC had failed to provide a reasoned explanation for continuing to rely on outdated safety standards established in 1996. These guidelines only consider thermal effects—the ability of radiation to heat tissues—and completely ignore non-thermal effects like DNA damage, oxidative stress, and disruption of cellular functions. Despite the explosion of research in recent decades showing these dangers, the Biden-Harris administration has allowed the FCC to continue ignoring these risks.

By refusing to force the FCC to comply with the court order, the current administration has essentially told the American people that their health and safety are less important than the profits of the wireless industry. This negligence is even more concerning given the vulnerable populations at risk—especially our children, who are far more susceptible to the effects of radiation due to their developing bodies and longer lifetime exposure.

Ending the National Toxicology Program’s Critical Research: A Disgrace

The Biden-Harris administration not only ignored the court ruling but actively took steps to shut down the National Toxicology Program’s (NTP) research on RF radiation—the most comprehensive and independent study conducted to date on the effects of cell phone radiation. This research found clear evidence linking prolonged exposure to RF radiation to cancers such as glioblastoma and heart tumors in animals.

To end such a crucial line of research, especially when it provided evidence of harm, is a disgrace. It shows a deliberate intent to turn a blind eye to the dangers of wireless radiation and mislead the public into believing that the current standards are safe.

Even more heartbreaking is the irony that Beau Biden, President Biden’s own son, died from glioblastoma—the very type of cancer linked to RF radiation exposure in the NTP study. This tragedy underscores the real, human cost of these decisions, yet the administration chose to stop funding research that could prevent others from suffering the same fate.

Kamala Harris: Failing to Protect the Public from RF Radiation

Vice President Kamala Harris has failed to step up and advocate for updating safety standards or ensuring continued research. Under her leadership, the administration redirected funding from crucial cancer research towards other priorities, leaving the American public with outdated guidelines that do not protect them from the real risks of RF radiation.

The decision to end the NTP’s research and allow the FCC to ignore the 2021 court ruling demonstrates a willingness to prioritize industry profits over public health. It’s not enough to simply acknowledge science-based policymaking in abstract terms—real leadership requires action, especially when it involves protecting our children from preventable health risks.

The Real Risk to Our Children

Children are particularly vulnerable to RF radiation. Studies by organizations like the American Academy of Pediatrics have shown that children absorb more radiation from cell phones than adults, especially due to their thinner skulls and developing nervous systems. They are using wireless devices from younger ages, meaning their lifetime exposure is dramatically higher than previous generations.

Despite these alarming findings, the current FCC guidelines—set in 1996—have not been updated to reflect these risks. The failure to act, even in the face of overwhelming evidence, represents a gross disregard for our children’s health.

A Public Health Crisis Fueled by Corporate Interests

The regulatory capture of the FCC by the telecommunications industry is no secret. Corporate interests have dominated the narrative, insisting that RF radiation is only dangerous if it heats body tissues. This position has been repeatedly contradicted by scientific evidence, which shows that even low-level, non-thermal exposure can cause harm. Yet, the FCC and the Biden-Harris administration continue to support these outdated safety standards.

The telecommunications industry’s influence over the FCC is so extensive that neither the FCC nor the FDA—another agency responsible for public health—can explain why these outdated standards continue to be deemed sufficient. Both agencies have relied on each other’s positions without actually verifying whether these standards are adequate to protect public health today. This cycle of passing the buck is putting millions of lives at risk.

The Importance of Leadership Committed to Change

We need leaders who will take this issue seriously. We need leaders who will:

  1. Update FCC Guidelines: Immediately enforce the 2021 court ruling to update RF radiation guidelines, incorporating the latest research on both thermal and non-thermal effects.
  2. Restart Independent Research: Restore funding to the National Toxicology Program and expand research into the long-term health effects of RF radiation.
  3. End Corporate Capture: Appoint regulators who will prioritize public health over corporate interests, and break the revolving door between the wireless industry and government agencies.

Donald Trump has acknowledged his past mistakes and expressed a willingness to change course. In partnership with Robert F. Kennedy Jr., he has vowed to take on the FCC and end corporate capture. RFK Jr. has been one of the most vocal advocates for updating safety standards and ensuring that public health is not compromised by corporate greed.

A Call to Action: Your Vote Matters for EMF Safety

The current administration’s inaction and refusal to enforce a court order to protect public health is a direct threat to the well-being of millions of Americans. It is crucial that we elect leaders who are willing to stand up against corporate interests and make real changes to safeguard our health.

This is not about being anti-technology; this is about being pro-health. Wireless technology is a part of our daily lives, but that doesn’t mean we should ignore the dangers it poses when proper precautions aren’t taken. The science is clear—wireless radiation can have harmful effects, and our current safety guidelines are not sufficient.

We must demand better. We must demand leaders who will protect our health, not the profits of the wireless industry. Voting for Kamala Harris in 2024 means endorsing a continuation of outdated policies and the deliberate suppression of critical research that could save lives.

Let us make our voices heard this election season. Let us vote for leadership that will put the safety of our children and families first, ensure that wireless radiation is properly regulated, and end the cycle of corporate influence over public health policy.

For the sake of our children’s health, vote for EMF safety.