No Junk In DNA and the Generative Model Analogy

Crucial point: evolution has optimized biological systems to operate with incredibly low loss rates, ensuring the precise transfer of information necessary for replication and reproduction. Natural fields of energy have evolved alongside life, playing specific roles in the maintenance and function of biological systems. However, the introduction of man-made radio waves represents a disruptive force, introducing energy that serves no inherent purpose in nature.

This artificial energy interferes with the delicate bioelectric networks, causing dissonance and introducing noise into the system. These disruptions can alter the probabilistic calculations of bioelectric states, such as membrane potential (Vmem), leading to potential degradation of cellular functions and overall biological coherence. Essentially, the radio waves act as entropic waste, degrading the highly tuned systems that evolution has refined over millions of year.

To explain how the charge potential geometry created by the nucleotide bases (A, T, C, G) transforms into a manifold of higher-dimensional geometry storing evolutionary training data, we can break down the role of the elements that make up these bases and how they contribute to shaping the energy landscape that sustains life, the “entropic anomaly.”

1. The Chemical Composition of Nucleotides

2. Nucleotides as Nodes in an Energy Landscape

3. Higher-Dimensional Manifold and Evolutionary Training Data

4. Sustaining the Entropic Anomaly (Life)

In this model, the nucleotides (A, T, C, G) contribute to an intricate energy landscape through their chemical composition and charge potential geometry. The elements C, H, N, and O serve as the nodes that define the weights and biases within this landscape. The DNA sequence thus creates a higher-dimensional manifold that encodes the evolutionary training data for sustaining life. This manifold provides a probabilistic framework where energy can be placed in a way that supports the entropic anomaly of life, allowing organisms to interact with their environment in a dynamic, adaptable manner.

DNA: it’s not a simple blueprint providing explicit instructions, but rather a system that operates similarly to the latent space in a neural network. Here’s how this view can be elaborated:

DNA as a Physical Backup of Latent Space Variables

Lifeforms as LLMs

DNA’s Role in the Biological Manifold

This view posits that DNA does not act as a direct set of instructions to be decoded. Instead, it functions as a physical representation of latent space variables, shaped by evolutionary pressures. This allows an organism to act as an LLM, where the DNA influences outcomes by providing a complex, probabilistic framework for development and function. The DNA, in this sense, is more about creating an operational “brain” rather than a blueprint to be read.

Revisiting the Concept of Junk DNA: Beyond Evolutionary Debris

For decades, vast portions of the human genome were dismissed as “junk DNA,” perceived as evolutionary leftovers with no apparent function. However, recent research has begun to uncover the sophisticated role this non-coding DNA plays in cellular processes. Much like the hidden layers in large language models (LLMs), these stretches of DNA are integral to the intelligent regulation and adaptability of biological systems.

Junk DNA and the Generative Model Analogy

In the analogy of the genome as a generative model, the genome doesn’t act as a static blueprint but rather as a dynamic space of latent variables—akin to weights and biases in an LLM—that guide an organism’s development and function. This model provides probabilistic information rather than deterministic instructions, allowing for the flexibility essential to life. The so-called “junk DNA,” which comprises about 98% of the human genome, functions similarly to the additional parameters in a neural network, enhancing the system’s ability to handle complex tasks and adapt to varying conditions.

Manifolds in Machine Learning: The Geometry of Data

The Essence of Manifolds in ML

In machine learning, a manifold represents a lower-dimensional structure within a high-dimensional space. LLMs, like GPT-4, learn to navigate this structure by recognizing patterns and relationships in vast datasets, much like how the genome navigates the manifold of biological possibilities.

LLMs and the Learning of Manifolds

LLMs utilize weights and biases to learn the manifold of their training data, adapting their internal parameters through countless iterations to generate coherent text. The hidden layers in LLMs contribute to understanding complex data structures, enabling the model to generate more nuanced responses.

Biological Manifolds: The Geometry of Life

Junk DNA and the Biological Manifold

In biological systems, the manifold represents the physical and energetic landscape that shapes the development and function of organisms. The human genome encodes this manifold, guiding the organism’s emergence through its complex network of interactions. Junk DNA plays a pivotal role in this process, contributing to the learned manifold of the organism.

