Smartphone Causing Your Headache – Cell Phone Radiation Induced Headaches

Smartphone giving you a headache?
Is your smartphone giving you a headache?

Do Smartphones Cause Headaches?

Is Your Smartphone Giving You a Headache?

The use of smartphones is now ubiquitous in our daily lives, but recent studies have raised concerns over the potential health effects of smartphone overuse on migraine patients. A 2019 study published in the journal Neurosciences found that smartphone use is related to poor sleep quality, daytime sleepiness, and decreased quality of life among migraine patients. Additionally, a 2017 study revealed that cell phone use is associated with a higher risk of headaches in mobile phone users compared to non-users.

How Cell Phones May Cause Migraines

The use of cell phones involves various elements that may contribute to migraines, such as looking at the light emitted by the screen, straining your eyes, hunching over in a stooped posture, utilizing your hands and fingers to type or play games, and using the device to make calls.

Electromagnetic Fields and Health Risks

The electromagnetic fields (EMF) emitted by cell phones were once considered harmless, but recent peer-reviewed research suggests otherwise. Industry-sponsored studies have failed to show a clear link between cell phone usage and brain tumors, but independent scientific studies have shown that radiation from handheld mobile phones can pose serious health risks and increase the incidence of brain tumors.

Blue Light and Headaches

Blue light emitted by phone screens can also contribute to headaches by suppressing the production of melatonin, a hormone that regulates sleep. To prevent headaches, take regular breaks from your phone, use a blue light filter or switch to “dark mode,” and be mindful of your posture while using your phone.

What the Science Says About Cell Phone Use Contributing To Headaches

Studies have shown that exposure to low-intensity microwave frequency radiation from cell phones can increase brain activity and trigger painful headaches.

Study on Migraine Patients

A 2019 study published in the journal Neurosciences aimed to investigate the effects of smartphone overuse on migraine patients. The study found that smartphone use can increase headache duration and frequency, and is related to poor sleep quality, daytime sleepiness, and decreased quality of life. The study included 123 migraine patients, who were evaluated using various assessment tools, including the Mobile Phone Problematic Use Scale and the 24-h Migraine Quality of Life Questionnaire. The study underscores the importance of understanding the potential health effects of smartphone use, particularly among those with pre-existing conditions.

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Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis

Another study published in 2017 explored the correlation between cell phone usage and headaches, revealing surprising results. The systematic review and meta-analysis included seven cross-sectional studies involving 21,505 study subjects. The results showed a higher risk of headaches for cell phone users than non-cell phone users. Among cell phone users, the risk of headaches was higher in those who had longer daily call duration and higher daily call frequency.

Meta-Analysis Results

The seven cross-sectional studies that met the inclusion criteria involved a total of 24,701 participants. The quality of the studies was assessed using the Newcastle-Ottawa Scale, and all studies were of moderate to high quality. The results of the meta-analysis showed a significant association between mobile phone use and headache, with an odds ratio (OR) of 1.38 (95% CI: 1.18-1.61, p < 0.001). This means that the risk of headache was 38% higher in mobile phone users compared to non-users.

Subgroup Analysis Results

Subgroup analyses were performed to investigate the effect of different variables on the association between mobile phone use and headache. The results showed that longer daily call duration and higher daily call frequency were associated with a higher risk of headache. Specifically, mobile phone users who had daily call durations of 2-15 minutes had a 62% higher risk of headache compared to those who had call durations of less than 2 minutes (OR: 1.62, 95% CI: 1.34-1.98, p < 0.001). Users who had daily call durations of over 15 minutes had a 250% higher risk of headache compared to those who had call durations of less than 2 minutes (OR: 2.50, 95% CI: 1.76-3.54, p < 0.001). Similarly, mobile phone users who had 2-4 calls per day had a 37% higher risk of headache compared to those who had less than 2 calls per day (OR: 1.37, 95% CI: 1.07-1.76, p < 0.001). Users who had more than 4 calls per day had a 252% higher risk of headache compared to those who had less than 2 calls per day (OR: 2.52, 95% CI: 1.78-3.58, p < 0.001).

Possible Causes of Headaches

Headaches can be caused by a variety of factors, including stress, poor sleep, dehydration, and eye strain. When it comes to cell phone use, the blue light emitted by phone screens may also contribute to headaches. Blue light suppresses the production of melatonin, a hormone that regulates sleep, leading to disrupted sleep patterns and potential headaches.

Preventing Headaches

If you’re experiencing headaches from cell phone use, there are a few steps you can take to prevent them.

Take Regular Breaks

Whether you’re scrolling through social media or answering work emails, taking a break every 20-30 minutes can help reduce eye strain and potential headaches.

Use Blue Light Filters

Consider using a blue light filter or switching to “dark mode” on your phone to reduce the impact of blue light.

