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Morphic Fields: Nature’s Hidden Intelligence with Rupert Sheldrake PhD

The concept of morphic fields—and the related idea of morphic resonance—stands as one of the most provocative hypotheses in contemporary science. These ideas suggest that nature itself has a kind of collective memory, and that everything from chemical compounds to animal behaviors to human consciousness is shaped by invisible, yet influential “fields” that carry information from the past into the present. This proposal challenges deeply ingrained assumptions about how inheritance, form, and behavior are transmitted from generation to generation.

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In a mechanistic worldview, all living organisms and their traits are believed to be solely the product of genes and epigenetic mechanisms. Yet, as Rupert Sheldrake explains, genetic and epigenetic explanations often fall short of accounting for many observed phenomena. Morphic resonance offers an alternative perspective: that organisms inherit not just genetic material but also a collective memory from previous members of their own species. This blog post will delve into Sheldrake’s ideas, illustrating how morphic fields might provide a more holistic understanding of biology, behavior, and consciousness.

Why should readers pay attention to this topic? First, morphic fields open up an entirely new way of understanding heredity, going beyond genes and epigenetics. Second, they suggest that the “laws” of nature may actually be more like evolving habits—a viewpoint that could reconcile longstanding puzzles in science. Finally, Sheldrake’s perspective inspires a reevaluation of the role of consciousness in the universe, challenging the assumption that only humans have conscious experiences while everything else is inert. Whether or not one fully agrees with morphic resonance, the insights offered by this hypothesis provide fertile ground for reevaluating and expanding the boundaries of current scientific paradigms.

Main Content

The Missing Heritability Problem

Genetic Expectations vs. Reality

One of the opening points in the conversation is the acknowledgment that many traits in organisms, including humans, cannot be fully accounted for by known genetic mechanisms. This issue became glaringly apparent with the completion of the Human Genome Project in 2000. Scientists had initially expected to find around 100,000 genes, believing these would adequately explain the complexity of human beings. Surprisingly, only around 20,000 genes were identified—fewer than a simple nematode worm or even a rice plant, both of which have more genes than humans.

What was more shocking, however, was that genetic prediction for various inherited conditions—such as proneness to breast cancer, schizophrenia, and other traits—often explained only around 5–10% of the heritable variability. Yet extensive family studies and twin studies indicated much higher heritability (often 80% or more). This gap is known as the “missing heritability problem.”

Epigenetics and Its Limitations

Initially, scientists believed that epigenetic factors (chemical modifications to DNA or associated proteins) could help fill in the gap. While epigenetic inheritance—the inheritance of traits acquired by an organism during its lifetime—has indeed offered robust experimental evidence, epigenetics by itself may not close the missing heritability gap entirely. As Sheldrake points out, some portion of heritable change might be better explained by morphic resonance rather than purely molecular mechanisms like DNA methylation.

An Introduction to Morphic Fields and Morphic Resonance

The Hypothesis of Formative Causation

Rupert Sheldrake’s concept of morphic fields is rooted in his earlier work as a plant physiologist studying the role of plant hormones like auxin and how plants develop their form. Sheldrake proposed that the shapes, structures, and behaviors of living organisms are organized by invisible morphic (or morphogenetic) fields—field-like patterns that guide the development of a fetus or seed into a mature organism.

Sheldrake refers to his broader theory as formative causation, the idea that living organisms not only inherit genes from their ancestors but also inherit a collective, field-based memory. This means that each individual or organism tunes in to the past forms, habits, and behaviors of its species, making the overall development process part genetic, part field-based.

A Collective Memory in Nature

Central to morphic resonance is the claim that nature has its own memory, and that the so-called “laws of nature” are actually habits that become increasingly ingrained over time through repetition. Each member of a species, upon learning a new skill or adapting to a new environment, contributes to that collective memory, making it easier for future members of the species to learn or adapt in the same way.

Sheldrake posits that any given species functions as a repository of collective memories. For instance, if many rats learn to navigate a maze in one part of the world, it becomes easier for rats elsewhere to learn the same maze, purely by virtue of resonance across the species. This might sound extraordinary, but as Sheldrake notes, repeated experimental work has shown patterns suggestive of just such an effect.

Beyond Morphogenetic Fields

Sheldrake uses the general term “morphic fields” to encompass all field-like organizing patterns in nature, including:

  1. Morphogenetic fields: shaping the development of organisms (e.g., embryo formation, leaf and plant growth).
  2. Behavioral fields: guiding instinctual and learned behaviors in animals (and possibly humans).
  3. Mental fields: involved in perception, thought, and consciousness.
  4. Social fields: coordinating behavior in groups, from flocks of birds to sports teams.

Under this broader umbrella, morphic resonance is the mechanism by which these fields carry a memory through time, influencing present systems based on similar patterns established in the past.

