Press Release: Biden-Harris Administration’s Inaction Puts Public Health at Risk

FCC’s Outdated Cell Phone Safety Guidelines Fail to Protect Americans: 

For Immediate Release

North Redington Beach, FL – A growing body of scientific evidence indicates that current Federal Communications Commission (FCC) safety guidelines for wireless devices, established in 1996, are dangerously outdated. Despite multiple court rulings and a wealth of research, the Biden-Harris administration has failed to act on its duty to update these standards, thereby placing the health of millions of Americans at risk. This press release aims to address the widespread neglect in the regulation of wireless radiation and the crucial steps that must be taken to protect public health.

The Landmark Lawsuit Against the FCC: A Turning Point

In a major lawsuit against the FCC in 2021, Robert F. Kennedy Jr. and the Environmental Health Trust challenged the outdated nature of the FCC’s safety guidelines for radiofrequency (RF) radiation exposure. The U.S. Court of Appeals agreed, ruling that the FCC had failed to provide a reasoned explanation for why it continued to rely on standards from 1996, especially given the explosion of wireless technology and mounting scientific evidence of the health risks posed by RF radiation.

The court ordered the FCC to take three critical actions:

  1. Provide a reasoned explanation for its decision to retain outdated testing procedures for wireless devices.
  2. Address the health impacts of RF radiation on children, long-term exposure, and the ubiquity of modern wireless devices.
  3. Review the environmental impacts of RF radiation on wildlife and nature.

Despite this ruling, the Biden-Harris administration has yet to take meaningful steps toward enforcing the court’s mandate, leaving the American public exposed to potentially serious health risks.

Biden-Harris Administration Cancels Crucial Cancer Research

In addition to failing to act on the court’s ruling, the Biden-Harris administration canceled the world’s most important cancer research program regarding RF radiation. The National Toxicology Program (NTP) had produced groundbreaking findings that linked RF radiation exposure to increased rates of cancer in laboratory animals, specifically malignant brain tumors. These findings were corroborated by the Ramazzini Institute in Italy, which conducted parallel studies that reached similar conclusions.

These were the largest rat studies ever conducted in cancer research, and both provided clear evidence that RF radiation poses significant risks. Yet, instead of expanding upon these findings, the administration chose to defund the research—an act that prioritizes corporate interests over public health.

Regulatory Capture: How Corporate Influence Guides Policy

The lack of action is not due to a lack of evidence; instead, it reflects regulatory capture—a situation in which regulatory agencies like the FCC operate to benefit the telecommunications industry. The Obama-Biden administration set a precedent by appointing Tom Wheeler, a former telecommunications lobbyist, as FCC chair. This appointment led to years of inaction on updating safety standards, despite the growing body of scientific research. The Biden-Harris administration has continued this pattern of behavior, ignoring the court’s directive to update safety guidelines and choosing corporate profits over the health of American citizens.

The Misconception of Wireless Radiation Risks

One of the biggest misconceptions about RF radiation is that it only poses a risk if it heats body tissues, known as “thermal effects.” Current FCC guidelines are based on Specific Absorption Rate (SAR) limits that only measure thermal impacts. However, modern research has consistently shown that RF radiation has non-thermal biological effects that can damage human health, even when exposure levels are far below the thresholds considered “safe” by the FCC.

Children Are Especially at Risk

The outdated standards are particularly concerning for children, whose thinner skulls and still-developing bodies make them more vulnerable to RF radiation. According to a 2019 study by the American Academy of Pediatrics, children absorb two to three times more radiation from cell phones compared to adults. Given that children today are using these devices from an increasingly young age, their lifetime exposure will be significantly higher than that of previous generations.

Major Studies Highlighting the Risks of RF Radiation

Numerous studies have highlighted the dangers of wireless radiation. This includes research from the Interphone study, Hardell group studies, CERENAT study, NTP, Ramazzini Institute, REFLEX Project, and the BioInitiative Report. The work of researchers like Dr. Henry Lai has collectively pointed towards an increased health risk from cell phone-level electromagnetic radiation. Ignoring this research is not only dangerous but also irrational.

Moreover, advancements in RF radiation research have shown that RF radiation has therapeutic potential when used appropriately, challenging the outdated belief that it only has thermal effects. For instance, the FDA-approved TheraBionic treatment utilizes RF radiation at power levels far below those emitted by cell phones to effectively treat inoperable liver cancer through non-thermal biological interactions. This development shows that RF radiation can interact with biological systems in ways that go beyond simple heating, providing clear evidence that the FCC’s current guidelines are outdated.

The Telecommunications Act of 1996: Silencing Public Health Concerns

The Telecommunications Act of 1996 has made it nearly impossible for communities to raise concerns about the health effects of RF radiation. Under this law, local governments are prohibited from considering health risks when making decisions about the placement of cell towers. This effectively takes away the rights of people to protect their families, forcing them to accept the construction of cell towers near schools, homes, and playgrounds.

A Call to Action: We Must Act Now

The science is clear: wireless radiation is a risk to public health. The 2021 court ruling against the FCC was an opportunity to change course, yet the Biden-Harris administration has failed to act. We need a comprehensive federal action plan to update safety standards, protect vulnerable populations, and ensure that wireless radiation is properly regulated based on the best available science.

The current administration’s inaction is putting millions of lives at risk. We need leaders who will take these threats seriously, hold regulatory bodies accountable, and protect public health. It is time to end the cycle of corporate influence over public policy and prioritize the well-being of our citizens.

About RF Safe

RF Safe is dedicated to protecting public health by advocating for evidence-based safety standards and increased research into the health effects of wireless radiation. We believe in the importance of transparency, accountability, and the protection of vulnerable populations from preventable health risks.

Media Contact:

John Coates