
Mailbag: A couple questions from folks.

Is it best to have your WiFi on all day even if your phone works without it?

In certain conditions, choosing WiFi calling over the cellular option can significantly reduce EMF exposure. Mobile phones adjust their power output based on the signal strength from the nearest cell tower, varying the output by up to a million times depending on the signal quality. In areas with strong cellular reception, using a cellular connection is generally fine. However, in areas where the signal is weak (indicated by one or two bars), the phone increases its power output to maximum to maintain connectivity, which increases EMF exposure. In such cases, switching to WiFi calling is advantageous because it uses much lower power. This is because WiFi signals cover shorter distances (about 30 to a few hundred feet) compared to cellular signals that need to reach up to several miles to the nearest tower requiring much more power output. Therefore, WiFi calling is preferable in low-signal areas to minimize EMF exposure.    Enough can’t be said, that the frequency and modulation of the energy points to being as critical a factor, if not more than power as nonlinear dose responses have been observed in many large studies.  Avoid being exposed to all sources of modulated microwaves when possible, and remember that distance is always your best friend.

When considering the balance between using WiFi calling and cellular calling, understanding the dynamics of signal strength and the corresponding power output of your phone is crucial. Here’s a clear explanation of when and why WiFi calling might be preferred over cellular calls, especially in terms of minimizing electromagnetic field (EMF) exposure:

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Understanding Signal Strength and Power Output

  1. Cellular Signal Strength and Power Output: Mobile phones adjust their power output based on the signal strength from the nearest cell tower. When the signal strength is high (indicated by more bars on your phone), the phone reduces its power output because less energy is required to maintain a stable connection. Conversely, in areas with poor cellular reception (fewer bars), the phone increases its power output to enhance the signal quality sent to and from the cell tower. The difference in power output can be significant—ranging up to a million times higher when the phone is struggling to connect to a distant or obstructed cell tower.
  2. EMF Exposure: The higher the power output of your phone, the greater your exposure to EMF radiation. This is a key consideration for those looking to minimize their EMF exposure for health reasons. In low signal areas, where the phone must boost its output to maintain connectivity, you are exposed to higher levels of EMF radiation.

Advantages of WiFi Calling

  1. Lower Power Requirements: WiFi calling allows your phone to send and receive calls and texts over an available WiFi network instead of the cellular network. Since WiFi routers are typically much closer than cell towers, the phone can operate at a significantly lower power level compared to a weak cellular signal scenario.
  2. Reduced EMF Exposure: Because WiFi calling operates at lower power outputs, it naturally results in reduced EMF radiation exposure compared to using a cellular network, especially in areas with poor cellular reception.
  3. Consistent Signal Quality: WiFi networks generally provide more consistent signal quality within their coverage area (such as within a building), which can lead to better call quality and reliability, avoiding the need for the phone to constantly adjust power levels as it might with a variable cellular signal.
  4. Accessibility and Convenience: WiFi calling is particularly useful in areas with inherently poor cellular coverage, such as rural locations, dense buildings, or basements, where WiFi might be available but cellular signals are weak or obstructed.

When to Prefer WiFi Calling Over Cellular

WiFi calling not only offers potential benefits in call quality and accessibility but also plays a significant role in reducing EMF exposure by limiting the power output required from your mobile device. For those concerned about EMF, using WiFi calling in areas of low cellular reception is a practical and effective way to manage and reduce your exposure.

What else can I do in my home to cut down radiation exposure?  Will powering down my internet modem and other devices at night be helpful?

Reducing radiation exposure in your home can be approached from several angles, especially concerning electromagnetic fields (EMF) from electronic devices like WiFi routers, modems, and other connected devices. Here are some practical steps:

  1. Limit WiFi Exposure: It can be beneficial to turn off your WiFi router at night or when not in use, especially during sleep hours. This reduces your overall exposure to WiFi signals. Alternatively, you can also invest in a timer that automatically turns off your WiFi at set times.
  2. Powering Down Devices: Similarly, turning off or unplugging any non-essential electronic devices at night can help minimize your exposure to EMFs. This includes things like televisions, computers, and other electronic gadgets that might otherwise be in standby mode emitting signals.
  3. Consider Wired Connections: If possible, using wired connections for internet and other devices can reduce wireless signal exposure. Ethernet cables for internet or wired peripherals instead of wireless ones can make a significant difference in reducing your home’s EMF footprint.
  4. Strategic Device Placement: Keep electronic devices such as WiFi routers and cell phones away from places where you spend a lot of time, such as your bedroom or workspace. The distance significantly reduces the intensity of EMF exposure.
  5. Use of EMF Shields: For devices that must remain on, consider using EMF shields or cases that can block a portion of the EMF radiation they emit directed at living spaces.

