Section 704: How Corporate Interests Hijacked America’s Health—and Why Only a President Can Fix It

In 1996, America’s trajectory was quietly altered in a way that would harm generations to come. Under the guise of progress, Section 704 of the Telecommunications Act was signed into law, forever silencing communities and parents from protecting their children’s health. That same year, the FCC adopted thermal-only safety guidelines, written not by doctors or scientists but by telecom engineers, cementing a fictional standard of safety for wireless radiation exposure.

The result? A country blanketed in microwave radiation, a public stripped of its constitutional rights, and a surge in childhood illnesses, neurological disorders, and mental health crises. Section 704 and these fraudulent guidelines were crafted to protect corporate profits, not public health.

Today, the fallout is undeniable. And just as a president created this problem in 1996, only a president can fix it.

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A Law That Silences America

Section 704 is one of the most damaging and unconstitutional laws ever passed. Here’s what it does:

  • Silences Communities: It prohibits local governments from denying cell tower permits based on health concerns, even with credible scientific evidence of harm.
  • Violates the First Amendment: Parents, doctors, and scientists are effectively gagged from discussing health risks in public hearings.
  • Undermines the Tenth Amendment: State and local governments lose their authority to protect public health, centralizing power in the hands of the federal government.

This law doesn’t just suppress dissent—it prioritizes corporate convenience over public welfare, enabling the wireless industry to flood neighborhoods, schools, and homes with cell towers and wireless radiation without scrutiny.

Fake Safety Standards: The FCC’s Thermal-Only Guidelines

The same year Section 704 was passed, the FCC adopted Specific Absorption Rate (SAR) limits, which measure only the heating effects of radiation. The assumption was simple: if RF radiation doesn’t heat tissue, it must be safe.

But decades of research have proven this assumption dangerously false:

  • DNA Damage: Studies confirm RF radiation causes DNA strand breaks, even at levels far below heating thresholds.
  • Oxidative Stress: A precursor to cancer, neurological disorders, and chronic illness.
  • Neurological Disruption: Linked to ADHD, autism, and cognitive impairments in children.
  • Hormonal Imbalances: Interfering with sleep, immune function, and development.

These guidelines, written by telecom engineers, ignore non-thermal biological effects that impact the human body in ways we’re only beginning to understand. They weren’t designed to protect health—they were designed to protect industry profits.

A Crisis for Our Children

Take seven-year-old Melanie Coates, whose classroom sits just 465 feet from a cell tower in Seminole, Florida. The BioInitiative Report, a comprehensive analysis of over 1,800 studies, recommends a minimum safe distance of 1,500 feet to protect children from wireless radiation exposure.

Yet, thanks to Section 704, Melanie’s father, John Coates, cannot legally challenge the placement of this tower on health grounds—even with overwhelming scientific evidence of harm.

“I lost my first child to a birth defect linked to RF exposure. Now, I’m watching Melanie face the same risks, and there’s nothing I can do. Section 704 has stripped me of my constitutional right to protect my child.”
— John Coates, Founder of RF Safe

This is not just Melanie’s story—it’s the story of millions of children across America who are exposed to harmful levels of RF radiation because their parents are legally barred from speaking up.

How the Wireless Industry Hijacked America in 1996

The passage of Section 704 and the adoption of fraudulent safety standards didn’t happen by accident. They were the result of deliberate lobbying and influence by Wall Street elites, corporate insiders, and telecom power players.

Their strategy was simple:

  1. Silence Communities: Strip local governments of their authority to regulate wireless infrastructure.
  2. Adopt Fake Guidelines: Create safety standards that ignore non-thermal effects, providing a legal shield against accountability.
  3. Prioritize Profits Over People: Flood the country with wireless infrastructure without regard for public health.

The result has been a 30-year legacy of unchecked radiation exposure, rising health crises, and stifled innovation for safer technology.

A President Created This Problem—Only a President Can Fix It

President Trump,

You’ve built your legacy on standing up to entrenched interests and fighting for America’s families. Now, I’m asking you to take on the most critical fight of our time: the fight to protect our children from the silent, invisible crisis of microwave radiation and the unconstitutional laws that shield it.

In 1996, a president signed Section 704 into law. Today, only a president can undo the damage it has caused.

Why Section 704 Must Be Repealed

  • Restore Constitutional Rights: Americans must regain their First Amendment right to speak out and their Tenth Amendment right to local governance.
  • Protect Public Health: Parents and communities must have the power to challenge unsafe wireless infrastructure.
  • Enable Safer Technology: Legal pressure is essential to drive innovation for safer wireless solutions.

What We Must Demand

  1. Repeal Section 704: Restore local control and the ability to challenge wireless infrastructure on health grounds.
  2. Enforce Public Law 90-602: Mandate ongoing research into RF radiation risks and update safety standards based on modern science.
  3. Replace Thermal-Only Guidelines: Adopt biologically based safety limits that account for non-thermal effects, cumulative exposure, and the unique vulnerabilities of children.
  4. Mandate Safe Distances: Require a minimum of 1,500 feet between cell towers and schools, playgrounds, and residential areas.
  5. Promote Safer Alternatives: Encourage innovations like satellite-to-cell technology to reduce ground-level radiation exposure.

Coates’ Personal Plea

Mr. President,

As a father who has already buried one child, I cannot bear to lose another. My daughter Melanie—and millions of children like her—are being silently harmed every day by a system that values profit over their health and future.

This is not about politics. It’s about protecting America’s children and securing the future of our nation.

You have the power to fix this. You have the power to ensure that the legacy of Section 704 ends with your presidency.

The Time to Act Is Now

Section 704 is not just a bad law—it’s an unconstitutional assault on our rights and our health. The FCC’s thermal-only guidelines are not just outdated—they’re a fraud that puts millions of lives at risk.

We must repeal Section 704. We must enforce real science. And we must demand better for our children.

Join the movement. Share this message. Demand action. Together, we can protect America’s children and restore our constitutional rights.


Let’s make America not just great again—but safe again.

Take Action Today

  • Contact Your Representatives: Demand the repeal of Section 704 and the enforcement of Public Law 90-602.
  • Spread the Word: Use #TrumpRepeal704 to raise awareness.
  • Adopt Precautionary Measures: Protect your family by reducing wireless exposure and using safer technology.

This is about more than wireless infrastructure—it’s about the health, rights, and future of every American. The time to act is now.

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