Mitochondria, Viral DNA, and Hybridization as Examples of DNA’s Adaptive Processing

DNA’s adaptation through engulfed genomes, viral remnants, and hybridized sequences could be seen as subprograms or extensions that add or modify the network’s functionality. This mirrors AI’s capacity for “learning” by creating new network pathways.

DNA’s Probabilistic Field: Cellular Intelligence Through Resonant Geometry

ceLLM posits that DNA’s atomic arrangements create a resonant field, a probabilistic web where specific distances between atoms or sequences establish weighted connections. These connections enable the cell to dynamically “process” information from the environment.

The Galaxy Structure and Power Laws in DNA’s Resonant Fields

One of AI’s more advanced discoveries is the “galaxy” structure, which reveals a hierarchical organization where dominant components manage the majority of information. ceLLM proposes a similar structure within DNA, where resonant fields form higher-dimensional maps of probabilistic outcomes.

The Intersection of ceLLM, Bioelectromagnetics, and Quantum Biology

The ceLLM model opens new doors to explore how biological systems use resonant, probabilistic structures to communicate at every scale. This idea is supported by research in bioelectromagnetics, which shows how low-energy fields impact cellular functions, and in quantum biology, where coherence in biological processes points toward an underlying quantum structure.