Mind Your Posture

Be mindful of your posture while using your phone. Hunching over your phone can strain your neck and contribute to headaches.

Thoughts About Cell Phone Headaches

Cell phones work by relaying low levels of radio waves from their antennas to a nearby base tower. As a result, a cell phone emits microwave radiation within the electromagnetic spectrum.

Peer-Reviewed Studies on EMF

The electromagnetic fields emitted by cell phones were considered harmless as long as they complied with current FCC SAR guidelines until recent studies have proven different. Unfortunately, peer-reviewed and replicated research has proven over and over that existing safety standards used by the FCC are worthless.

Smartphone consumers getting headaches are an increasing problem for the wireless industry. However, if you feel a throbbing pain in your head after using a cell phone for only a few minutes, consider yourself lucky.

Long-Term Effects

The damage is being done, whether you can feel it or not. Many cell phone users report experiencing headaches after using their cell phones. Which network the phone is on seems to make a difference, as users report more discomfort using 4G LTE technology. Most people use their cell phones several times a day, so what results from the electromagnetic waves going to your brain?


While industry-sponsored studies have failed to show a clear link between cell phone usage and brain tumors, independent scientific studies show that the radiation from handheld mobile phones does pose serious health risks and can increase the incidence of brain tumors. Microwave signals travel through human tissue, glass, and plastic. Human tissue also absorbs microwave radiation. The effect of even minute levels of microwave radiation has been shown to:

If you use a cell phone, you could be at serious risk for debilitating and life-threatening illnesses. Following are just a few of the studies that document the risks associated with exposure to cell phone radiation:

The Head Absorbs 40% of Phones Radiation

Headaches, nausea, dizziness, short-term memory problems, fatigue, and other complaints resulting from cellular phone use are not due to low-level heating of the brain; instead, they’re caused by the head serving as an “antenna” and brain tissue as a radio receiver, according to two Jerusalem researchers. Zvi Weinberger, a physicist who heads the applied physics department at the Jerusalem College of Technology, and Dr. Elihu Richter, head of the occupational medicine unit at the Hebrew University-Hadassah Braun School of Public Health, suggested this in the latest issue of the journal Medical Hypotheses. Mobile phones, they explained, “broadcast specifically at frequencies at which the head serves as an antenna and brain tissue serves as a demodulating radio receiver.” Thus, precaution must be taken in using cell phones, they wrote.

Mobile Phone Signals Affect Brain Activity

A study in the Journal of Sleep Research (Blackwell Publishing) found that 30 minutes of exposure to electromagnetic fields, as from GSM mobile phones, caused changes to brain activity that lasted long afterward. Dr. Peter Achermann and colleagues from the University of Zurich, and ITIS, in Zurich found that blood flow increased in areas of the brain on the side nearest the phone and that this effect lasted for over half an hour afterward. They also discovered that the brain’s electrical activity (brain waves) was affected not only immediately after the exposure but also lasted through much of the subsequent night’s sleep.

Radiation From Cell Phones Can Make Cancer Grow Faster

Italian scientists have raised new health concerns about the safety of using mobile phones, with research showing radio waves from the handsets make cancerous cells grow more aggressively.

Cell Tower Radiation Shown to Cause Headaches and Nausea

Three Dutch ministries recently conducted a study that found that the radiation from the next-generation cell phone towers can cause headaches and nausea. The study is the first of its kind and compared the impact of radiation from base stations used for the current mobile telephone network with that of cell towers for new third-generation (3G) networks. The study used lower a dose of radiation than cell phones. This is because handheld phones emit stronger radiation when used, while cell towers transmit more constant radio signals, exposing everyone within range.

“If the test group was exposed to third-generation base station signals, there was a significant impact… They felt tingling sensations, got headaches, and felt nauseous,” a spokeswoman for the Dutch Economics Ministry said.

Cell Phone Radiation Opens the Blood-Brain Barrier

A study headed by Leif Salford, Department of Neurosurgery at Lund University in Sweden, and published in Environmental Health Perspectives suggests cell phone use can damage neurons in the brain. Several studies have looked at potential links between cell phone use and cancer, and most found little or no effects. However, this study found that exposure to electromagnetic fields emitted by certain phones was associated with the leakage of albumin through the blood-brain barrier and neuronal damage that increased in response to the amount of exposure. While the study sample was small, researchers said the combined results are “highly significant and exhibit a clear dose-response relation.”

Cell Phone Radiation Can Cause Brain Tumors

An epidemiology study by Dr. Lennart Hardell found a higher incidence of brain tumors on the sides of heads used by mobile-phone subscribers to make and receive calls. The study was published in the August 2002 issue of the European Journal of Cancer Prevention.

