RF Safe Urges Immediate Action on EMF Health Risks 2024 Election Sleeper Issue

As the 2024 U.S. presidential election approaches, RF Safe, an advocacy group dedicated to protecting public health from electromagnetic radiation, is intensifying efforts to raise awareness about the potential hazards of radiofrequency electromagnetic fields (RF-EMF). Founded in the 1990s, RF Safe has been at the forefront of research and advocacy on the health risks associated with wireless technology. With recent scientific studies suggesting significant health risks, the organization is calling for decisive action from both policymakers and the public.

The Settled Debate: Time for Decisive Action

Scientific Evidence Mounts

Recent peer-reviewed studies have shifted the debate over cell phone radiation hazards. Notably, the National Toxicology Program (NTP) conducted extensive research that found clear evidence linking RF radiation to cancer in animal studies, including malignant brain tumors like glioblastoma multiforme (GBM). Similarly, the Ramazzini Institute corroborated these findings at even lower exposure levels, raising serious concerns about long-term exposure to wireless devices, especially for vulnerable populations like children and pregnant women.

Children: The Most Vulnerable

Children are particularly susceptible to RF-EMF exposure due to their developing tissues and thinner skulls, which allow deeper penetration of radiation. Studies suggest that children absorb more radiation than adults, potentially increasing their risk of health issues, including brain cancers like GBM, later in life.

Three Key Demands for Policy Change

RF Safe is urging immediate action on three critical fronts:

1. Update FCC Safety Guidelines

Outdated Standards

The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) currently relies on safety guidelines established in the 1990s, focusing solely on the thermal effects of RF-EMF—essentially, the heating of tissue. RF Safe argues that these guidelines are outdated and fail to consider non-thermal biological effects like DNA damage, oxidative stress, and cellular dysfunction.

The Need for Modern Science

RF Safe demands that the FCC update its safety guidelines to reflect current scientific understanding, incorporating both thermal and non-thermal effects. This change would compel manufacturers to develop safer technologies, better protecting public health and reducing the risk of cancers such as glioblastoma.

2. Restart National Toxicology Program (NTP) Cancer Research

Halting Crucial Research

The NTP’s research into the health effects of RF radiation was halted under the current administration, a move that RF Safe criticizes. The organization believes this leaves a dangerous void in understanding the impact of RF radiation on human health, particularly its link to cancers like GBM.

Call for Restoration

RF Safe is calling for the immediate restoration of funding and support for the NTP’s research. Continued research is deemed vital for crafting informed policy decisions, confirming the risks identified in previous studies, and paving the way for safer technological advancements.

3. End FCC Regulatory Capture

Prioritizing Public Health Over Profits

RF Safe alleges that regulatory capture has allowed industry interests to exert undue influence over the FCC, resulting in policies that favor corporate profits over public safety. The organization points to the appointment of industry insiders to regulatory positions as a significant conflict of interest that hinders the adoption of safety standards reflecting clear scientific evidence.

Demand for Transparency

The group demands that the FCC implement measures to eliminate industry influence, ensuring that public health and safety are the primary considerations in all regulatory decisions. This includes enforcing transparent, science-based policymaking and appointing leaders without ties to the industries they regulate.

Misclassification of RF Radiation Health Risks

A Global Health Concern

RF Safe warns that the misclassification of RF radiation risks is contributing to a global health concern involving chronic diseases and developmental issues. The unchecked expansion of wireless technology and growing exposure to RF radiation represent a large-scale experiment with unknown long-term effects, including increased risks of cancers like glioblastoma.

Key Misclassification Points

Beyond Cancer: Neurological and Mental Health Risks

The Unseen Impacts on Children’s Development

While cancer is a significant concern, RF Safe emphasizes that it may be only part of a broader spectrum of health risks associated with RF radiation exposure. The organization highlights the potential for RF-EMF to disrupt neurological development and contribute to mental health disorders in children.

Potential Links to Neurological Disorders

The Need for Comprehensive Research

Due to the misclassification of RF radiation health risks, the full extent of its impact on neurological and mental health remains uncertain. RF Safe advocates for:

Moving Beyond the Debate

From Science to Policy

Given the accumulating scientific evidence, RF Safe argues that the conversation should shift from debating the hazards to determining how best to protect public health. This includes:

Advocacy and Public Awareness

Raising awareness about the potential risks of RF radiation is crucial. RF Safe encourages:

2024 Presidential Candidates’ Stances on Wireless Radiation

The Importance of Candidate Positions

Understanding where candidates stand on RF-EMF safety and research is vital for voters concerned about public health and technological advancement. RF Safe highlights the positions of three prominent figures:

Kamala Harris: Vice President of the United States

The Biden-Kamala Harris administration’s blatant prioritization of corporate and military interests over public health has resulted in the halting of critical research by the National Toxicology Program (NTP)—research that uncovered clear evidence linking RF radiation to cancer, including glioblastoma, the very cancer that claimed the life of President Biden’s son, Beau Biden.

Rather than act on these alarming findings, the administration chose to divert funding away from vital public health initiatives to bankroll military spending for the war in Ukraine. This reckless decision leaves a dangerous void in our understanding of the long-term health impacts of wireless radiation—especially on our children.