Evidence and Examples of Morphic Resonance

Rats in a Water Maze

A frequently cited example involves rats learning to escape from a water maze. Researchers at Harvard found that rats could be trained to learn the maze, and subsequent generations learned it faster and faster. Surprisingly, rats of the same breed tested in labs in Edinburgh and Melbourne—with no ancestral link to the Harvard rats—also learned the maze more rapidly than the original cohorts. The phenomenon suggested that once a sufficient number of rats learn something, others can tap into that collective memory, acquiring the skill more quickly.

Chemical Crystallization

In chemistry, crystallization offers another possible test. When chemists synthesize a brand-new compound, it is often extremely difficult to form crystals at first. Over time, and in labs around the world, crystals of that same compound form more easily, even under apparently identical conditions. Conventional explanations typically invoke invisible dust particles or improved technique. Sheldrake argues that this improvement may also reflect morphic resonance: repeated crystallization events reinforce a field memory that subsequent experiments “tap into,” making the formation of crystals simpler and more likely.

Word Puzzles and Crossword Phenomena

In human behavior, one might observe similar effects with puzzles:

 The Brain as a Tuning System

Brain ≠ Warehouse of Memory

One of the most radical assertions in Sheldrake’s hypothesis is that memories are not stored inside the brain. In orthodox neuroscience, it is taken for granted that memories must reside in some form of material traces—arrangements of synapses or protein syntheses in neural tissues. However, despite over a century of searching, no definitive “engram” (physical memory trace) has been found. Sheldrake posits that the brain is more akin to a television receiver than a videotape recorder. It “tunes in” to memories via morphic resonance, which exist as virtual patterns or fields rather than as local neuronal engrams.

Extended Mind and Telepathy

If the brain functions more like a receiver, then the mind can extend beyond the head. This leads to phenomena that standard materialist perspectives might reject out of hand. For instance, many people report the feeling of “being stared at” from behind and then turning around, only to catch someone’s gaze. Sheldrake has conducted tens of thousands of experiments testing whether this sense of being looked at is more than coincidence. The results, while controversial, suggest there may be a measurable effect.

Similarly, telephone telepathy—where someone thinks of a friend just before that friend calls—is common enough that most of us have experienced it. These phenomena, while taboo in mainstream academia, fit smoothly into Sheldrake’s model of extended minds that interact in real time via morphic fields.

Are the Laws of Nature Really Fixed?

The Evolving-Habits Model

Conventional science is anchored in the assumption that the laws of nature are fixed—that they were “set” at the moment of the Big Bang and have remained unchanging ever since. Sheldrake critiques this assumption as an unexamined, 17th-century relic that science has absorbed from its historical roots in a theological concept of laws ordained by a divine legislator.

In contrast, Sheldrake proposes that the so-called laws are better seen as habits. As each species, structure, or phenomenon repeats a certain behavior, that behavior becomes ingrained in the universal memory. Older, well-established patterns, such as the formation of hydrogen atoms, are so deeply habituated that they appear to be “laws.” But new or newly synthesized forms (e.g., novel molecules, novel quantum systems) are still in the process of “learning,” and thus any laws that govern them are more flexible or less fixed. Over eons, these patterns become deeply embedded.

 Shifting Constants

Physical constants, such as the gravitational constant (G) or the speed of light (c), are often presumed universal and unchanging. Yet careful historical scrutiny reveals fluctuations in their measured values over time. Mainstream physics usually attributes this to experimental error and “corrects” old data, continuing to treat the values as fixed. According to Sheldrake, these fluctuations might reflect the slow drift of evolving habits in nature, rather than mere measurement inaccuracies.

Cosmology and the Fine-Tuned Universe

A major debate in cosmology revolves around the problem of fine-tuning: Why are the constants and laws in the universe precisely suitable for life to emerge? Two mainstream explanations are:

  1. God or an external intelligent designer who fine-tuned the parameters.
  2. The multiverse hypothesis, suggesting the existence of infinitely many universes, each with different constants—ours just happens to be the “right” one for life.

Sheldrake points out that neither solution is particularly satisfying from a purely empirical standpoint. Instead, the concept of cosmic habits—gradually crystallizing from a cosmos in continual evolution—renders the assumption of a perfectly tuned beginning unnecessary.

Hierarchical Fields and an Organic, Living Universe

Nested Structures in Nature

Sheldrake underscores that morphic fields form nested hierarchies (or “holarchies”) throughout nature:

At each level, a field of organization orchestrates the whole. Smaller fields nest inside larger fields, which eventually nest inside even larger cosmic fields. This hierarchical perspective sees nature as a grand mosaic of fields rather than a machine-like structure governed by external laws.

Mind at Large and Cosmic Consciousness

A further extension is the possibility that nature itself is imbued with consciousness (a viewpoint aligned with panpsychism or panentheism). If each level of organization—atom, molecule, cell, planet, star—has some interiority or mindedness, then the universe is more akin to a vast cosmic organism than an accidental machine. From this perspective:

Sheldrake notes that such ideas are not entirely new; they resonate with classical and mystical philosophies that speak of an anima mundi (World Soul) or a universal Mind At Large.