The body of evidence showing the hazards of cell phones is more than sufficient to cause alarm, yet, public health organizations continue to stall. In contrast, the cell phone industry builds more towers and makes billions selling more phones. Just as the tobacco industry was able to hold back the truth regarding the health effects of smoking, the cell phone industry has prevented the truth about cell phone safety from reaching mass media. If you care about your health and your family’s health, take the time to educate yourself and have the courage to act on what you find.

What You Can Do to Reduce Your Risk


Can cell phone use cause brain tumors? Independent scientific studies have shown that radiation from handheld mobile phones can pose serious health risks and increase the incidence of brain tumors.

What is the effect of blue light emitted by phone screens? Blue light suppresses the production of melatonin, a hormone that regulates sleep, leading to disrupted sleep patterns and potential headaches.

What can I do to prevent headaches caused by cell phone use? Take regular breaks from your phone, use a blue light filter or switch to “dark mode,” and be mindful of your posture while using your phone.

How can cell phone radiation affect brain activity? Cell phone radiation can alter brain waves, increase brain activity, and cause changes that last long after exposure.

Call to Action

By taking these steps, you can help protect yourself and your loved ones from the potential dangers of cell phone radiation.

In other studies, microwaves change your brain’s activity levels, and a study in Sept 2014 proves that cell phone radiation invokes inflammatory reactions in cells. How RFR-induced inflammation or other RFR factors trigger each person’s painful headaches will be different for each person.

But what about a direct relationship between cell phones and headaches? A blind study was conducted with participants wearing a specially designed helmet and a cell phone near the left ear. The helmet was designed to record brain activity while the person was wearing it. The cell phone signals were turned on for the same period of time that a person is usually on their cell phone. The brain waves were measured while the cell phone was on and off. The participants were unaware of when the cell phone signals were turned on or off.

See how easy it is to reduce the radiation penetrating your brain – More tests here.

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[pullquote]The peer-reviewed journal Clinical Neurophysiology has just published research showing that 30 minutes of exposure to LTE cellphone radiation affects brain activity on both sides of the brain. [/pullquote] When the phones were on, the researchers found increased activity in the cortical area of the left side of the brain. This portion of the brain is responsible for language and movement. Furthermore, the increased activity in the brain continued for up to one hour after the cell phone was turned off.

While industry-sponsored studies have failed to show a clear link between cell phone usage and brain tumors (industry studies have ignored other effects), independent scientific studies show that the radiation from handheld mobile phones does pose serious health risks and can increase the incidence of brain tumors. Microwave signals travel through human tissue, glass, and plastic. Human tissue also absorbs microwave radiation. The effect of even minute levels of microwave radiation has been shown to:

* open the blood-brain barrier
* heat head & brain tissue
* disrupt brain activity
* reverse cell membrane polarity
* alter brain waves
* alter brain chemistry
* damage DNA

If you use a cell phone, you could be at serious risk for debilitating and life-threatening illnesses. Following are just a few of the studies that document the risks associated with exposure to cell phone radiation:

The Head Absorbs 40% of Phones Radiation

Headaches, nausea, dizziness, short-term memory problems, fatigue, and other complaints resulting from cellular phone use are not due to low-level heating of the brain; instead, they’re caused by the Head serving as an “antenna” and brain tissue as a radio receiver, according to two Jerusalem researchers. Zvi Weinberger, a physicist who heads the applied physics department at the Jerusalem College of Technology, and Dr. Elihu Richter, Head of the occupational medicine unit at the Hebrew University-Hadassah Braun School of Public Health, suggested this in the latest issue of the journal Medical Hypotheses. Mobile phones, they explained, “broadcast specifically at frequencies at which the head serves as an antenna and brain tissue serves as a demodulating radio receiver.” Thus, precaution must be taken in using cell phones, they wrote. Jerusalem Post

Mobile Phone Signals Affect Brain Activity

A study in the Journal of Sleep Research (Blackwell Publishing) found that 30 minutes of exposure to electromagnetic fields, as from GSM mobile phones, caused changes to brain activity that lasted long afterward. Dr. Peter Achermann and colleagues from the University of Zurich, and ITIS, in Zurich found that blood flow increased in areas of the brain on the side nearest the phone and that this effect lasted for over half an hour afterward. They also discovered that the brain’s electrical activity (?brain waves?) was affected not only immediately after the exposure but also lasted through much of the subsequent night’s sleep.

Radiation From Cell Phones Can Make Cancer Grow Faster

“Italian scientists have raised new health concerns about the safety of using mobile phones, with research showing radio waves from the handsets make cancerous cells grow more aggressively..” Reuters,

Cell Tower Radiation Shown to Cause Headaches and Nausea

Three Dutch ministries recently conducted a study that found that the radiation from the next generation cell phone towers can cause headaches and nausea. The study is the first of its kind and compared the impact of radiation from base stations used for the current mobile telephone network with that of cell towers for new third-generation (3G) networks. The study used lower a dose of radiation than cell phones. This is because handheld phones emit stronger radiation when used, while cell towers transmit more constant radio signals, exposing everyone within range.