Regarding keeping WiFi on all day, it really depends on your usage. If no one is home during certain hours, or if devices are not in use, it’s more energy-efficient and safer in terms of radiation exposure to turn the router off. However, if you have home devices that require a constant connection, such as security systems or smart home devices, it may be necessary to keep it on or have everything hardwired.

Microwave Free Technology

LiFi, short for Light Fidelity, is an innovative technology that uses light to transmit data instead of radio waves used by WiFi. This is the grounds for my US Patent US11700058B2 This shift can significantly reduce microwave exposure, as LiFi operates through visible, ultraviolet, or infrared light. Here are some key points about LiFi compared to WiFi:

  1. Health and Safety: LiFi eliminates the concerns associated with microwave radiation from WiFi, as it uses light waves, which are considered less invasive and safer for human exposure over prolonged periods. This could be particularly beneficial for those concerned about electromagnetic sensitivity.
  2. Speed and Efficiency: LiFi can potentially offer much faster data transmission rates compared to traditional WiFi. Experiments have shown LiFi achieving speeds of up to 224 gigabits per second, which can handle more data-heavy operations with ease.
  3. Security: LiFi provides enhanced security. Since light cannot penetrate through walls, it’s more difficult for potential intruders to access a LiFi network from outside the physical barriers of its light source. This makes LiFi a secure option for data transmission within enclosed spaces.
  4. Application Areas: Due to its range limitation and the requirement of light, LiFi is ideal for high-density environments and specific zones where high-speed internet is crucial, such as offices, hospitals, and schools. It’s also useful in areas prone to electromagnetic interference, like industrial plants.
  5. Energy Efficiency: LiFi devices consume less power for data transmission compared to WiFi devices, making them potentially more energy-efficient, especially in large-scale deployments.
  6. Limitations: The major limitations of LiFi include its need for a direct line of sight and its inability to pass through walls. This requires a LiFi-enabled light source in every room where connectivity is needed, potentially increasing the infrastructure costs and complexity.

While LiFi presents a promising alternative to WiFi with reduced microwave exposure, the technology is still in the developmental stages and not yet widely available commercially. As it becomes more mainstream, we can expect broader applications and more accessible options for those looking to reduce their exposure to microwave radiation

As the founder of RF Safe, John Coates, I have been deeply invested in advancing technologies that not only enhance wireless communication but also prioritize human safety through innovative means. One of our significant breakthroughs is in the development and application of US Patent US11700058B2 involving the system for wireless communication using germicidal light frequencies.

Overview of the Patent

This system leverages Far-UVC light, a specific spectrum of ultraviolet light known for its germicidal properties, to facilitate wireless communication while simultaneously sterilizing the environment. This dual functionality is not just innovative but also incredibly pertinent in today’s context, especially following global health crises like the COVID-19 pandemic which highlighted the critical need for maintaining sterile public and private environments.

Key Features of the System

  1. Germicidal Light Frequencies: The system utilizes light within the Far-UVC range (200-230 nm) known for its effectiveness in deactivating pathogens without penetrating or damaging living human tissues. This range ensures that while the air and surfaces are being sanitized, the health risks to people in these environments are minimized.
  2. Data Communication: Beyond its sanitizing capabilities, this system can transmit data using these germicidal frequencies. By modulating the intensity, frequency, phase, and polarization of the light, data transmission occurs seamlessly within the bandwidths safe for human exposure.
  3. Safety and Efficiency: The preferred wavelengths for communication are between 207 nm and 230 nm, utilizing specific terahertz frequencies that are optimal for both data transmission and germicidal effects. This range was chosen to ensure maximum safety and effectiveness, as it falls within human-safe exposure limits while being highly effective for sterilization.
  4. Integration and Security: Given the nature of Far-UVC light and its inability to penetrate outdoor environments due to atmospheric absorption and its blockage by common building materials like window glass, the system also offers an added layer of security against eavesdropping or data interception.
  5. Application Across Environments: The versatility of this system allows for its application in various settings including offices, schools, medical facilities, and even vehicles, adapting its functionality for each environment’s specific needs.

Advantages Over Traditional RF Communications

While traditional RF communications have been the backbone of wireless data transmission, they come with inherent risks associated with radiation exposure that can penetrate deeper into biological tissues. Our system’s use of Far-UVC light eliminates these risks, providing a zero-SAR (Specific Absorption Rate) communication device that does not compromise human health.