The ramifications of these policies are not mere bureaucratic oversights but deliberate neglect, betraying their duty to protect the health of the public, particularly children. Multiple court rulings have condemned the outdated FCC guidelines, citing insufficient protection for vulnerable populations, yet the administration remains indifferent. Their inaction has jeopardized the well-being of millions, fueling a surge in chronic health issues like cancer, developmental delays, and behavioral disorders—all linked to prolonged RF radiation exposure from everyday wireless technology.

Position on RF-EMF Safety

Donald Trump: Former President of the United States

Recognizing Past Mistakes and Shifting Stance

History with RF Safety Issues

Legislative Proposals

Robert F. Kennedy Jr.: Independent Candidate

Position on RF-EMF Safety

Legal Actions and Collaborations

Legislative Proposals

The Cost of Inaction: Personal Perspectives

The Case of Beau Biden

RF Safe highlights the tragic death of Joseph “Beau” Biden III from glioblastoma multiforme (GBM), a form of brain cancer. Scientific studies have provided clear evidence linking RF radiation exposure to the development of GBM. Both human epidemiological studies and animal research, such as the NTP and Ramazzini Institute studies, point to an increased risk of this specific cancer associated with wireless radiation exposure.

Scientific Evidence Linking RF Radiation to GBM

RF Safe underscores the urgency of acknowledging this evidence to prevent further tragedies and protect public health.

Parental Concerns

Many parents are increasingly worried about the rising rates of autism and cancer, including GBM, potentially linked to RF-EMF exposure. With children using wireless devices more than ever, ensuring that safety standards reflect the latest scientific evidence is crucial to protecting future generations.

The Preponderance of Scientific Evidence

A Growing Body of Research

Studies like the Interphone Study, Hardell Group Studies, CERENAT Study, and the BioInitiative Report have consistently found evidence of increased health risks associated with RF radiation. These studies collectively point to an increased risk of cancers like GBM, neurological disorders, and other health problems due to wireless radiation exposure.

The BioInitiative Report

A comprehensive review of over 3,800 peer-reviewed studies concluded that existing public safety limits are inadequate to protect public health, recommending significantly lowered exposure limits to reduce the risk of cancers like GBM.

The Misleading Narrative: RF Radiation and Health

Early Warnings Ignored

Initial studies focused on the thermal effects of RF radiation, laying the groundwork for safety standards that ignored non-thermal biological effects. Despite clear evidence from later studies demonstrating serious health risks, these early warnings were largely ignored due to the rapid expansion of the wireless industry and significant influence over regulatory bodies.

Suppression of Scientific Research

The wireless industry has been accused of suppressing research that challenges the safety of its products. Government-funded research programs faced termination despite significant findings, delaying the acknowledgment of clear evidence linking RF radiation to health risks like GBM.

The Paradigm Shift: Understanding Bioelectricity

Bioelectricity as the Foundation of Life

Bioelectricity refers to the electrical signals generated by cells and tissues, essential for coordinating biological processes. Disruptions to these signals by RF radiation can lead to various health issues, including DNA damage, oxidative stress, and increased risk of cancers like GBM.

Impact of RF Radiation on Bioelectricity

Research indicates that RF radiation can interfere with bioelectric signaling, even at non-thermal levels. This interference may alter the electrical properties of cell membranes, disrupt ion channels, and impair cellular communication, leading to serious health consequences confirmed by clear scientific evidence.

Draining the Swamp 2.0: Trump and RFK Jr.’s Plan to Overhaul the FCC

Trump’s Reflections on Past Mistakes

Admission and Commitment to Change

In recent discussions, Trump acknowledged that his first term included missteps in appointing industry insiders to key regulatory roles. He admitted relying on recommendations from lobbyists and business interests, which led to conflicts of interest and policies that did not prioritize public health.

Excerpts from RFK Jr.’s Statements

Robert F. Kennedy Jr. shared insights from his conversations with Trump:

“He said, ‘I didn’t know anything about governing, and I was surrounded by people who said, “You have to appoint this guy, that guy.”‘ And that’s what he did… He now understands who the neocons are and wants to end the wars. He wants to leave a legacy… He doesn’t want to make the same mistakes.”

Collaborative Efforts for Reform

Breaking the Revolving Door

Trump and RFK Jr. aim to prevent industry insiders from occupying regulatory positions, thereby eliminating conflicts of interest. This includes appointing leaders who prioritize public welfare over corporate profits and acknowledge the clear scientific evidence of health risks.

Overhauling the FCC

Plans include updating outdated RF radiation safety guidelines, reinstating halted research like the NTP studies, and enforcing transparency within the telecommunications industry to reflect the clear evidence of health risks.

The Importance of Bioelectric Medicine

Untapped Therapeutic Potential

RF Safe highlights the potential of RF-EMF in medical treatments. For example, the FDA-approved TheraBionic treatment uses RF radiation at much lower power levels to treat inoperable liver cancer through non-thermal cellular interactions.