Social Fields and Group Minds

Collective Emotions in Crowds and Teams

Humans are social animals, and Sheldrake’s theory suggests that social fields operate within groups—from small families to massive sports events:

Telepathic Bonds in Social Animals

Telepathy, in Sheldrake’s view, is primarily a social phenomenon because it arises in bonded groups. For example, many pet owners report their dogs or cats appear to sense when they decide to return home, even at unusual times or from far distances, and respond accordingly. Sheldrake has tested these claims in controlled experiments—e.g., owners traveling from remote locations, returning at random times, to see if the animals consistently go to the door or window in anticipation. The data suggests some form of invisible connection at work, consistent with morphic resonance.

Science, Consciousness, and Spirituality

Scientific Method vs. Materialist Dogma

Sheldrake distinguishes between science as a method (observation, hypothesis, and experiment) and materialism as a worldview. He argues that science itself does not necessarily mandate a mechanistic-materialist worldview; that worldview is an interpretation that has calcified into dogma.

By freeing science from rigid materialism, Sheldrake believes researchers can explore phenomena like telepathy, morphic resonance, and extended consciousness without stigma. In his book The Science Delusion (or Science Set Free in the US), he lists ten dogmas that hamper scientific inquiry, including the assumption that nature is unconscious and that the laws of nature are fixed.

Scientific Studies on Spiritual Practices

Interestingly, Sheldrake sees a complementary relationship between science and spirituality. Research on meditation, prayer, and ritual practices indicates measurable physiological and psychological changes:

Sheldrake posits that such findings are an example of how empirical science can shed light on spiritual practices, rather than necessarily being in conflict with them.

Toward a New Paradigm

What would a new scientific paradigm look like?

  1. Organic Universe: Nature is seen as a dynamic, developing organism, not a lifeless machine.
  2. Habits Instead of Laws: Natural regularities evolve over time and gain stability through repetition.
  3. Extended Consciousness: Consciousness is not confined to human brains alone; it is woven into the fabric of the cosmos, expressed at various scales.
  4. Collective Memory: Phenomena such as telepathy, inherited behavior, and the sense of being stared at become subjects of legitimate empirical research.

Advice for Students and Young Scientists

Navigating Institutional Resistance

One of the most practical concerns is how students or early-career researchers can engage with these ideas without jeopardizing their academic prospects. Sheldrake notes that official institutions—universities, funding bodies, academic journals—tend to uphold the existing paradigm. Truly radical research often struggles to gain acceptance or funding because peer-review committees and granting agencies are staffed by scientists deeply invested in the status quo.

Therefore, Sheldrake advises young scientists to:

Embracing Online Resources and Communities

Where official university courses rarely cover such topics, online platforms (like YouTube channels, alternative education forums, or organizations like the Essentia Foundation) can fill the gap. They offer lectures, podcasts, interviews, and discussions on everything from panpsychism and near-death experiences to advanced studies in parapsychology and meditation research. While these won’t provide conventional degrees or official credentials, they are invaluable for intellectual growth and networking.

Analysis and Elaboration

Below are key thematic strands drawn from Sheldrake’s ideas, with additional context and references to expand the conversation further.

A. Mechanism vs. Organism in the History of Science

B. Revisiting the Concept of Fields

C. Consciousness Research at the Frontiers

D. Criticisms and Counterarguments

E. A Philosophical and Theological Pivot


1. Key Takeaways

2. A Call to Open-Minded Inquiry

Sheldrake’s work, while controversial, underscores the importance of openness and curiosity. Historical precedents show that many once-radical ideas (like the existence of electromagnetic fields) eventually became cornerstones of mainstream science. Whether morphic resonance takes a similar trajectory depends on robust, replicable experimental evidence—and on a shift away from dogmatic assumptions that restrict the types of questions scientists are permitted to ask.

For readers and researchers alike, the lessons are clear:

3. Next Steps for the Inquisitive Reader

Final Thought

The discussion on morphic fields and resonance invites an important reflection: what if reality is not the rigid, mechanical system we’ve assumed it to be but rather a living tapestry of habits, fields, and evolving forms of consciousness? Such a shift opens new doors in understanding who we are, how life evolves, and how collective phenomena—like a single new trick learned by rats or the unveiling of a daily Wordle puzzle—can ripple across species, cultures, and even the cosmos. While the morphic field hypothesis has its critics, it undeniably stimulates a richer dialogue that may one day expand the scope of scientific inquiry to include dimensions of life and mind long relegated to the fringes.

In a world where new discoveries continually challenge the limits of our knowledge, Sheldrake’s perspective carries an underlying message: keep asking questions, keep testing assumptions, and remain willing to transform our most cherished beliefs about nature, consciousness, and the very structure of the universe.
