
The Central Role of Electromagnetic Fields and Chemicals in Autism: Insights from Martin L. Pall’s Research

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The paper by Martin L. Pall titled “Central Causation of AutismASDs via Excessive [Ca2+]i Impacting Six Mechanisms Controlling Synaptogenesis during the Perinatal Period: The Role of Electromagnetic Fields and Chemicals and the NO/ONOO(-) Cycle, as Well as Specific Mutations” discusses the role of various factors in the causation of autism spectrum disorders (ASDs) during the perinatal period.   Don’t make the mistake of thinking the government safety guidelines will protect you or your children!

In 1996, the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) set safety guidelines for radio-frequency radiation (RFR) exposure. At that time, the standards were based solely on the thermal effects of RFR, ignoring non-thermal biological effects. Today, we find ourselves in a vastly different technological landscape, with exponentially higher RFR exposure from various sources, including cell towers, Wi-Fi, and space-based communication systems. Despite mounting evidence of non-thermal risks, the U.S. has halted further research into these effects. This blog delves into why this is a perilous oversight, emphasizing the need for urgent action to protect public health, especially that of our children being struck down with Autism from excessive RFR exposure.

Outdated Standards in a Modern World

The safety guidelines established in 1996 are increasingly outdated. Since then, technology has evolved dramatically, with the proliferation of smartphones, Wi-Fi, and now, space-based systems like Elon Musk’s Starlink. These advancements have significantly increased our exposure to electromagnetic fields (EMFs). Yet, our safety standards have not kept pace with scientific understanding or technological progress.

The Case for Reassessing Safety Guidelines

Recent studies, including those by Martin L. Pall and findings from the U.S. National Toxicology Program (NTP), highlight the non-thermal effects of RFR. Pall’s work, for instance, shows how EMFs can cause elevated intracellular calcium ([Ca2+]i) levels, leading to disruptions in key neurological processes during critical developmental periods. These disruptions can contribute to conditions such as autism spectrum disorders (ASDs).

The NTP’s decade-long study found clear evidence of cancer, heart damage, and DNA damage associated with RFR at levels comparable to everyday exposure. This finding is echoed by the Ramazzini Institute study, which also found similar results. Despite these alarming discoveries, the U.S. has ceased all further research into RFR’s health impacts, citing costs and technical challenges.

The Emerging Evidence of Non-Thermal Effects

Non-thermal effects of RFR have been well-documented. For example, the FDA-approved TheraBionic treatment uses RF radiation to treat inoperable liver cancer through non-thermal interactions at cellular and molecular levels. This includes resonance effects and the modulation of immune responses, challenging the notion that only thermal effects are harmful.

Martin L. Pall’s study also connects EMFs to increased intracellular calcium levels, which can disrupt processes such as synaptogenesis—crucial for brain development. Such disruptions during the perinatal period can lead to neurodevelopmental disorders, including ASDs. This evidence underscores the necessity of re-evaluating our current RFR safety guidelines, which fail to account for these non-thermal biological effects.

The Call for Updated Regulations

Joel Moskowitz, a prominent voice in this debate, argues that it is high time for Congress to update the 1996 Telecommunications Act and enforce RFR standards that reflect current scientific knowledge. The International Commission on the Biological Effects of Electromagnetic Fields (ICBE-EMF) also calls for health-protective exposure limits based on scientific evidence rather than outdated assumptions.

The Impact on Our Children

One of the most alarming aspects of this issue is the impact on children. As Louis Slesin, editor of Microwave News, points out, we have altered the natural EM background with man-made EMR, potentially contributing to the rise of inflammatory conditions previously attributed solely to genetic predispositions. The exponential increase in colorectal cancer among young people could be a harbinger of broader, more insidious health impacts.

 A Call to Action

It is reckless to rely on safety guidelines established over a quarter-century ago, especially when recent research points to significant non-thermal risks. The cessation of research by the NTP after finding clear evidence of harm is a glaring abdication of responsibility. We must advocate for stringent safety standards, support independent research, and remain vigilant in understanding and mitigating the full spectrum of EMF effects. Our children’s health and future depend on it.