Promoting Innovation

By focusing on bioelectric medicine, Trump and RFK Jr. could revolutionize healthcare, exploring new treatments for cancer, neurological disorders, and autoimmune diseases, while ensuring that technology does not pose health risks confirmed by clear scientific evidence.

RF Safe Supports Trump and RFK Jr.’s Alignment

A Unified Front for Public Health

RF Safe believes that the alignment between Trump and RFK Jr. offers a unique opportunity to address long-standing issues related to RF-EMF exposure and regulatory capture. Their combined efforts could lead to significant policy changes that prioritize public health and acknowledge the clear evidence linking RF radiation to serious health risks.

A Call to Action for Voters

RF Safe urges undecided voters to consider the candidates’ positions on RF-EMF safety and regulatory policy. The organization contends that Trump and RFK Jr. represent the best hope for reclassifying RF radiation as a significant health risk and reviving essential research to prevent diseases like GBM.

RF Safe’s Call to Action

Protecting Future Generations

RF Safe emphasizes the urgency of addressing the growing public health crisis caused by RF-EMF exposure. Outdated safety guidelines, regulatory capture, and halted research leave the public unprotected from clear health risks.

Steps to Take


The debate over the potential hazards of RF radiation has reached a critical juncture. With clear scientific evidence suggesting significant health risks, including increased incidences of glioblastoma multiforme, RF Safe contends that it’s time to move beyond discussion and take concrete steps to protect public health. As the 2024 election approaches, the organization calls on voters to consider candidates’ positions on RF-EMF safety and to advocate for policies that prioritize the well-being of current and future generations.

Additional Resources

  1. What is RF-EMF, and why is it considered a health risk?
    • RF-EMF (Radiofrequency Electromagnetic Fields) refers to the electromagnetic radiation emitted by devices like cell phones, Wi-Fi routers, and other wireless technologies. It’s considered a health risk because emerging research suggests that RF-EMF can cause non-thermal biological effects, such as DNA damage, oxidative stress, and cellular disruption, which could lead to serious health issues, including cancer.
  2. Why is the current RF-EMF safety standard based on SAR testing criticized?
    • SAR (Specific Absorption Rate) testing, which measures how much RF energy is absorbed by the body, is criticized because it only accounts for thermal effects—how much the radiation heats tissue. It does not consider non-thermal biological effects, which recent studies suggest could be harmful even without causing significant heating.
  3. How does RF-EMF misclassification impact public health?
    • Misclassification of RF-EMF as safe based solely on thermal effects overlooks the potential non-thermal health risks. This could lead to inadequate safety standards, exposing the public to harmful radiation levels and delaying the development of medical treatments that could harness RF-EMF’s therapeutic potential.
  4. What are the consequences of outdated FCC safety guidelines for RF-EMF?
    • The outdated FCC guidelines, which haven’t been updated since the 1990s, fail to incorporate new scientific findings on non-thermal effects. As a result, the public may be inadequately protected from potential health risks, and important medical research on RF-EMF’s effects and applications could be stifled.
  5. Why did the U.S. Court of Appeals find the FCC guilty of not updating its guidelines?
    • The U.S. Court of Appeals found the FCC guilty of not updating its safety guidelines because the commission ignored substantial evidence of non-thermal effects and continued to rely on outdated assumptions that RF-EMF only poses a risk through heating. This failure to act could leave the public vulnerable to unrecognized health risks.
  6. How did the Biden-Harris administration’s actions impact RF-EMF research?
    • The Biden-Harris administration halted critical RF-EMF research, particularly cancer studies by the National Toxicology Program (NTP), which had found clear evidence of cancer risks from RF radiation. This decision has been criticized as a significant setback in understanding the long-term health effects of RF-EMF exposure.
  7. What are the non-thermal effects of RF-EMF, and why are they important?
    • Non-thermal effects of RF-EMF include biological changes in cells that occur without a significant increase in temperature. These effects can include DNA damage, oxidative stress, changes in gene expression, and immune system modulation. Understanding these effects is crucial because they could lead to serious health consequences, including cancer, that are not addressed by current safety standards.
  8. What is the significance of Dr. Anthony B. Miller’s declaration regarding RF-EMF?
    • Dr. Anthony B. Miller, a leading cancer researcher and WHO advisor, declared RF-EMF as a Group 1 carcinogen, placing it in the same category as known cancer-causing agents like tobacco and asbestos. This declaration underscores the urgent need to reevaluate current RF-EMF safety standards and recognize the serious health risks associated with prolonged exposure.
  9. How can individuals reduce their exposure to RF-EMF?
    • Individuals can reduce their exposure to RF-EMF by using hands-free devices like headsets or speakerphones, keeping phones away from the body, turning off devices when not in use, using radiation-shielding cases, and limiting the duration of calls, especially in areas with poor signal reception.
  10. Why is restoring funding for RF-EMF research critical?
    • Restoring funding for RF-EMF research is critical because it would enable the continuation of studies that explore the long-term health effects of RF-EMF exposure, particularly its non-thermal effects. This research is essential for updating safety guidelines, developing new medical treatments, and ensuring public health protection.