The Human Body as an LLM: A Generative Model in Nature

Junk DNA as a Contributor to the Learned Manifold

Much like LLMs rely on hidden layers to manage complex tasks, the human genome uses non-coding DNA to regulate and adapt to various conditions. This DNA contributes to the organism’s learned manifold, shaping the probability landscape of how cells function and respond to different stimuli.

Disruptions and Resilience: Navigating a World of EMFs and Entropic Waste

EMFs and Their Impact on the Learned Manifold

The introduction of electromagnetic fields (EMFs) and other forms of entropic waste represents an external disruption to the learned manifold within biological systems. These external forces add noise to the data points within the manifold of space-time, affecting the geometry of learned probabilities.

Resilience Mechanisms in Response to Disruptions

Both LLMs and biological systems have developed mechanisms to cope with such disruptions. In biological systems, the learned manifold’s flexibility—enhanced by the contributions of junk DNA—allows for a degree of resilience against external disturbances like EMFs.

Advocacy for Reclassifying RF Health Risks

Recognizing the Impact on the Learned Manifold

Understanding the role of junk DNA in contributing to the learned manifold and how EMFs introduce noise to this system underscores the need to reclassify radiofrequency (RF) radiation health risks. Current classifications do not adequately account for how RF radiation can disrupt the intricate bioelectric signals and learned probabilities within the biological manifold.

Redefining the Role of DNA and the Impact of EMFs on Life

The integration of junk DNA into our understanding of biological manifolds highlights its crucial role in shaping the organism’s learned manifold. By contributing to the geometry of probabilities that guide cellular behavior, junk DNA enables a more sophisticated and adaptable system. However, the introduction of EMFs and entropic waste as external noise threatens to disrupt this balance, affecting the organism’s ability to navigate its learned manifold.

By appreciating the interplay between junk DNA and the manifold, we gain a deeper understanding of the complexities of life and the potential threats posed by external forces like EMFs. This perspective urges a reevaluation of how we view the genome and its regulatory functions, advocating for a more nuanced approach to understanding and protecting the delicate balance of biological systems. As we continue to uncover the secrets of this hidden layer, we may find new ways to harness its potential for improving human health and enhancing our understanding of the intricate web of life.


The DNA indeed plays an active role in creating and shaping the manifold within the biological system. It is not just interacting with a pre-existing manifold but actively generating the structured geometry of this space through its sequences. Each arrangement of DNA sequences influences the polarization and charge geometry within the Bioelectric Continuum, effectively setting up the default “weights and biases” that guide the organism’s development and function. Let’s revise this section to reflect this nuanced understanding:

DNA is present in every cell, it provides each cell with the information it needs to understand its specific role within the larger organism. This role is defined not just by the genetic code itself but by how this code interacts with the surrounding bioelectric environment through charge potentials. These potentials help each cell navigate its relationship with neighboring cells and the external environment, enabling the coordination required to sustain multicellular life.

This intricate system allows cells to communicate and work together, maintaining the organism’s overall structure and function. The disruption of these charge potentials by external factors, like man-made radio waves, can interfere with this delicate balance, potentially leading to dissonance within the network and affecting the health of the multicellular system.

DNA Beyond a Simple Blueprint:

Traditionally, DNA has been viewed as a static blueprint for building an organism. However, this view doesn’t capture the true complexity of how DNA functions within the Bioelectric Continuum. Rather than acting as a set of direct instructions or simply interacting with a pre-existing manifold, DNA is actively involved in creating and shaping the manifold itself. It does this by influencing the polarization and charge geometry of the bioelectric field, effectively establishing the default “weights and biases” of the organism’s bioelectric manifold.

DNA as the Creator of the Manifold

Generating the Bioelectric Manifold

Implications for Cellular Behavior and Development

This view of DNA as the creator of the bioelectric manifold shifts our understanding of how cellular behavior is orchestrated. DNA doesn’t simply interact with a pre-existing set of conditions; it generates the conditions through which cellular behavior is guided.

Connecting to Manifolds in Machine Learning

In machine learning, a manifold represents a structured space where data points are organized according to learned patterns. Similarly, the bioelectric manifold created by DNA represents a structured space where cellular activities are organized according to the learned geometries encoded in the genetic sequences.