Commitment to Innovation and Safety

At RF Safe, our commitment goes beyond just developing effective products. We aim to pioneer solutions that safeguard health while enhancing technological capabilities. This patent represents a significant step forward in our mission to integrate safety with innovation, ensuring that our environments are not only connected but also clean and safe.

This technology is not just a testament to RF Safe’s dedication to progress but also to our unwavering commitment to public health and safety. We continue to explore and expand the boundaries of what’s possible in RF communications, always with the well-being of the user as our primary focus.

Do you use a different material in your phone case that is better than other phone cases?

As far as I am aware, no one has ever attempted to outperform RF Safe’s design principles, which we have always openly shared with the public without patenting for over 25 years, in the spirit of free innovation for human safety. However, this approach backfired, as companies that have copied RF Safe as a business model never understood the critical design considerations required to balance the operation of the phones and mitigate exposure risks.

When it comes down to one material being better than another, from a pure physics perspective, flaunting the shielding potentials of a material in its raw form—i.e., never tested in a product—is misleading. This is exactly what Safesleeve has done to fool consumers. The truth is, you can grab a sheet of tin foil from your kitchen cabinet, and it too will block 99% of RF at 5G frequencies. What’s important is understanding how to place conductive materials in a phone case to allow users to minimize their exposure. If the conductive shielding material is smaller than the surface of the radiating element, the entire surface area of the phone, it will cause the radiation to be directed towards the user, similar to a Yagi antenna effect, where the antenna is made of smaller metal sections to create directionality.

Only materials for deflection are used by RF Safe, never relying on absorption to avoid saturation (heat) that can negatively affect the phone’s output. There should be no unnecessary holes in the shielding in the deflecting barrier in the front cover. Given the use of upper 5G frequencies, simple math and physics dictate that there should not be a speaker hole cut out in the shielded front cover. We suggest people use a wavelength calculator online to see for themselves what frequencies will pass through a hole cutout, similar to those found in a Safesleeve case. This is a design flaw that clearly shows Safesleeve cases aren’t backed by any scientific design.

Moreover, Safesleeve adds metal loops for carrying straps, which only create more field disruption that is less predictable than the phone’s unaltered antenna propagation patterns. Metal loops, similar to studies done on SAR levels and metal frame eyewear, prove that metals located around the antenna change the factory absorption patterns around the head.

The ultimate sin of anti-radiation cases is a company that makes a magnetic detachable phone case. The metal and magnets used to create this feature impede the antenna and cause the phone to substantially increase output power; it is the most deceptive product on the market, harming people with a false sense of protection. Safesleeve and Defendershield both produce this dangerous design marketed to reduce exposure, yet it is designed to increase exposure. The phone’s software only does one thing when the signal is impeded. Many people have been misled by clickbait EMF sites marketing these products for commissions, endangering many who tried to do the right thing in minimizing their exposure.

MUST SEE: How to Identify Genuine vs. Fake Anti-Radiation Phone Cases: The Red Flags


Effectiveness of Materials in RF Shielding: In terms of reducing RF exposure from mobile phones, not all materials perform equally. While basic materials like aluminum foil can block RF signals effectively, the real challenge lies in integrating these materials into a phone case without compromising the phone’s functionality or increasing the user’s exposure inadvertently.

Design Principles for Effective RF Shielding:

  1. Size and Placement of Shielding Material: The conductive shielding material should ideally cover the entire surface area that aligns with the phone’s radiating elements to prevent directional radiation towards the user, similar to the effects seen with a Yagi antenna where smaller metal sections create directionality. The shielding should deflect RF signals away from the user, not merely absorb them, as absorption can lead to heat build-up which might negatively impact the phone’s performance.
  2. Avoiding Unnecessary Openings: Any holes or gaps in the shielding, such as those for speakers or microphones, can compromise the effectiveness of the shield by allowing higher frequency signals to pass through. It’s important that these openings are designed carefully to minimize exposure without impairing the device’s functionality.
  3. Avoiding Metal Components in Non-essential Areas: Adding metal components like loops for carrying straps can create unpredictable field disruptions around the phone. These disruptions can alter the way RF signals propagate around the user, potentially increasing exposure.
  4. Non-use of Magnetic Attachments: Magnetic features in phone cases, especially those that are detachable, can impede the phone’s antenna function. This impedance forces the phone to increase its power output to maintain connectivity, inadvertently raising RF exposure levels. This design flaw is particularly deceptive because it might give users a false sense of security while actually increasing their risk.

