
MEN: Boycott Wallet Phone Cases With Purse Latches! Despite What Disney Has Taught You, It’s Ok To Be A Man!

It is important to recognize that masculinity, like all aspects of gender, is a social construct and can vary widely across different cultures and societies. There is no “correct” way for men to act or behave, and individuals need to be able to express themselves in authentic ways.

It is also important to recognize that toxic masculinity, which refers to unhealthy or harmful expressions of masculinity, can have negative impacts on both men and women. This can include behaviors such as aggression, violence, and the suppression of emotions. Some people may argue that it is important for men to be more vulnerable and open and to reject toxic masculine norms in favor of healthier forms of masculinity.  However, this is not the same as promoting men to be less manly overall.  Also, let’s make it clear we aren’t fanboying all the Andrew Tate’s out there promoting themselves as self-styled ‘kings of toxic masculinity’; we are saying it is ok to be a man and not be forced to tone down your manliness because you want to protect the crown jewels from exposure to microwave radiation.  You don’t need a purse latch!

Is a wallet phone case with a purse latch masculine or feminine?

Safe sleeve anti-radiation case with purse latch

Some fashion concepts are traditionally associated with a specific gender, such as dresses and skirts being more commonly associated with femininity and suits and ties being more commonly associated with masculinity. However, these associations are not fixed or universal, and there is a lot of overlap and flexibility regarding what is considered appropriate for different genders to wear.

Individuals have the right to express themselves and choose the clothing and accessories that make them feel comfortable and authentic, regardless of societal expectations or norms. Fashion can be a way for individuals to explore and express their identity, and there are no hard and fast rules about what is or is not appropriate for different genders to wear. Ultimately, it is up to the individual to decide how they wish to present themselves and what items they feel comfortable using.

Should a man be only given the option of fashion concepts traditionally associated with women to make them less likely to exhibit toxic masculinity?

10 Studies Prove Cell Phone Radiation Damages Sperm

No, it is not necessary or appropriate to limit men to only fashion concepts that are traditionally associated with women.  Limiting men to only wearing fashion concepts that are traditionally associated with women would not address the underlying issues that contribute to toxic masculinity and is restrictive and unfair. It is important for individuals to be able to express themselves and choose the clothing and accessories that make them feel comfortable and authentic, regardless of societal expectations or norms.

The anti-radiation phone case industry should not limit men to buying or using wallet phone case accessories with features traditionally associated with women’s purses. Everyone should be free to make their own choices about what they wear and how they present themselves without being pressured or forced to conform to woke expectations or new norms. It is important for individuals to feel comfortable and confident in their own skin and to be able to express themselves in a way that is authentic to who they are.

It is important to remember that clothing and accessories are just one way that people can express themselves and their personal style. It is not necessary or healthy to change someone’s appearance or force them to conform to certain expectations based on their gender or other factors. It is important for everyone to feel free to be themselves and to make their own choices about how they present themselves to the world.  It is important to respect and accept people’s choices and not judge them based on their appearance.

Why should men be worried about microwave radiation exposure?

In summary, while mounting evidence suggests that cell phone radiation may affect sperm quality, more research is needed to understand the extent of any potential impacts fully and to determine how they may apply to real-world situations. It is important for individuals to be aware of the potential risks and to make informed decisions about their cell phone use while also considering the many other factors that can affect fertility.

Here are a few steps that may help reduce the risk of potential effects of cell phone radiation on sperm quality:

  1. Keep your phone away from your body: Try to keep your phone at least an arm’s length away from your body when it is in use, especially when you are using it for a long period of time. This can help reduce your overall radiation exposure.
  2. Use a speakerphone or a headset: Using a speakerphone or a headset can help reduce the amount of radiation you are exposed to, as the phone is not as close to your body.
  3. Do not put a cell phone in your pocket while using a headset with the phone in use.
  4. Turn off your phone or switch to airplane mode when not in use: When you are not using your phone, try turning it off or switching it to airplane mode. This can help reduce your radiation exposure.
  5. Avoid using your phone when the signal is weak: When the signal is weak, your phone has to work harder to find a connection, which can increase the amount of radiation it emits. Try to avoid using your phone in these situations if possible.
  6. Use a phone with a low Specific Absorption Rate (SAR): The SAR measures the amount of radiofrequency energy absorbed by the body when using a cell phone. Look for a phone with a low SAR rating to reduce your radiation exposure.

It is important to keep in mind that the potential effects of cell phone radiation on sperm quality are still not fully understood, and more research is needed to determine the extent of any potential risks. While these steps may help reduce radiation exposure, it is also important to consider the many other factors affecting fertility, including age, lifestyle, diet, and overall health.   There is one more important this you can do!

Men, QuantaCase gives you a choice you’ve been denied far too long!

The best way to keep a microwave radiation barrier between you and your cell phone


Introducing the slick, manly, side latch thumb guard!  Let boys that want to be boys – be boys, and girls that want to be girls -be girls!  Coming soon in an array of colors for boys and girls alike!