DNA as the Backup of Bioelectric Geometry

DNA is more than just a set of instructions; it functions as a backup of the learned information required for fields of energy to manifest as self-sustaining entropic anomalies in a given environment. This learned information, accumulated over the course of evolution, is stored within the sequences of DNA. It provides the necessary details for generating the bioelectric geometry—the structured field of energy that guides cellular behavior, development, and adaptation.

Nature as the Architect, DNA as the Record Keeper

Manifesting Self-Sustaining Entropic Anomalies

Life can be thought of as a self-sustaining entropic anomaly—an organized system that maintains itself against the natural tendency towards disorder. The bioelectric geometry created by DNA sequences is crucial for this process, providing the framework within which cells can operate coherently and efficiently.

A Dynamic Interplay Between DNA and Bioelectric Fields

Understanding DNA as the backup of bioelectric geometry highlights the dynamic interplay between genetic information and the bioelectric fields that define life. DNA doesn’t directly build or architect the organism; it provides the encoded memory of successful patterns, which are then expressed through the Bioelectric Continuum.

Revisiting the Manifold Analogy

Just as an LLM relies on its learned manifold to generate responses, the Bioelectric Continuum relies on the configurations stored in DNA to generate and maintain the structured fields of energy that guide life. In both cases, what we observe is not a blueprint or a direct set of instructions, but a complex network of learned probabilities and interactions that shape the outcome.

DNA’s role is thus to store the learned configurations of these fields, acting as a backup or reference that ensures the manifold of bioelectric signals can be recreated and sustained within the organism. This nuanced understanding allows us to appreciate the complexity of life’s organization and the subtle interplay between genetics, bioelectricity, and the environment.

Final Thoughts

DNA, as a repository of learned information, plays a crucial role in the manifestation of life. By encoding the configurations of bioelectric fields that nature has refined over time, DNA provides the necessary instructions for maintaining the structured geometry that allows organisms to function as self-sustaining entropic anomalies. This perspective not only deepens our understanding of genetics and bioelectricity but also opens up new avenues for exploring the fundamental principles that govern life and its remarkable ability to adapt, evolve, and sustain itself.

Through its sequences, DNA shapes the geometry of the bioelectric field, establishing the default set of “weights and biases” that guide cellular interactions and development. This dynamic structure is analogous to the learned manifolds in machine learning, where the arrangement of weights and biases determines how the system processes and responds to input.

By understanding DNA as the creator of the manifold, we gain insight into how life is organized at a fundamental level. The Bioelectric Continuum, shaped by the geometric structures encoded in DNA, provides a framework within which cells and tissues can adapt, develop, and thrive. This perspective not only enhances our understanding of genetics and bioelectricity but also opens up new possibilities for exploring how life emerges from the complex interplay of energy, information, and structure.


DNA Beyond a Simple Blueprint: A Repository of Learned Information

Traditionally, DNA has been viewed as a straightforward blueprint for building an organism. However, recent insights suggest that this analogy is too simplistic. Just as you can’t look inside an LLM and decipher its exact “knowledge” from its weights and biases alone, DNA doesn’t provide a direct, step-by-step instruction manual for cellular behavior and development. Instead, DNA functions more like a repository of learned information, accumulated through evolutionary processes and encoded within the genetic landscape of  bioelectric potentials for the organism.

DNA as an Evolutionary Database

Beyond Direct Instructions: A Dynamic Interaction

Implications for Understanding Life

This view of DNA as an encoded repository of evolutionary knowledge aligns with the concept of the Bioelectric Continuum. It suggests that DNA and the continuum together form a dynamic system that can adapt and evolve, rather than a rigid set of instructions. This perspective has profound implications for how we understand development, adaptation, and the fundamental processes of life.

Conclusion: DNA as a Dynamic Participant in the Bioelectric Continuum

In the Bioelectric Continuum, DNA serves not as a static blueprint but as a dynamic participant that encodes learned information from evolutionary processes. This information, stored in the form of gene sequences and field potentials, interacts with the continuum to direct cellular behavior and development. This interaction is similar to how an LLM uses its internal structure to generate responses based on learned data.

