Investigation of genotoxicity induced by intermediate frequency magnetic field combined with ionizing radiation

The study “Investigation of genotoxicity induced by intermediate frequency magnetic field combined with ionizing radiation_ In vitro study on human fibroblast cells” explores the potential genotoxic effects of intermediate frequency (IF) magnetic fields (MF) alone and in combination with ionizing radiation. Here are the key findings and conclusions:

  1. Genotoxic Effects of IF MF Alone:
    • 22 kHz IF MF: The study found that exposure to 22 kHz IF MF alone did not significantly affect oxidative stress levels or cause DNA damage in human fibroblast cells.
    • 250 kHz IF MF: Exposure to 250 kHz IF MF alone led to significantly increased oxidative stress levels in human fibroblast cells. However, no significant DNA damage was observed.
  2. Adaptive Response and Co-Genotoxicity:
    • The study investigated whether pre-exposure to IF MF could induce an adaptive response, thereby reducing the genotoxic effects of subsequent ionizing radiation exposure. The results showed no evidence of an adaptive response or co-genotoxic effect for either 22 kHz or 250 kHz IF MF combined with ionizing radiation.
  3. Micronucleus Formation:
    • 22 kHz IF MF: The study observed a decreased number of micronucleus formations in fibroblast cells exposed to 22 kHz IF MF alone, suggesting a possible reduction in genotoxic effects. However, this finding was marginally significant and should be interpreted with caution.
    • 250 kHz IF MF: No significant changes in micronucleus formation were observed following exposure to 250 kHz IF MF alone.
  4. γH2AX Assay Results:
    • The γH2AX assay, which detects DNA double-strand breaks, showed no significant differences between sham-exposed cells and those exposed to either 22 kHz or 250 kHz IF MF alone or in combination with ionizing radiation.


The frequencies tested (22 kHz and 250 kHz) in this study are relatively low and specific compared to the broader spectrum of electromagnetic frequencies people encounter daily, including GHz and THz frequencies used in modern communication technologies. The study’s focus on these two frequencies might not provide a comprehensive understanding of the potential genotoxic effects across a wider range of frequencies and modulations.

Key points to consider:

  1. Specific Frequencies and Bioeffects:
    • The study focused on two specific intermediate frequencies, which may not represent the full range of potential bioeffects from various frequencies and modulations encountered in real-world scenarios. Frequency and modulation are critical factors in determining biological effects, as seen with the FDA-approved TheraBionic treatment for liver cancer, which uses very specific RF radiation frequencies.
  2. TheraBionic Treatment:
    • The TheraBionic treatment demonstrates that specific RF radiation frequencies, even at low power levels, can have significant biological effects, including non-thermal interactions at the cellular level. This includes resonance effects, disruption of cellular signaling, and modulation of the immune system.
  3. Broader Frequency Exposure:
    • Modern communication devices, including cell phones and Wi-Fi networks, operate at much higher frequencies (GHz range), which may have different biological impacts compared to the intermediate frequencies tested in this study. Higher frequencies can penetrate tissues differently and may interact with biological systems in unique ways.
  4. Comprehensive Research Needed:
    • To fully understand the potential health effects of electromagnetic field exposure, comprehensive research covering a wide range of frequencies and modulations is necessary. Studies should include GHz and THz frequencies to reflect real-world exposure scenarios more accurately.

In conclusion, while the study provides valuable insights into the genotoxic effects of 22 kHz and 250 kHz IF MF exposure, it underscores the need for broader research encompassing a wider spectrum of frequencies and modulations. This would help determine the potential health risks associated with everyday exposure to various electromagnetic fields.

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