Public Statement on RFK Jr.’s Recent Message and the Critical Role of the FCC in Public Health

I am deeply concerned by Robert F. Kennedy Jr.’s recent message to his supporters, in which he announced, “President Trump and I are going to replace the corrupt industry-captured officials with honest public servants to make America healthy again.” While the commitment to overhaul public health agencies like the CDC, NIH, FDA, and the U.S. Department of Agriculture is commendable—as they were all mentioned in the statement—there is a significant oversight that cannot be ignored: the exclusion of the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) from this critical initiative.

See: Open Letter

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The Overlooked Agency: FCC and RF-EMF Safety

The FCC plays a pivotal role in regulating radiofrequency electromagnetic fields (RF-EMFs), which are ubiquitous in our daily lives due to the proliferation of wireless technology. Unfortunately, the FCC’s safety guidelines, established in 1996, have not kept pace with the rapid advancements in technology and the growing body of evidence suggesting potential health risks associated with RF-EMF exposure. These outdated standards contribute to the exacerbation of various health issues and environmental concerns, including cancer and birth defects, while allowing the wireless industry to expand with minimal regulatory oversight.

Historical Context of Regulatory Capture

The regulatory capture of the FCC did not begin under the Trump administration. It was significantly perpetuated during the Obama-Biden administration through the appointment of Tom Wheeler as FCC Chairman. Tom Wheeler, a former leader of the wireless industry, had a proven track record of downplaying the risks associated with RF-EMF exposure. His leadership ensured that the FCC maintained outdated safety standards for over a quarter-century, prioritizing industry interests over public health.

Furthermore, the Biden-Harris administration has continued this legacy of regulatory capture by cutting funding for the National Toxicology Program’s (NTP) RF radiation cancer research. This decision redirected critical resources away from investigating the potential links between RF exposure and cancer, despite clear evidence indicating significant health risks. The misclassification and suppression of RF hazards by the FCC, influenced by decades of corporate capture and the prioritization of war-gaming and economic interests, have left American public health vulnerable.

The Urgent Need for FCC Reform

To truly “make America healthy again,” it is imperative that the FCC is included in the reform efforts. This includes:

  1. Updating Safety Guidelines: Revising RF-EMF safety standards to incorporate the latest scientific research, particularly focusing on non-thermal biological effects that have been previously overlooked.
  2. Ensuring Independent Oversight: Establishing bodies free from industry influence to monitor and enforce RF-EMF regulations, ensuring that public health is prioritized.
  3. Reinvesting in Research: Allocating funding for independent studies to better understand the long-term health and environmental impacts of RF-EMF exposure.
  4. Promoting Transparency: Enhancing transparency in the FCC’s decision-making processes to rebuild public trust and ensure accountability.

Accountability and the Path Forward

The Democratic leadership, starting with the Obama-Biden administration, has played a significant role in allowing regulatory capture within the FCC. This has led to outdated safety standards that fail to protect the public from the potential dangers of RF-EMF exposure. It is crucial that any efforts to “make America healthy again” address this oversight by holding the current administration accountable and pushing for comprehensive reforms.

President Donald Trump has acknowledged the mistakes made under previous administrations and has the opportunity to lead the charge in reforming the FCC. By committing to science-based safety guidelines and reinstating the NTP cancer research, Trump can help dismantle the entrenched regulatory capture and prioritize the health and safety of American citizens over corporate profits.

Call to Action

I urge Robert F. Kennedy Jr. and supporters to recognize the critical role of the FCC in safeguarding public health and to include it in their reform agenda. Additionally, it is essential to hold the Biden-Harris administration accountable for their role in perpetuating regulatory capture and halting vital research.

Public health is a collective responsibility, and overlooking key regulatory bodies like the FCC undermines our efforts to create a healthier, safer nation. Let us advocate for meaningful change that ensures all relevant agencies are held accountable and that public health remains a top priority in regulatory policies.

Together, we can push for comprehensive reforms that truly make America the healthiest nation on Earth.

RF Safe: Intensifying Awareness Campaign on Electromagnetic Radiation Risks

RF Safe—a long-standing advocacy group dedicated to highlighting the potential dangers of electromagnetic radiation—is stepping up its campaign to raise public awareness about radiofrequency electromagnetic fields (RF-EMF). Founded online in the 1990s, RF Safe has been at the forefront of research and advocacy concerning the health risks associated with wireless technology. Recent scientific studies have amplified concerns, prompting the organization to call for immediate action from policymakers and the public.

Mounting Scientific Evidence

Recent peer-reviewed studies have shifted the debate over the safety of RF-EMF exposure. The National Toxicology Program (NTP) conducted extensive research that found clear evidence linking RF radiation to cancer in animal studies, including malignant brain tumors like glioblastoma multiforme (GBM). The Ramazzini Institute in Italy corroborated these findings at even lower exposure levels, raising serious concerns about long-term exposure to wireless devices.

Children at Greater Risk

Children are particularly vulnerable due to their developing tissues and thinner skulls, which allow deeper penetration of radiation. Studies suggest that children absorb more radiation than adults, potentially increasing their risk of health issues, including brain cancers like GBM, later in life.

RF Safe’s Three Key Demands

1. Update FCC Safety Guidelines
RF Safe argues that the Federal Communications Commission’s (FCC) current safety guidelines are outdated, focusing solely on the thermal effects of RF-EMF. The organization urges the FCC to incorporate modern scientific understanding of non-thermal biological effects such as DNA damage and oxidative stress.

2. Restart NTP Cancer Research
The halting of the NTP’s research into RF radiation’s health effects under the current administration has been criticized by RF Safe. They believe this leaves a dangerous gap in understanding the impact of RF radiation on human health, particularly its link to cancers like GBM.

3. End FCC Regulatory Capture
Alleging undue industry influence over the FCC, RF Safe demands transparency and the elimination of conflicts of interest within the agency. They advocate for policies that prioritize public health over corporate profits.

Beyond Cancer: Neurological Risks

While cancer remains a significant concern, RF Safe emphasizes potential links between RF-EMF exposure and neurological disorders such as ADHD and autism. Preliminary studies suggest possible associations, but more comprehensive research is needed. The organization calls for precautionary measures to minimize exposure, especially among vulnerable populations like children.

Election Spotlight: Candidates’ Stances on Wireless Radiation

Understanding where presidential candidates stand on RF-EMF safety is crucial for voters concerned about public health. RF Safe highlights the positions of key figures:

A Call to Action

RF Safe urges the public to take proactive steps:

As the election approaches, RF Safe contends that it’s time to move beyond debate and take decisive action to protect public health for current and future generations.