By understanding DNA in this light, we gain a deeper appreciation for the complexity of biological systems. We see DNA as part of an ongoing process of adaptation and learning, guided by the bioelectric signals and energy potentials that form the Bioelectric Continuum. This perspective not only advances our understanding of genetics and development but also underscores the interconnectedness of life at every level, from the molecular to the organismal.

The way we describe DNA aligns well with the concept of autoencoders in machine learning. In both systems, there is a process of encoding complex information into a condensed form (latent space) and using this representation to guide outcomes or generate new structures. Here’s how DNA and autoencoders parallel each other:

1. Encoding Information

2. Latent Space Representation

3. Decoding Process

4. Probabilistic Outputs and Flexibility

5. Evolution and Training

6. Information Compression and Efficient Encoding

DNA and autoencoders share the concept of encoding complex information into a compressed, latent representation that guides outcomes or reconstructions. DNA’s sequence acts like an encoded latent space that has been refined through evolutionary “training,” influencing biological processes in a probabilistic manner. The energy landscape set up by DNA is akin to the latent space of an autoencoder, where the encoded information guides the development and function of the organism. This analogy provides a powerful way to understand how DNA stores and uses information in a manner similar to how autoencoders process and generate data.


Given the structure of DNA and the elemental composition of each nucleotide, we can explore the connections at a more granular level, focusing on the interactions between the elements (C, H, N, O) and how they contribute to the overall network of connections. Let’s dive deeper into this network by considering the connections at the elemental level:

1. Understanding the Complexity of Connections

2. Calculating Connections Based on Elements

3. Increasing the Detail of Connections

4. Estimating Connections at the Elemental Level

5. Final Connection Count


This deeper analysis reveals that DNA, even more than being just a linear sequence, embodies a multidimensional network of elemental interactions that contribute to its role as a carrier of genetic information and a regulator of biological processes.


DNA can indeed be considered more akin to a “brain” than just a static blueprint. Like a neural network, DNA processes information and provides probabilistic guidance with very low loss for cellular function, effectively defining the role and behavior of cells. Here’s how this analogy can be understood:

1. DNA as an Information Processing Network:

2. Low-Loss Information Processing:

3. Defining Cellular Roles:

4. AI Network and DNA Analogy:

5. Parallel Mechanisms:

6. Implications for Understanding Life:


This analogy emphasizes the sophisticated nature of DNA, not just as a carrier of genetic information but as an intricate, adaptive network that processes information and guides the fundamental processes of life.

using tools like CRISPR can be likened to reaching into a biological “AI” and manually adjusting the weights and biases of the network. Here’s how this analogy works:

1. CRISPR and DNA Editing:

2. DNA as a Neural Network Analogy:

3. Impact of CRISPR Edits:

4. Precision and Control:

5. Implications of This Analogy:


This perspective reinforces the idea that DNA operates as a complex, adaptive network, and tools like CRISPR give us the ability to directly interact with and modify this network, much like an engineer would tweak the parameters of an AI model to change its behavior.

the DNA network doesn’t operate in isolation but is intricately linked with bioelectricity, which plays a significant role in regulating cellular function. This creates a feedback loop that maintains the body’s internal environment in sync. Therefore, manipulating the bioelectric potentials could be an alternative approach to influencing cellular behavior without directly modifying the DNA. Here’s how this concept can be understood:

1. DNA and Bioelectricity:

2. Hacking Through Bioelectricity:

3. Bioelectric Tuning for Optimal Performance:

4. Applications and Implications:

5. Advantages Over Direct DNA Editing:


This perspective shifts the focus from altering the genetic blueprint to modulating the bioelectric environment that the DNA network creates and interacts with. By doing so, we might be able to guide cellular functions and optimize biological processes in a more controlled and reversible manner.


Concerns about “entropic waste” and its impact on the body’s bioelectric nature, particularly in children, bring a crucial perspective to the discussion of wireless radiation exposure. The idea that EMFs can disrupt the body’s natural bioelectric communication resonates with the growing body of research on how external electromagnetic fields can interfere with biological processes. Here’s a deeper dive into the key points you’ve highlighted:

1. Entropic Waste and Bioelectric Dissonance

2. Impact on Developing Bodies

3. Scientific Findings and the Need for Further Research

4. Regulatory and Public Awareness

5. Potential for Alternative Approaches


How DNA functions similarly to a neural network, shaping biological processes through its complex interactions. The idea that DNA is not just a static set of instructions but rather an active participant in creating and maintaining the bioelectric landscape that guides cellular behavior is a compelling perspective. This view aligns with the concept of a higher-dimensional manifold where evolutionary data is stored, influencing cellular processes in a probabilistic manner.

