
RF Safe Code of Ethics for Manufacturers

Qualified Brands: QuantaCase, RF Safe 

The RF Safe Manufacturing Association (“RSMA” or the “Association”) has adopted the following Code of Ethics to promote the highest ethical and moral standards of professional conduct in the wireless industry. Each member of the Association agrees to abide by this Code of Ethics as a condition of membership in RSMA. The Association intends for this Code of Ethics to be interpreted and enforced reasonably, fairly, and objectively.


These Principles of Ethics are aspired goals of professional conduct for all members of the Association.

All members of the RF Safe Manufacturing Association and RF Safe Website pledge to aspire to the following:

Each of these pledges shall be read so as to be consistent with and not conflict with existing legal obligations, including but not limited to, applicable antitrust laws.


These Rules of Ethics provide mandatory and specific standards of minimally acceptable professional conduct for all members of the Association. These Rules of Ethics are enforceable by the Association under the procedures in Section III of this Code, which is provided to members only.

Members of the RF Safe Manufacturing Association shall:

The Code of Ethics of the RF Safe Manufacturing Association (RFSMA) establishes principles for members of the wireless safety industry. This code requires members of the RF Safety industry to conduct themselves in a way that brings credit to the profession.

In RF Safe’s efforts to achieve the highest level of professionalism throughout the wireless safety industry, the RF Safe Manufacturing Association (RFMA) has adopted a Code of business practices for wireless phone safety and aftermarket accessory manufacturers. The purpose of this code is to foster confidence in the safe usage of wireless products and services. The RF Safe Manufacturing Association requires its members to:

The RF Safe Manufacturing Association’s Code of Ethics and Code of Business Practices set high standards for ethical conduct and professional behavior within the wireless industry. Members are required to comply with these codes as a condition of membership and the Association enforces these codes through established procedures.