
Study Published Dec 4th Adds Question About Starlink’s December 10th Test and RF Radiation’s Biological Impact

December 10th marks a significant date as SpaceX gears up to test its Starlink satellite technology, involving populated areas in 13 states. This event, while a technological leap forward, eerily echoes the groundbreaking studies conducted on Wistar rats, specifically exploring the combined neurotoxic, cytotoxic, and genotoxic effects of 5GHz MIMO waves and computed tomography (CT) irradiation.

The Study in Focus:
A recent study published on Dec, 4th 2023, Single and combined neurotoxic, cytotoxic, and genotoxic effects of 5GHz MIMO waves and computed tomography irradiation in male Wistar rats by Adejoke Olukayode Obajuluwa et al., published in the Egyptian Journal of Basic and Applied Sciences, delves deep into the impacts of 5GHz radio and CT irradiation on Wistar rats. The researchers meticulously investigated the effects on blood parameters, neurobehavioral profiles, DNA, and p53 gene expression, revealing significant disruptions in normal cellular functions and neurotransmission.

Drawing Parallels with Starlink’s Test:
SpaceX’s upcoming Starlink test mirrors these studies’ structures, albeit on an unprecedented human scale. The selective exposure of certain states to potentially harmful RF radiation effectively creates a real-world experiment, with unconsenting human populations serving as subjects. The ethical implications of such a comparison are profound and disturbing.

Unconsented Human Experimentation:
The Nuremberg Code, a cornerstone in ethical medical practice, emphasizes voluntary consent for any experimentation involving human subjects. The Starlink test, which subjects unaware populations to potential RF radiation hazards, starkly violates this principle, transforming these individuals into involuntary participants in a large-scale public health study.

Findings from the Rat Studies:
The studies conducted on rats highlighted alarming outcomes: memory and cognition impairments, changes in blood parameters, and significant genetic alterations, including the loss of p53 gene bands. These findings are crucial as they underscore the potential health risks humans might face due to chronic exposure to RF radiation from projects like Starlink.

As we stand on the cusp of SpaceX’s ambitious test, it is imperative to reflect on these studies and their implications. The potential risks of widespread RF radiation exposure cannot be overstated, and the ethical considerations in conducting such experiments without public consent must be addressed. The Starlink test not only pushes the boundaries of technological advancement but also challenges the ethical framework governing human exposure to new technologies.

Call to Action:
It’s crucial for regulatory bodies, researchers, and the public to scrutinize the Starlink test and demand transparency and accountability. We must ensure that our pursuit of technological progress does not come at the expense of public health and ethical integrity.

  1. Ramazzini Institute Study: Found an increase in heart schwannomas in male rats exposed to RF radiation similar to that emitted by cell phones (Falcioni et al., 2018).
  2. U.S. National Toxicology Program (NTP): Observed evidence of carcinogenic activity in rodents exposed to RF radiation, commonly emitted by 2G and 3G cell phones (National Toxicology Program, 2018).
  3. BioInitiative Report: A comprehensive review of over 1800 studies, concluding that existing public safety limits for electromagnetic fields are inadequate to protect public health (BioInitiative Working Group, 2012).
  4. Interphone Study: Investigated the association between mobile phone use and brain tumors, finding a higher risk of glioma and acoustic neuroma associated with long-term and heavy use of mobile phones (Interphone Study Group, 2010).
  5. Hardell Group Studies: Showed a correlation between mobile phone use and an increased risk of brain tumors (Hardell et al., various years).
  6. CERENAT Study: Explored the relationship between mobile phone use and the risk of brain tumors, supporting findings that heavy users might have an increased risk of gliomas and meningiomas (Coureau et al., 2014).
  7. REFLEX Project: Found evidence of DNA damage in cells exposed to electromagnetic fields (REFLEX Project, various years).
  8. Research by Dr. Henry Lai: Extensive research on the biological effects of non-ionizing electromagnetic fields, including DNA damage and neurological effects (Lai, various years).
  9. Environmental Health Trust and Children’s Health Defense vs. FCC: Highlighted the FCC’s failure to consider new scientific evidence and update its guidelines for exposure to radiation from cell phones and cell towers (U.S. Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit, 2021).
  10. Adey WR Studies: Demonstrated cellular effects of electromagnetic fields, particularly how cell membranes respond to EMF exposure (Adey, various years).
  11. Freiburger Appeal: Document signed by over 1000 physicians concerned about health problems associated with wireless technology (Freiburger Appeal, 2002).
  12. Swedish Review on Electromagnetic Fields and Health Outcomes: Indicated a potential link between long-term mobile phone use and brain cancer risk (Swedish Radiation Safety Authority, various years).
  13. MOBI-KIDS Study: Examining the risk of brain tumors in young people related to use of communication devices (MOBI-KIDS Project Group, ongoing).
  14. The Austrian Medical Association’s EMF Guidelines: Guidelines for the diagnosis and treatment of EMF-related health problems (Austrian Medical Association, 2012).
  15. Örjan Hallberg and Olle Johansson Studies: Highlighted a potential link between increasing levels of EMFs and certain health problems (Hallberg and Johansson, various years).
  16. The Stewart Report: Advised a precautionary approach to EMF exposure, especially for children (Stewart Report, 2000).
  17. ICNIRP Guidelines Review: Critical reviews questioning the adequacy of ICNIRP guidelines in protecting public health (Various authors, various years).
  18. Russian National Committee on Non-Ionizing Radiation Protection Warnings: Suggests lower exposure limits for children and pregnant women (Russian National Committee, various years).