
MOTHERS Pregnancy Stage and Fetal Position Affects Baby’s Radiation Exposure

On August 7 2014, the Institute of Physics and Engineering in Medicine published a study done jointly by the  Institut Mines-Telecom and Orange, France.  The study gives insight into theoretically flawed standards indicating acceptable thermal absorption levels on a human fetus using microwave radiation at 2100 MHz  — a frequency band commonly used in consumer wireless devices.

cell phone radiation hazards

Pryor to this most resent study, the Institut Mines-Télécom school introduced a study that was carried out in order to validate the use of a simplified pregnant woman model for the assessment of fetal exposure to radio frequency waves. This simplified model, proposed last year, published in Comptes Rendus Physique Volume 14, n° 5 pages 412-417 (May 2013) is based on the use of a homogeneous tissue to replace most of the inner organs of a virtual mother.

Using the highly controversial specific absorption rate testing for comparisons, the engineers showed that this model could be used to estimate radiation exposure to a pregnant woman and her baby.  While this is a very simplified model for a very complex environment, the lack of pregnant woman models for numerical dosimetry leaves engineers clueless about absorption of wireless radiation on pregnant women and even less information on fetal exposure.

Most recently the schools created semi-homogeneous pregnant women models between 8 and 32 weeks, they analyzed the influence of pregnancy stage and fetus position on the whole-body and brain exposure of the fetus to radio-frequency radiation.

The study was done to analyze which stages of pregnancy were at the highest risk from exposure to 2100 MHz microwave radiation. This is a common frequency used for cell phones.  The test simulated RF exposure factors for the whole-body and localized areas of a fetus in vertical position with the head down and head up.

The researches found during the first trimester of pregnancy body weight didn’t contain enough mass to hold increases in temperature.  This is consistent with the First law of thermodynamics that there would be no thermal increases in temperature observed in very early pregnancy as heat would quickly dissipate into a mothers body. The study showed temperatures increase during the pregnancy due to the rapid weight gain of the fetus in these first stages.

From the beginning of the second trimester, the whole-body and the average brain exposures are quite stable because the weight gains are quasi proportional to the absorbed power increases.

The findings prove a strong reliance on thermal evaluation, very similar to shortcomings of SAR testing as absorbed power increases are quasi proportional to mass density.   This leaves the proposed semi-homogeneous model of testing and SAR unable to distinguish exposure directly on the fetus until the baby has grown enough to hold heat produced by exposure to microwave radiation.

The study did find a baby’s brain is exposed to higher levels of wireless radiation when position with the head down during the later stages of pregnancy.


Effect of Cell Phone Radiation on Early Stage Development…

…… Before Four Weeks!

Human neural development draws on both neuroscience and developmental biology to describe the cellular and molecular mechanisms by which complex nervous systems emerge during embryonic development and throughout life.

Just four weeks after conception, the neural tube along your baby’s back is closing and your baby’s heart is pumping blood.

Neural Tube Defects (NTD) are a horrible birth defect which results during a critical time of rapid growth for your baby.  Several studies over the last two decades have indicated embryonic exposure to cell phone radiation at below thermal levels can have a disastrous outcome.

The baby is still too small to measure thermal increases in temperature from RF exposure using industry and government FCC accepted safety testing as cited in the above engineering school study calibrated on SAR levels .

However many studies have proven this is the most critical time to avoid wireless radiation exposure.   Radiation exposure is a matter of a baby’s life or death at this point in a pregnancy! The frightening truth is some women might not even know they are pregnant yet  to avoid excessive RF exposure!

On Jun 2, 2014 the International Journal of Science, Environment and Technology just published, EFFECT OF MOBILE PHONE FREQUENCY RADIATION ON EARLY DEVELOPMENT OF CHICK EMBRYO. This latest study is an effort towards the estimation of influencing effects of cell phone radiations on early development of vertebrates. The most observable and frequent observations were mortality rate and rapid somite development in developing chick embryos.

Somites are transient, segmentally organized structures. In the vertebrate embryo, the somites contribute to multiple tissues, including the axial skeleton, skeletal and smooth muscles, dorsal dermis, tendons, ligaments, cartilage and adipose tissue. The somites also determine the migration paths of trunk neural crest cells and spinal nerve axons.

As the primitive streak regresses and the neural folds begin to gather at the center of the embryo, the paraxial mesoderm separates into blocks of cells called somites. These structures are formed by budding off as epithelial spheres from the cranial end of the unsegmented paraxial mesoderm that lies on either side of the neural tube.

Many studies have revealed the adverse effects of non-ionizing cell phone radiation during earlier prenatal stages on neural tube development. Some previous studies are in support of these results, performed at extremely low frequency electromagnetic field (ELF-EMF) at 50 Hz and 900 MHz respectively and reported high mortality ratio in chick embryos (Batellier et al., 2008; Lotfi and Narimani, 2012).

The results of exposure study at 900 MHz revealed that under these conditions, developmental changes in 24 h chick embryos and confirm that EMF strength and duration could be the causal factor for the embryonic response towards EMF radiation (Lahijani and Ghafoori, 2000). Previously, various other studies have found the altering effects of EMF radiation on 24 h developing chick embryos (Farrell et al., 1997; Costa et al., 2013).