
Rethinking Radiation: Why Your Old Phone Might Be Riskier Than 5G

Recent scientific research is revealing an important trend in mobile technology and health. Contrary to popular concerns about 5G, numerous studies have shown that it’s actually the older 2G and 3G frequencies that are more closely linked to health risks, and the trend for safer wireless will depend on using ever shorter wavelengths that are less capable of inducing biological harm.

Studies on 2G and 3G include pivotal research from the Interphone study, Hardell group, CERENAT study, the U.S. National Toxicology Program, the Ramazzini Institute, and the comprehensive REFLEX Project, along with insights from renowned experts like Dr. Henry Lai. Their collective findings have consistently pointed towards increased health concerns associated with these older technologies. The transition to 5G, utilizing higher frequencies, seems to be a move towards safer handsets as it appears shorter wavelengths are safer to transmit in close proximity to the body.

The catch-22 is that 5G means there is a small cell tower repeater closer to your home than a conventional 2G through 4G tower, but that was going to be installed if you keep your older phone or not.    The most immediate concern is the strongest radiation from the handset itself.  The question is whether 5G frequencies are safer than 3G frequencies, and the newest long-term research results are starting to confirm newer technology seems to be less damaging.

This is because 5G’s shorter wavelengths penetrate less deeply into the body, potentially reducing health risks. So, while the hesitancy to adopt newer wireless technology is understandable, the latest peer-reviewed evidence suggests that upgrading to 5G could be a safer choice. It’s important to stay informed and base our technology choices on the latest scientific data.

Embracing 5G could be a step in the right direction, however, in no way are we claiming 5G is safe, we are just saying there is more than enough science to support that older wireless frequencies are potentially more dangerous when held near the body.

Introduction to the Topic  Amidst progress, lurks a lingering public fear: are these new frequencies safer or more dangerous? This blog aims to shed light on an intriguing twist in the tale of mobile technology – the possibility that older phones might be riskier than the much-feared 5G.

Overview of Mobile Phone Technologies The journey from 2G to the current 5G has been marked by significant advancements. Each generation has brought faster speeds and new features. But alongside these improvements, there’s been a shift in the frequency spectrum used, with 5G utilizing higher frequencies, and shorter wavelengths than its predecessors.

Deeper Penetration of Lower Frequencies A critical aspect often overlooked is that lower frequencies, like those used in 2G and 3G networks have longer wavelengths, and can penetrate deeper into human tissues. This deeper penetration could potentially lead to greater health risks, a hypothesis supported by several scientific studies.

5G and Higher Frequencies Contrary to popular belief, the higher frequencies used in 5G have less penetration depth. This characteristic potentially makes 5G safer in terms of radiation exposure. Experts in the field have supported this claim, although they also advocate for continued research.

As science progresses, we must stay informed and base our decisions on the latest research findings.

Recent Studies and Findings A landmark study by the University of Geneva and Swiss TPH revealed a startling correlation: frequent use of older mobile phones vs newer phones was associated with a lower sperm concentration in young men. This adds to the growing body of evidence suggesting older phone technologies might pose greater health risks.

A team from UNIGE and Swiss TPH has published a large study covering more than a decade of data on the effects of mobile phones on semen quality of young men – Mobile phone use may affect semen quality

The study by the University of Geneva (UNIGE) and the Swiss Tropical and Public Health Institute (Swiss TPH) helps draw the conclusions about the potential risks of older mobile phone technologies compared to newer ones like 5G:

Study Overview:

Key Data Points:

  1. Sperm Concentration and Total Count:
    • The study found a significant association between frequent mobile phone use and lower sperm concentration and total sperm count.
    • Men who used their phones more than 20 times a day had a sperm concentration 21% lower than those who used their phones less than once a week.
  2. Technological Transition (2G to 4G):
    • A notable finding was the difference in impact over time, corresponding with the transition from 2G to 3G and then to 4G technologies.
    • The inverse relationship between phone use and sperm quality was more pronounced during the earlier period (2005-2007) when 2G was more prevalent.
  3. Reduction in Transmitting Power:
    • The decrease in the negative impact over time aligns with the technological shift to 3G and 4G, which operate at lower transmitting power compared to 2G.
    • This suggests that the radiation emitted from 2G phones could be more harmful to sperm quality than the radiation from later technologies.
  4. No Association with Phone Positioning:
    • Interestingly, the study didn’t find a strong correlation between where men carried their phones (e.g., in a trouser pocket) and lower semen quality. However, the sample size for this specific aspect was too small for conclusive results.

Educational Insights:

In summary, the UNIGE and Swiss TPH study offers crucial data suggesting that older mobile phone technologies (like 2G) may pose greater risks to certain aspects of health, such as semen quality, compared to newer technologies. This underscores the importance of considering the evolution of technology in discussions about health risks and the need for ongoing, updated research in this field.