
Is the sustainability of exposure to non-ionizing electromagnetic radiation possible?

The study “Is the sustainability of exposure to non-ionizing electromagnetic radiation possible?” conducted by Irene Calvente and María Isabel Núñez focuses on the effects of non-ionizing radiation (NIR), mainly radiofrequency electromagnetic fields (RF-EMF), on human health and the environment. Here’s a detailed report on the outcome of this study:

Key Findings

  1. Health Effects of RF-EMF Exposure: The study reviews scientific literature to understand the association between human exposure to NIR and health effects. It notes that despite technological advances, there’s a lack of research on the long-term health effects of 5G radiation, as the exposure time is still relatively short.
  2. Safety Standards and Non-Thermal Effects: Current safety standards primarily consider thermal effects and do not address non-thermal effects. The study emphasizes the need for broader safety guidelines that consider non-thermal impacts of RF-EMF exposure.
  3. Impact on Children and Vulnerable Populations: Children, adolescents, and electrosensitive individuals are more vulnerable to RF-EMF exposure. The study suggests that current RF exposure limits do not adequately consider the differences in absorption levels or susceptibility in children.
  4. Carcinogenicity and Other Health Risks: There is evidence suggesting the potential carcinogenicity of RF-EMF, including an increased risk of brain tumors associated with mobile phone use.
  5. Experimental and Epidemiological Evidence: The study highlights that both experimental and epidemiological evidence indicate potential adverse effects of prenatal exposure to RF, including impaired oogenesis and spermatogenesis, reduced brain cell volume, and increased DNA damage.

Conclusions and Recommendations


The study implies that while the technological benefits of NIR, such as those used in mobile communications and other wireless technologies, are significant, there is a pressing need to reassess the current understanding and regulations regarding RF-EMF exposure. It calls for a more comprehensive approach that considers both thermal and non-thermal effects and acknowledges the varying susceptibility of different population groups, especially children and pregnant women.

The study underscores the importance of further research and monitoring to fully understand the long-term effects of RF-EMF exposure on human health and the environment, particularly in the context of new technologies like 5G.

Source: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0025775323007078