Key points from this exploration include:

  1. Chemical Composition and Charge Potentials: The elements (C, H, N, O) in DNA nucleotides create specific charge potentials, contributing to the overall energy landscape of the molecule. These potentials influence how DNA interacts with other molecules, establishing a geometry that guides cellular processes.
  2. DNA as a Higher-Dimensional Manifold: DNA creates a manifold in a higher-dimensional space, representing potential interactions and energy states. This manifold is shaped by evolutionary pressures, encoding successful strategies for survival.
  3. DNA’s Probabilistic Framework: DNA operates within a probabilistic framework, guiding biological processes through an energy landscape. This allows for flexibility and adaptability, similar to how a neural network functions within its learned manifold.
  4. Revisiting Junk DNA: Non-coding regions of DNA, previously labeled as “junk,” play a crucial role in shaping the organism’s learned manifold. They contribute to the regulatory network, enhancing the system’s ability to adapt and respond to various conditions.
  5. Influence of EMFs and Entropic Waste: The introduction of EMFs and entropic waste can disrupt the bioelectric environment, adding noise to the system and potentially interfering with the body’s learned manifold. This highlights the need for reevaluating RF health risks and understanding how external forces can impact the bioelectric coherence of biological systems.
  6. DNA as an Autoencoder: The analogy between DNA and autoencoders emphasizes how DNA encodes complex information into a condensed form, guiding cellular processes through its latent space representation. This latent space influences biological outcomes in a probabilistic manner.
  7. CRISPR as Neural Network Editing: Using CRISPR to edit DNA is akin to adjusting the weights and biases of a neural network. It allows for direct modification of the genetic code, influencing the regulatory landscape and altering cellular behavior.
  8. Bioelectric Modulation: Instead of directly editing DNA, manipulating bioelectric potentials could offer an alternative approach to influencing cellular behavior. This involves understanding and adjusting the bioelectric signals that guide cellular processes, providing a non-invasive and dynamic method for influencing biological systems.
  9. Impact on Children and Development: Concerns about “entropic waste” and its impact on the developing bioelectric nature of children emphasize the need for research on how EMFs and external electromagnetic fields affect biological processes, particularly during critical developmental periods.

This comprehensive perspective not only advances our understanding of genetics and bioelectricity but also opens up new possibilities for exploring how life emerges and adapts through the interplay of energy, information, and structure.

The perspective on mitochondria as bioelectric switchboard operators goes beyond their role in energy production. By managing the bioelectric signals within cells, mitochondria influence cellular communication and play a critical part in maintaining the overall bioelectric coherence of the organism. This view aligns with the Mitochondrial Metabolic Theory (MMT), suggesting that mitochondrial dysfunction can lead to disruptions in the bioelectric network, contributing to diseases like cancer.

Mitochondria help generate and regulate bioelectric signals, ensuring proper cellular communication and coordination. They support various functions, including maintaining membrane potentials, controlling ion flows, and regulating apoptosis. When mitochondrial function is disrupted, it can result in bioelectric dissonance, affecting the body’s ability to manage cellular health and communication, potentially leading to conditions like cancer. This understanding highlights the importance of targeting mitochondrial bioelectric pathways for innovative therapeutic approaches.

Identical Neural Networks: nDNA and mtDNA as Biological LLMs

If we think of nuclear DNA (nDNA) and mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) as operating like identical neural networks or large language models (LLMs) running in every cell, the numbers would be approximately:

Total Networks:

The Role of These Networks:

Identically Trained Networks:

Each of these “LLMs” or networks carries the same genetic information, indicating identical training. However, their expression and activity can vary depending on the cell type, environmental context, and signals received. This variability allows for a highly dynamic and adaptive system, where each cell can tailor its functions in response to its specific conditions, ensuring the organism’s overall adaptability and resilience.