RF Safe Launches Campaign Highlighting Health Risks of RF Radiation Ahead of Election

In a bold move ahead of the upcoming presidential election, RF Safe, an organization dedicated to raising awareness about the potential health risks of radiofrequency (RF) radiation, has intensified its voter awareness campaign. Titled “A Vote for Kamala Harris Is a Vote for Brain Cancer,” the initiative urges voters to consider the health implications of RF radiation exposure when casting their ballots.

Mounting Concerns Over RF Radiation

John Coates, founder of RF Safe, asserts that the rapid expansion of wireless technology—including 5G networks and an increasing number of cell towers—has led to significantly higher exposure to RF radiation. According to Coates, prolonged exposure may pose serious health risks, including brain tumors, cancer, and neurological disorders.

“There is a substantial body of research indicating potential health risks associated with electromagnetic radiation emitted by cell phones and other wireless devices,” Coates said in a recent interview. “It’s crucial that we acknowledge these risks and take appropriate action to protect public health.”

Scientific Studies Fueling the Debate

RF Safe references numerous studies to support its claims:

These studies collectively point toward potential health risks from RF radiation, particularly non-thermal biological effects that are not accounted for in current safety guidelines.

Calls for Updated FCC Guidelines

Coates criticizes the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) for continuing to rely on safety guidelines established in 1996, which focus solely on the thermal effects of RF radiation. He emphasizes that these guidelines do not reflect modern scientific understanding of non-thermal effects.

“The FCC continues to use outdated standards despite being urged by various stakeholders to update them,” Coates stated. “It’s imperative that these guidelines be revised to incorporate current scientific research.”

In 2021, the U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit ruled that the FCC had not adequately addressed evidence of potential environmental harm and ordered a review of its guidelines. RF Safe contends that insufficient progress has been made since the ruling.

Political Implications

The campaign specifically highlights Vice President Kamala Harris, criticizing what RF Safe perceives as inaction on updating RF radiation safety standards and insufficient support for related research. The organization alleges that funding for the NTP’s research was diverted, hindering further investigation into RF radiation’s health effects.

“We need leaders who prioritize public health over corporate interests,” Coates remarked. “Our campaign aims to inform voters so they can make educated decisions at the polls.”

Advancements in Medical Research

RF Safe also points to medical advancements that utilize RF radiation for therapeutic purposes, such as the FDA-approved TheraBionic treatment for inoperable liver cancer. This treatment employs RF radiation at power levels significantly lower than those emitted by cell phones, indicating biological interactions beyond thermal effects.

“The therapeutic potential of RF radiation underscores the need to reassess safety standards,” Coates said. “If we can harness RF radiation for medical treatments, we must also recognize and mitigate its potential risks.”

Looking Ahead to the Election

As the election approaches, RF Safe urges voters to consider candidates’ positions on RF radiation safety. The organization emphasizes the importance of:

“This election is more than a political contest; it’s a referendum on our nation’s priorities,” Coates stated. “We must decide whether we value the health of our citizens enough to demand change.”

About RF Safe

Founded by John Coates, RF Safe is dedicated to educating the public about potential health risks associated with RF radiation and advocating for safer technology use. The organization provides resources and promotes research to inform consumers and influence policy decisions.

Contact Information

John Coates
RF Safe
Tel: 727-610-1188
Website: www.rfsafe.com

For further information or to schedule an interview, please contact John Coates at the number provided.


Candidate Stances: Know Where They Stand

Understanding where candidates stand on RF-EMF safety and research is vital for voters concerned about public health and technological advancement. RF Safe is compiling information on the positions of key candidates:

Despite the 2021 U.S. Court of Appeals ruling that the FCC had failed to properly justify maintaining outdated RF radiation exposure guidelines, the Biden-Harris administration has allowed these antiquated standards to persist. Rather than enforcing the court’s mandate to reassess these guidelines in light of new scientific evidence, the administration has remained passive, effectively allowing the FCC to continue neglecting public health.

What’s worse, under Vice President Kamala Harris, the National Toxicology Program (NTP)—which conducted one of the most comprehensive studies linking RF radiation to cancer—was allowed to run out of funding. This halted further research that could have provided even more concrete evidence that the current FCC guidelines fail to protect the public, especially vulnerable populations like children.

In short, Harris has not made any effort to safeguard public health from a threat that has been clearly recognized by the courts. Her inaction has left millions, including children, exposed to potential risks from RF radiation, even as scientific and legal findings demand urgent reform.

Voting for Harris in 2024 is not just a vote for corporate interests—it’s a vote that could directly impact the public’s health, putting millions at risk of developing brain tumors and other serious conditions.

During his first term as president, Donald Trump’s FCC appointees maintained the status quo, favoring corporate interests in the rollout of 5G technology. One of his key appointees, Ajit Pai, a former Verizon lawyer, was criticized for not prioritizing public health in updating RF radiation safety standards. This approach allowed the telecommunications industry to push forward without proper oversight, perpetuating outdated safety guidelines set in 1996, long before today’s wireless technology boom.

However, in his current campaign, Trump has acknowledged his past mistakes. Through discussions with Robert F. Kennedy Jr., Trump has expressed a commitment to rectifying these oversights. Both figures have recognized the long-standing issue of regulatory capture at the FCC, where the agency has been influenced by the industries it is supposed to regulate. This capture has led to decades of inaction on RF radiation safety standards despite growing scientific evidence linking RF exposure to cancer, neurological disorders, and other health risks.

In this campaign, Trump has vowed to team up with RFK Jr MAHA:

With RFK Jr.’s expertise and relentless advocacy in holding regulatory agencies accountable, Trump sees an opportunity for real change. A Trump-Kennedy partnership would focus on reforming the FCC, ensuring that it serves public health rather than corporate profits. Trump’s promise not to repeat the mistakes of his first term signals a potential shift in the government’s approach to RF radiation safety, offering hope for long-overdue reform in 2024.

In stark contrast to Harris, Robert F. Kennedy Jr. has been a tireless advocate for RF radiation safety. His 2021 lawsuit against the FCC resulted in a historic court ruling that the agency had “failed to justify” its outdated safety standards. Kennedy has long pushed for a complete overhaul of these guidelines, emphasizing the need for regulatory bodies to recognize the dangers posed by non-thermal RF radiation exposure.

Kennedy’s stance is firmly rooted in science. He has pointed to major studies, including the NTP’s decade-long investigation, which found increased rates of brain and heart tumors in animals exposed to cell phone radiation. Kennedy has also criticized the FCC’s cozy relationship with the telecommunications industry, calling for independent research and stricter oversight to protect the public from the dangers of wireless radiation.

A vote for Kennedy in 2024 is a vote for updated safety guidelines and a government that prioritizes public health over corporate profits.