“If the test group was exposed to third generation base station signals, there was a significant impact… They felt tingling sensations, got headaches, and felt nauseous,” a spokeswoman for the Dutch Economics Ministry said.

Cell Phone Radiation Opens the Blood-Brain Barrier

A study headed by Leif Salford, Department of Neurosurgery at Lund University in Sweden, and published in Environmental Health Perspectives suggests cell phone use can damage neurons in the brain. Several studies have looked at potential links between cell phone use and cancer, and most found little or no effects. However, this study found that exposure to electromagnetic fields emitted by certain phones was associated with the leakage of albumin through the blood-brain barrier and neuronal damage that increased in response to the amount of exposure. While the study sample was small, researchers said the combined results are “highly significant and exhibit a clear dose-response relation.”

Cell Phone Radiation Can Cause Brain Tumors

An epidemiology study by Dr. Lennart Hardell found a higher incidence of brain tumors on the sides of heads used by mobile-phone subscribers to make and receive calls. The study was published in the August 2002 European Journal of Cancer Prevention issue.

The body of evidence showing the hazards of cell phones is more than sufficient to cause alarm, yet, public health organizations continue to stall. In contrast, the cell phone industry builds more towers and makes Billions selling more phones. Just as the tobacco industry was able to hold back the truth regarding the health effects of smoking, the cell phone industry has prevented the truth about cell phone safety from reaching mass media. If you care about your health and your family’s health, take the time to educate yourself and have the courage to act on what you find.

What you can do to reduce your risk:


  1. Can cell phone use cause brain tumors?

Independent scientific studies have shown that radiation from handheld mobile phones can pose serious health risks and increase the incidence of brain tumors.

  1. What is the effect of blue light emitted by phone screens?

Blue light suppresses the production of melatonin, a hormone that regulates sleep, leading to disrupted sleep patterns and potential headaches.

  1. What can I do to prevent headaches caused by cell phone use?

Take regular breaks from your phone, use a blue light filter or switch to “dark mode,” and be mindful of your posture while using your phone.

  1. How can cell phone radiation affect brain activity?

“Cell Phone Users Beware: New Study Shows Increased Risk of Headaches”

“Is Your Cell Phone Giving You Headaches? Study Reveals Surprising Results”

“New Meta-Analysis Links Cell Phone Use to Higher Risk of Headaches”

“The Hidden Danger of Cell Phones: Study Finds Link to Headache Risk”

“Put Down Your Phone! Study Shows Increased Headache Risk for Cell Phone Users”

“How Cell Phones Could Be Causing Your Headaches: A Shocking New Study”


  1. Are you a frequent smartphone user who suffers from headaches? A new meta-analysis shows a significant association between mobile phone use and headaches! #mobilephones #headaches #health
  2. How often do you use your mobile phone? A new meta-analysis reveals that frequent users have a higher risk of headaches. Stay aware of your usage! #mobilephones #headaches #health
  3. Did you know that the duration and frequency of mobile phone use can increase the risk of headaches? Check out the latest meta-analysis for more information! #mobilephones #headaches #health
  4. Are you concerned about the health risks associated with mobile phone use? A new meta-analysis shows a significant link between mobile phones and headaches. #mobilephones #headaches #health
  5. Are you experiencing frequent headaches? A new meta-analysis suggests that your mobile phone usage may be a contributing factor. Learn more about the link between mobile phones and headaches. #mobilephones #headaches #health
  6. Do you know the risks of excessive mobile phone use? A new meta-analysis suggests that frequent and long mobile phone usage is associated with an increased risk of headaches. Stay informed! #mobilephones #headaches #health
  7. Are you worried about the impact of mobile phone use on your health? A new meta-analysis suggests that your concerns may be valid, as mobile phone use has been linked to headaches. #mobilephones #headaches #health
  8. Did you know that your mobile phone could be contributing to your headaches? A new meta-analysis reveals that mobile phone use is associated with an increased risk of headaches. #mobilephones #headaches #health
  9. Are you aware of the potential risks of mobile phone use? A new meta-analysis suggests that excessive mobile phone use can increase the risk of headaches. Take caution with your usage! #mobilephones #headaches #health
  10. Are you concerned about your mobile phone usage? A new meta-analysis has found that mobile phone use is significantly associated with headaches. Stay informed and mindful of your usage! #mobilephones #headaches #health


“Cell Phone Addiction Comes with a Price: Study Reveals Link to Headaches”

“The High Price of Convenience: Study Finds Cell Phones Increase Headache Risk”

“Why Your Cell Phone Could Be the Cause of Your Chronic Headaches”

“Cell Phone Use and Headaches: New Study Sheds Light on Surprising Connection”