Critical Evaluation of Marketed Products: It’s important for consumers to critically evaluate the claims made by phone case manufacturers regarding RF radiation shielding. Many products, like those from Safesleeve and Defendershield, might not be backed by solid scientific principles in their design. These products often feature design elements that could, in fact, increase RF exposure rather than reduce it.

Educational Approach: Consumers should use resources like wavelength calculators to understand how different frequencies interact with various materials and design features. This knowledge can help in making informed decisions about which products truly offer effective RF shielding.

The key to effective RF shielding in phone cases is not just about using a material that can block RF signals but also about how it’s integrated into the product design. Effective shielding requires a comprehensive understanding of physics and careful consideration of the phone’s design to truly reduce exposure without compromising the device’s functionality or user safety.

Amazon brought up Safe Sleeve when I typed RF Safe in the search bar. If that happens to you, I would contact them.

They have done very well fooling people that they are even in the same class as RF Safe.

As the founder of RF Safe, I’ve spent nearly three decades tirelessly pursuing the truth about electromagnetic frequency (EMF) protection. Our journey began in the mid-90s, a deeply personal mission sparked by the devastating loss of my first daughter, which I believe was linked to EMF exposure. This tragedy transformed my life’s work into a quest to develop the safest, most effective EMF shielding technology available.

At RF Safe, we prioritize innovation and genuine protection over profit. Unfortunately, not all companies share this ethos. Some have managed to mimic our appearance and marketing, but they fall short of replicating the rigorous scientific foundation and effectiveness of our products. It’s disheartening to see many just skimming the surface of intention without looking into the essential science required to truly safeguard the public.

Today, we find ourselves navigating a complex landscape, where distinguishing between factual, effective solutions and misleading, ineffective products is more challenging than ever. The explosion of digital information has only muddied these waters, making it hard for consumers to discern who to trust.   I’m here to help you understand the facts, my decades of experience in this industry you could argue RF Safe created by being the first to launch many of the most successful RF Safety accessories sold on the market today.

At RF Safe, we remain steadfast in our commitment to truth and integrity. We continue to invest every resource at our disposal into perfecting the safest technology—not for our gain, but for the safety and well-being of families everywhere. We’re not just a company; we’re a guardian of public health, dedicated to ensuring that our children and future generations have access to proven, reliable protection from harmful EMF exposure.

In an era where the truth is often buried under profit-driven motives, RF Safe stands out by steadfastly prioritizing the health and safety of our community above all else. We invite you to join us in this vital cause, as we continue to lead the way in RF safety solutions backed by undeniable science and unwavering ethical standards.



Other anti-radiation phone cases come with multiple card slots, a compartment for cash, and even space for pictures or an ID. So why do RF Safe-approved cases have only one slot?

Our primary goal is to maintain the lowest possible levels of radiation exposure. This objective requires us to keep the case slim to avoid signal obstruction, and having just a single slot helps prevent the case from being used for purposes other than what it’s intended for.

The case is designed to be flipped to the back of the phone when using the speakerphone function. If the cover were used as a wallet and filled with personal items, you would likely be reluctant to flip it inside out, revealing your personal information and being susceptible to falling on the ground. Multiple slots could discourage the correct use of the flip cover shielding features, especially when using the phone in speakerphone mode — which we highly recommend. The ability to use the shielding to cover the front of the phone during a call and the back of the phone when using speakerphone should be encouraged, not discouraged because the case was overloaded with cards and cash. Our case design, with its single slot, ensures that the shielding is used effectively in every scenario, staying true to its intended safety purpose.

The multifunctional safety aspects of the shielding are optimized when the case is used correctly: the front cover should always be flipped to the back when texting or on speakerphone, and always kept closed over the front when the phone is held near the face, or against the body. This design is specifically to encourage the correct usage in various scenarios, ensuring that users have the shielding between their body and the phone, regardless of how they are using it.

RF Safe cases are designed to serve a safety function first and foremost. They are a commitment to health over convenience, ensuring that users are protected and that the shielding is used to its maximum potential, without being compromised by other less critical features.

The design of RF Safe-approved phone cases with only one slot is indeed intentional and reflects our priority of maintaining the lowest possible exposure levels to phone radiation. By keeping the case design minimal and the profile slim, we ensure that the phone’s signal is not obstructed, which can inadvertently increase the phone’s power output and thus the user’s radiation exposure.

