
Paradigm Shift Has Begun NTP Study on Cell Phones and Cancer

A paradigm shift is not just a small change in science, it is a scientific revolution and completely changes the way in which science views the world around us.  This is precisely what is happening now in science with regards to negative biological health effects from exposure to low-level non-ionizing radio-frequency radiation.

The philosopher, Thomas Kuhn was the first to use the term “paradigm shift “, suggesting that scientific research does not always progress towards truth, but is subject to dogma and powerful entities clinging to old theories in favor of status quo.

The wireless industry has been enjoying decades of status quo bias responsible for the lack of information and regulation concerning the public’s safety when using wireless devices.

A commonly held misconception is that non-ionizing cell phone radiation isn’t strong enough to cause DNA damage or biological effects other than slightly heating body tissues closest to the source of radiation.

However, closer inspection reveals that commonly-held assumptions such as ‘cell phone’s don’t cause cancer’ are, in fact, not quite as true as they seem.

On August 30, 2017, Editor & Publisher of Microwave News, Louis Slesin, Ph.D. writes:

The National Toxicology Program (NTP) will release the “complete results” of its $25 million project on cell phone cancer risks early next year, according to a statement posted on its Web site yesterday.

The final report has been highly anticipated since the spring of last year when the NTP announced that cell phone radiation increased the incidence of tumors in the brain and heart of male rats.  At the time, the NTP posted some partial results from the rat experiments.

NTP’s announcement of a cell phone–cancer risk attracted worldwide attention. The NTP results led the American Cancer Society and Consumer Reports, two organizations that had long been skeptical about a cancer link, to change their positions and advise caution in the use of wireless phones. Even so, many in the media, notably reporters at the New York Times and the Washington Post, expressed skepticism and told their readers to disregard the results. “Don’t Believe the Hype” ran the headline in the Washington Post. (See Microwave News’ report  “News Media Nix NTP Cancer Study.”)

In addition to the animal studies, the NTP will release its findings showing DNA breaks in the brains of the male rats.

One of the most commonly cited reasons to discount the NTP results has been that brain cancer rates have not been increasing in the general population. This may be true for all brain tumors combined, but it does not apply to the most virulent and deadly type, glioblastoma multiforme, better known as GBM. The incidence of GBM is rising in the U.S., as well as in other countries, including The Netherlands and the U.K. (Senator John McCain was recently diagnosed as having a GBM.)

Here are some key points about the NTP cell phone cancer study:

Just a few weeks ago Dr. Anthony B. Miller made a very important announcement at a lecture in Jackson Hole, Wyoming when he stated that “The evidence indicating wireless is carcinogenic has increased and can no longer be ignored”

Professor at the Dalla Lana School of Public Health of the University of Toronto, Dr. Miller isn’t just some guy speaking his mind, he’s a physician epidemiologist who specializes in cancer etiology, prevention, and screening. He served as a prominent member of the working group of 31 scientists from 14 countries constituted by the World Health Organization (WHO); which classified cell phone radiation as a group 2B carcinogen in 2011.

Dr. Miller now believes the evidence published since 2011 fulfills the requirements to re-classify RF radiation as a “Group 1 carcinogenic to humans” agent.

Observational studies (also called epidemiology studies) include findings from the InterphoneHardellCERENAT research and the recently concluded U.S Government studies have all pointed towards a common risk of increased brain cancer from cell phone radiation!

When you combine the epidemiological evidence with laboratory findings using animal models looking at the fundamentals of RF exposure’s interaction on complex biological systems, the current paradigm and status quo bias is clearly over.  The time for every user of wireless devices to practice prudent avoidance is now!