
Landmark Legal Victory Against the FCC: Protecting Public Health from Wireless Radiation

In a historic legal decision, the Environmental Health Trust (EHT) triumphed over the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) in a case that challenged the FCC’s stance on the safety of wireless radiation. The United States Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit found the FCC’s 2019 decision to maintain its 1996 safety limits for wireless radiation exposure “arbitrary and capricious.”

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Background of the Case

The FCC’s Stance and EHT’s Challenge:

Court’s Findings and Ruling

Key Points of the Court’s Decision:

  1. Neglect of Scientific Evidence: The court criticized the FCC for failing to respond to evidence showing that exposure to RF radiation at levels below the Commission’s current limits might cause health effects unrelated to cancer.
  2. Environmental Impact Ignored: The FCC was found to have completely neglected comments concerning the environmental harm caused by RF radiation.
  3. Failure to Address Specific Concerns: The court noted that the FCC ignored various concerns, including the impacts of long-term wireless exposure, effects on children, testimony from individuals injured by wireless radiation, and the impact on wildlife and the environment.

Press Conference and Key Statements

EHT’s Response to the Ruling:

Implications of the Court’s Decision

Mandates for the FCC:

  1. Reevaluation of Testing Procedures: The FCC must provide a reasoned explanation for its decision to retain its current testing methods for cell phones and other devices.
  2. Addressing Broad Concerns: The commission is ordered to address the impacts of RF radiation on children, long-term exposure effects, the ubiquity of wireless devices, and technological developments since the last guidelines update.
  3. Environmental Impact: The FCC must address the environmental impacts of RF radiation.

Responses from Other Stakeholders

Statements from Various Experts and Organizations:

EHT’s Role and Contributions

EHT’s Dedication to Public Health:

Conclusion and Moving Forward

Next Steps in the Wake of the Ruling:

Keeping Informed

Staying Updated with EHT:

This ruling marks a significant milestone in the ongoing effort to ensure public health safety in the face of growing wireless technology. It highlights the need for regulatory bodies to keep pace with scientific advancements and prioritize the well-being of citizens and the environment.