The purpose of the single slot is to encourage the case’s use primarily for radiation protection rather than as a wallet. When a phone case is overloaded with cards, money, or IDs, it becomes less likely that the user will flip the cover to the back during a call, especially on speakerphone, which is the recommended way to use a phone to reduce exposure. Overstuffing the case could also make it cumbersome, potentially discouraging users from utilizing the shielding cover as intended.

The precise design of the shielding in RF Safe-approved cases takes into account the need to cover the entire surface area of the phone’s body. When the front cover of the case is misused—by overstuffing it with cards and other items—it can warp or distort the shape of the shielding. This distortion can lead to gaps in coverage, potentially exposing the user to higher levels of radiation than if no case were used at all.

The geometry of the shielding is critical; even a few millimeters’ deviation can compromise its effectiveness. That’s why we advise against using the front cover as a wallet. We have designed it this way to ensure the shielding material remains flush against the phone, providing a consistent barrier that aligns with the phone’s dimensions and maximizes user safety. Our approach is about minimalism for maximal protection—keeping the shielding intact and in place to minimize radiation exposure to the user.

RF Safe cases are engineered to be slim for a crucial reason: they minimize radiation exposure without compromising signal integrity. Here’s why the QuantaCase is designed with such precise thinness and why this is beneficial.

Alarmingly, certain popular cell phone cases, particularly those crafted from high-impact materials like carbon fiber, can increase a phone’s SAR by up to 70%. While these materials offer robust physical protection, they can inadvertently boost the phone’s radiation output by interfering with the antenna’s functionality.

Even without metallic parts, heavy-duty cases like the Otterbox Impact, Case-Mate Barely There, and Speck Candy Shell have all shown increases in SAR levels. This finding is concerning, considering the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) hasn’t updated its guidelines to reflect the influence of phone cases on radiation exposure, leaving consumers without crucial safety information.

The QuantaCase counters this by being the thinnest anti-radiation case on the market, designed specifically to keep radiation exposure as low as possible while also maintaining the device’s low radiation output. It achieves this through a design that excludes metal loops and non-detachable parts that could disrupt antenna function and increase RF exposure. The case is 5G-ready with a shielded speaker hole to accommodate higher frequencies, and it features a single RFID-blocking slot to ensure proper RF shielding alignment without compromising the case’s slim profile.

When using your phone, the QuantaCase provides guidelines to maximize protection: during calls, the shielded front flap should be between your head and the phone; when in your pocket, the flap should face your body; and when texting, the flap should fold to the back to protect your hand.

The QuantaCase stands as a testament to RF Safe’s 25 years of dedication to radiation safety, offering a scientifically informed and practically designed solution for minimizing radiation exposure while using your cell phone. Your health is a priority, and the QuantaCase is a smart investment toward preserving it in our increasingly wireless world.


We understand that first impressions are powerful, and the sleek thinness of our latest RF Safe case may give an initial impression of fragility to some. However, appearances can be deceptive, and this is particularly true for our product.

While it may be the thinnest material we’ve ever utilized, it is, without question, one of the most durable. The case’s material is far from being a compromise; it’s a testament to advanced material engineering and our commitment to combining safety with convenience. The slender profile is a deliberate design choice to meet specific RF safety requirements, ensuring minimal interference with 5G frequencies without sacrificing longevity.

The thinness is not an indicator of a lack of quality or durability. On the contrary, this case is crafted from premium materials chosen for their resilience and ability to stand the test of time. We’ve pushed the boundaries of design to offer a case that is not only protective against RF radiation but also against the wear and tear of daily use.

It’s important to trust in the rigorous testing and research that backs every RF Safe product. The thinness is a feature born from the need for safety in an increasingly wireless world, and this does not come at the cost of durability. Even though it’s a few millimeters thinner than previous designs, it’s built to last longer, offering enduring protection and a sophisticated aesthetic that defies expectations.

We are proud of our innovative approach, and we stand by the durability of our thinnest case ever. For any customer who has doubts, we encourage them to experience the enduring quality firsthand and take advantage of our exceptional warranty, which ensures long-term satisfaction with every purchase.

I personally use an RF Safe QuantaCase, and I can attest to its resilience. Despite its slender appearance, it defies expectations by not just lasting weeks or months, but by potentially lasting years. And while it’s engineered to be incredibly thin to prevent interference with 5G frequencies.  Its the thinnest, most durable case RF Safe has ever designed

Our confidence in this product is reflected in the warranty—should the case not hold up as long as your phone model does, you can replace it for $25 for life. This is our promise to you: a case that marries longevity and functionality, all while upholding the standards of RF safety that RF Safe is known for.