Key Points:

  1. Central Mechanism:
    • The paper proposes that excessive intracellular calcium ([Ca2+]i) during the perinatal period disrupts six key mechanisms controlling synaptogenesis (neuronal migration, dendritic outgrowth, synapse formation, synapse maturation, synaptic pruning, and MeCP2 function), leading to the development of ASDs.
  2. Role of EMFs:
    • EMFs are suggested to act primarily via activation of voltage-gated calcium channels (VGCCs), leading to increased [Ca2+]i.
    • EMFs can generate excessive calcium signaling pathways that disrupt normal synaptogenesis, potentially causing ASDs.
  3. Role of Chemicals:
    • Various chemicals implicated in autism causation can elevate [Ca2+]i through different mechanisms.
    • 15 chemical classes are identified, with 12 acting primarily via NMDA receptor activation and three via other mechanisms.
    • Chemicals such as mercury, volatile organic solvents, and certain pesticides can activate NMDA receptors, increasing [Ca2+]i and contributing to ASD causation.
  4. NO/ONOO(-) Cycle:
    • The NO/ONOO(-) cycle is proposed to contribute to the chronic nature of ASDs through oxidative stress and inflammation.
    • This cycle involves the interaction of nitric oxide (NO) and peroxynitrite (ONOO(-)), leading to various pathophysiological effects.
  5. Genetic Factors:
    • Genetic mutations often associated with ASDs also lead to elevated [Ca2+]i or other impacts on synaptogenesis.


The paper presents a model that integrates the roles of EMFs, chemicals, and genetic factors in the causation of ASDs by focusing on the impact of elevated intracellular calcium levels on synaptogenesis during the perinatal period. This model highlights the complexity of ASD causation and suggests that both environmental and genetic factors contribute to the development of these disorders.

For further details, you can access the full paper through the provided DOI link: 10.3390/brainsci14050454.


The rise in autism spectrum disorders (ASDs) has prompted extensive research into potential environmental and genetic causes. A recent study by Martin L. Pall, published in Brain Sciences, provides a comprehensive model that highlights the central role of intracellular calcium ([Ca2+]i) and its disruption during the perinatal period. This model implicates electromagnetic fields (EMFs), various chemicals, and genetic mutations as significant contributors to ASD causation.

The Intracellular Calcium Model

Pall’s model centers on the hypothesis that excessive [Ca2+]i disrupts six critical mechanisms of synaptogenesis during the perinatal period:

  1. Neuronal migration
  2. Dendritic outgrowth
  3. Synapse formation
  4. Synapse maturation
  5. Synaptic pruning
  6. MeCP2 function

These disruptions, according to Pall, can lead to the neurodevelopmental abnormalities observed in ASDs.

The Role of Electromagnetic Fields (EMFs)

EMFs, especially those generated by cell phones and other wireless devices, are suggested to contribute to ASD causation by activating voltage-gated calcium channels (VGCCs) in cell membranes. This activation leads to a substantial influx of calcium ions, increasing [Ca2+]i and disrupting normal synaptogenesis.

Pall’s research aligns with a significant body of studies indicating potential health risks associated with cell phone-level electromagnetic radiation. Key studies include:

These studies collectively suggest increased health risks from cell phone-level electromagnetic radiation, reinforcing the need for caution.

The Role of Chemicals

Pall identifies 15 chemical classes implicated in autism causation, with 12 acting via NMDA receptor activation and three through other mechanisms. These chemicals, including mercury, volatile organic solvents, and certain pesticides, elevate [Ca2+]i, thereby contributing to ASD development.

The NO/ONOO(-) Cycle

The NO/ONOO(-) cycle is proposed to play a role in the chronic nature of ASDs. This cycle involves interactions between nitric oxide (NO) and peroxynitrite (ONOO(-)), leading to oxidative stress and inflammation, further exacerbating neurodevelopmental disorders.

Genetic Factors

Genetic mutations, particularly those affecting VGCCs and NMDA receptors, also contribute to elevated [Ca2+]i. These mutations can disrupt synaptogenesis and other critical neurodevelopmental processes, leading to ASDs.

Advancements in RF Radiation Research

Recent advancements in RF radiation research challenge the traditional view that non-ionizing radiation is biologically inert except for its heating properties. For instance, the FDA-approved TheraBionic treatment uses RF radiation at power levels up to 1000 times lower than those emitted by cell phones to treat inoperable liver cancer. This treatment works through non-thermal interactions at the cellular or molecular level, including:

These findings highlight the need to reconsider the biological interactions of RF radiation beyond thermal effects.


Martin L. Pall’s study offers a compelling model for understanding the central role of EMFs and chemicals in the causation of autism spectrum disorders. Coupled with the growing body of research indicating potential health risks from cell phone-level electromagnetic radiation, it underscores the importance of exercising caution and further investigating these environmental factors. As advancements in RF radiation research continue to reveal new biological interactions, the traditional views on non-ionizing radiation must be reevaluated to protect public health.


Autism: The role of electromagnetic field and chemicals during the perinatal period.
Pall ML. Central Causation of Autism/ASDs via Excessive [Ca2+]i Impacting Six Mechanisms Controlling Synaptogenesis during the Perinatal Period: The Role of Electromagnetic Fields and Chemicals and the NO/ONOO(-) Cycle, as Well as Specific Mutations. Brain Sciences. 2024; 14(5):454. doi: 10.3390/brainsci14050454.   (Published: 30 April 2024)
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