
Postponing Starlink Next-Gen Satellite-to-Cell Services Until FCC Updates Safety Guidelines

 A Comprehensive Analysis of Legal, Scientific, and Public Health Perspectives

There is only one responsible thing to do: follow the precedent set by a growing number of cities over the FCC’s loss in court due to the outdated nature of the science used to create the standards. The RF Safety guidelines in place today are a quarter of a century old and do not account for these types of long-term, constant, low-level exposures to unnatural electromagnetic radiation.  https://www.rfsafe.com/articles/cell-phone-radiation/studies-cellphone-health-risks/massachusetts-towns-pause-5g-expansion.html


The recent legal victory against the FCC has sparked a critical debate on the safety of next-gen satellite-to-cell services. This report examines the call for a postponement of these services, highlighting the legal, scientific, and public health concerns involved.

Legal Precedent and Public Safety

EHT vs. FCC Court Decision:

Scientific Evidence of Harm

Studies Indicating Risks:

  1. Modulation Impact: A study published in Nature suggests that low-frequency modulations in EMF signals might impact biological systems.
  2. NTP Study: The National Toxicology Program’s study indicates non-linear dose-response relationships between RF exposure and health effects.
  3. Frequency-Dependent Effects: Technologies like TheraBionic and DARPA’s RadioBio initiative demonstrate that RF radiation effects are frequency-dependent.

John Coates’ Personal and Professional Insight

Expertise in RF Physics:

Public Response and Action

Massachusetts Towns’ Precautionary Measures:

The Need for Comprehensive Understanding

Challenges in Assessing RF Safety:

Advocacy for Stronger Safety Standards

Calls for Federal Action:

Conclusion: Balancing Technology and Health

The debate over satellite-to-cell services and RF radiation safety underscores the need for a balanced approach that considers both technological advancement and public health. The call for postponing next-gen services until a comprehensive review of the science is conducted reflects a cautious stance towards public health in the face of emerging technologies. It is imperative for regulatory bodies, scientists, and the public to engage in informed discussions to ensure that technological progress does not come at the expense of health and safety.


This comprehensive report reflects the multifaceted nature of the issue surrounding next-gen satellite-to-cell services, emphasizing the need for a prudent and scientifically backed approach to RF radiation and public health.